Kissinger Refuses To
Testify On Latin Extermination Plan


BUENOS AIRES (AFP) - Former US secretary of State Henry Kissinger will
refuse to testify in legal action against those responsible for a plan
to exterminate the political opposition in Latin America in the 1970s
and 1980s, court sources said Thursday.
They said the intent to refuse to testify was communicated to Argentine
justice officials by the US Justice Department and would be transmitted
to federal prosecutors investigating the disappearance, torture and
deaths of political dissidents by Latin dictators of the time.
Kissinger, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for his role in
negotiating a ceasefire with communist Vietnam, was secretary of state
under President Richard Nixon and his successor, Gerald Ford, after
Nixon's resignation.
Argentinian prosecutors want to question Kissinger about his knowledge
of those responsible for the so-called "Condor Plan," the collaborative
repressive operations of dictators in South America in the 1970s and
Documents recently uncovered by the Paraguayan People's Defender's
Office, or ombudsman, reportedly reveal ties among the secret services
of past dictators in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

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