Saudi Foreign Minister
'Will Never Believe' US 911 Story

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum
Posted By Rosalinda 12-3-2
Source: Asharq, Kuwait, Nov. 28

One day after the nomination of Henry Kissinger as chairman of the 9/11 investigation commission, Prince Nayif bin Abdul Aziz, Interior Minister of Saudi Arabia, was interviewed by the Kuwaiti newspaper Assiasa. In the interview, which was republished in the Saudi daily Asharq Al-Awsat on Nov. 28, Prince Nayif expressed his doubts about the official story that Al-Qaeda carried out the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Here are some excerpts:
"You, in the media, have to think about how to protect your nations and your youth against terrorism. You have to learn how to protect your faith against being stamped as terrorism by a group of suspicious and dubious people. I am personally one of those who suspect that these terrorist organizations have relations with foreign intelligence organs which have an anti-Arab and anti-Islamic tendency. At the top of those [foreign intelligence] is the Israeli intelligence, because they [the terrorists] tried to assail us from within our bases and from within our faith and principles, Islam and the Palestinian cause. I am supposed to believe that 19 young men, of whom 15 are Saudis, managed to conduct this operation, and that bin Laden and Al-Qaeda group did that independently. This is impossible. I will never believe that. If they have this capability, then they must be supermen or probably have some heavenly power.
Yes, they are persons who are capable of killing people, blowing some shops, or become walking coffins taking themselves and others to death, but to carry out an operation with such precision, no.
I can't believe it. I am a security man. I have lived with security matters for over 30 years. But we can say that they are either agents or ignorant people. In both cases, their actions were against Islam and Muslims.
"The recent media campaigns, especially those stamping all Saudis as terrorists, and all the talk about changing the school curricula and even changing the Islamic Sharia [legislation] increased peoples' hatred of America, although the American people have no guilt in this. The American people are mainly good people. [Just stupid. They believe this stuff.-ed] We can also add that the relationships between the Saudi government and the U.S. Administration are clear and strong. There is nothing we fear from this administration. On the contrary they emphasize the significance of this relationship as was established by King Abdul Aziz and President Roosevelt. The teasers are coming from the media, which is in Zionist hands. We know that the Jews [sic] exploited the Sept. 11 events to turn the American public opinion against Arabs and Muslims. This is the objective, which they have been working to achieve for a long time. We draw big question marks and ask, who committed the Sept. 11 attacks, and who benefited from them? Who benefitted from 9/11? They are the ones who were the heroes of the events."
The emphasis on "the Jews" is a major obstacle in the way of clarifying a sound hypothesis to begin with: that the bin-Laden-did-it story is a fake.


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