Protect Yourself From
Flu Vaccine Hazards

From John Whitley

[Excerpted from the letter below...]
"...However, as a concerned citizen, I am wondering about your story, "Why You Should Get Your Free Flu Shot" and your television ads that promote the free shots.
You mention the mild side effects of a sore arm, fever and muscle aches but I am wondering why you did not mention the more serious ones? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other standard medical sources, flu vaccine side effects can include allergic reactions, Guillain-Barre syndrome (you mention that if people have this condition they should consult their doctor but you do not say it is a side effect), severe paralytic illness and death. Do people have a right to be informed or warned about these?"
..."Do you feel you have fairly given all the facts so that people can make an informed decision on whether to take the flu vaccine? Do you believe that citizens should know the advantages, disadvantages and alternatives to any proposed medical intervention so they can have freedom of choice? Is there some reason why you have not mentioned alternatives (vitamin C, Echinacea, cod liver oil etc.) to the flu vaccine? How many more dangerous drugs like phenylpropanolamine (PPA) have to be recalled until you realize the advantages of alternative medicine?"
To: IAHF List
Subject: Protect Yourself From Flu Vaccine Hazards - Excellent Letter From Dr.Green
From: "International Advocates for Health Freedom"
IAHF List: The well written letter below by Dr. Jerry Green of Ontario Canada to his elected officials is quite timely, exposes the extreme dangers of the flu vaccine (and indirectly all vaccinations) and asks some very important questions which expose the payola scam of the Pharma Cartel/Vaccine industry which is another cog in the multinational corporate death machine which IAHF steadfastly opposes across the board. If you have a kid and the school attempts to tell you that they "require" the kid to be vaccinated, tell them to take a flying leap: here's how- go to <> and check out the anti vaccination section, there are many anti vaccination parents groups there that can fill you in on the lowdown on how to go about refusing vaccinations which are nothing more than a genocide agenda to reduce world population. Vaccines are loaded with aluminum, all kinds of toxins and cause Alzheimers. Don't want the flu? Megadose on vitamin C, take echinacea, use zinc lozenges, take proanthocyanadins, take B-vitamins, exercise, use a sauna, have more sex, but don't get a "free" flu shot, its an EVIL SCAM and it could injure you or your kid severely or kill, but they never provide proper informed consent! Dr. Green's letter below is VERY ACCURATE! Please Forward to More People.
From Dr. Jerry Green, MD
Subject: Protect Yourself From Flu Vaccine Hazards
Dear Friend,
I am enclosing a letter to Ontario Premier Mike Harris. I would appreciate your help by contacting him to support my concerns. Please forward this email to your list...and to Mr. Harris.
More info on my expanded website:
November 8, 2000
Hon. Mike Harris
Legislative Building
Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A1
Phone: 416.325.1941
Fax: 416.325.3745
Email: <>
Dear Mr. Harris,
I would like to thank you for informing us of recent events with your colorful Fall 2000 Report to Ontario Taxpayers.
However, as a concerned citizen, I am wondering about your story, "Why You Should Get Your Free Flu Shot" and your television ads that promote the free shots.
You mention the mild side effects of a sore arm, fever and muscle aches but I am wondering why you did not mention the more serious ones? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other standard medical sources, flu vaccine side effects can include allergic reactions, Guillain-Barre syndrome (you mention that if people have this condition they should consult their doctor but you do not say it is a side effect), severe paralytic illness and death. Do people have a right to be informed or warned about these?
Investigative news programs often document people who have suffered the side effects from routine immunization. While the percentage is small, it is little comfort to victims that many others escaped. I assume you would want to avoid legal action from people who suffered serious side effects as a result not being informed? Can your government survive another scandal like Walkerton?
Do you feel you have fairly given all the facts so that people can make an informed decision on whether to take the flu vaccine? Do you believe that citizens should know the advantages, disadvantages and alternatives to any proposed medical intervention so they can have freedom of choice? Is there some reason why you have not mentioned alternatives (vitamin C, Echinacea, cod liver oil etc.) to the flu vaccine? How many more dangerous drugs like phenylpropanolamine (PPA) have to be recalled until you realize the advantages of alternative medicine?
Is this your idea of preventive medicine? If so, is this a good example? Are you afraid that if people knew the whole story, they would be less likely to take the free vaccine?
Do you want people to feel like they are getting something for nothing? Who is actually benefiting from this free program? How much will this free campaign cost us? What political contributions have the manufacturers of the vaccine made?
There are a number of parents who have refused to have their children vaccinated because they believe the risk of harm outweighs the benefits. Do you support these parents?
I can appreciate the difficulty of your being knowledgeable in this area. I would therefore appreciate knowing the names of your medical advisors. Do you feel you have developed an over reliance on medical doctors?
I know that, as an elected representative, you are concerned about this situation. I am confident you will correct it.
Yours truly,
J. Green
5334 Yonge Street Suite 2016
Toronto, Ontario


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