UFO Sightings Continue
Rapid Pace Around US

George A. Filer
Director, Mutual UFO Network
MUFON Skywatch Investigations
Filer's Files #49 12-2-2

Note new Filers URL:

On November 26, 2002, at 4 PM, (EST) North American Aerospace Defense Command received unverified reports of a contrail of unknown origin in the vicinity of the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean. Fighters were scrambled from several bases to intercept the unknown that was heading northwest toward the US. Commercial airline pilots later reported the contrail over Florida and later over Indiana. A contrail is a white trail of condensed water vapor that sometimes forms in the wake of an aircraft. No visual or confirmed radar contact was made with the actual source of the contrail.
My name is Ellie Quigley and last month in October my aunt and I were driving up to Vermont from CT. While my Aunt was driving, I was taking pictures of the colorful foliage. In one of my pictures, I noticed later when we got home, there are weird streaks in view. When I took the picture I didn't even notice it. I took the picture thru the windshield of the rental car we were in. Attached to this email is the picture. Can you please tell me what you think it might be? Or not be. Thanks to Ellie Quigley
On December 2, 2002, a bright light many people saw streaking across the sky between 5 and 5:30 AM, early Monday morning was a bolide or fireball, said Geoff Chester, a spokesman at the US Naval Observatory. "This is basically a large meteor. We're talking about a rock here that's on the order of size of a suitcase or something like that. The object entered the Earth's atmosphere at altitude of between 80 to 100 miles or so it is vaporizing and leaving a very bright trail of light behind it",
BALTIMORE -- Bill Bean sent me a video tape of a strange cloud he videotaped on October 6, 2002, at 6:35 PM just after the sun set. Virtually all the clouds in the sky except one appeared cloudy and dark. One was bright and very strange in appearance as if electrified plasma. Thanks to Bill Bean. Photographs at: Filer's Files UFO CENTER PHOTOS
WHITE HALL -- On November 9, 2002, I took my family to the reservoir at Sugar Hollow just outside of Shenandoah National Park. I was using a digital camera to take photos of the kids and scenery at 11:51 AM and did not notice any object in sky while on site. Later I reviewed the images on the computer and noticed a distant object in one scenic mountain shot.
A dome-shaped triangular object appears in only one shot taken at 11:51 AM. The other shots I took were probably spaced 30 seconds to several minutes apart, most of which were in the same general direction as the shot with object. If this is indeed an object and not some kind of digital "noise", I estimate that its position places it somewhere over the National Park. I think object is slightly blurred, which would indicate very high rate of speed given distance to object and sunny conditions. If it were a balloon, however, I would have likely imaged it in one or more photos I took before and after the one that recorded the object. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC
MACON --Annamarie Johnstone reports that daylight photos of chemtrails taken by Mr. Heard on November 26, 2002, contain anomalous objects. A cylinder shaped object is sighted between V chemtrails. His photos show 3, 6, and 7 show disc shaped objects. Thanks to Annamarie Johnstone PhD.
PORTSMOUTH -- Dave Crisp wrote, "While I was video taping chemtrails in Southern Ohio on November 20, 2002, I was looking up and noticed this white cylinder traveling somewhat slower than a jet aircraft.´ Flying east, I did not think it was anything. Actually, I thought it was a plane. I am near-sighted. So, at the time I thought "Big deal, maybe it's a jet connected with the chemtrails, I'll get it on film." After looking at it closely, it was not anything I have seen. Taken on November 20th, 2002 at 3pm. No sound. No lights. I would guess moving 400 mph. Slow for a UFO. I do have a good video of it. Thanks to Dave Crisp.
HAMMOND -- Craft silently hovered above normal air traffic heading to Chicago at 8:15 PM on November 13, 2002,, motionless for ten+ minutes. Then began to move silently to the southwest, stopped and remained motionless for an additional 7 or 8 minutes. They moved very slowly and totally silent toward the north until I could not see it, because it went behind the tree line. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC
MILAN -- Two high school students were heading home in their mini-van at 9:30 PM, when one saw a big triangle shaped craft over downtown on November 15, 2002. The student reports, "It was really low, and was flying well below the extremely low clouds. It was triangle shaped, with alternating red, blue, and pulsing white lights on each angle. It did this weird dead stop, and just did a complete V turn in the opposite direction. It sped off really fast but turned around again, like it was circling something. I've seen things like this before, one time an object almost exactly the same passed over my house, just above my tree, then three others followed, but I have never seen one do a turn like that and then speed up. Anyway, I soon went in, but as far as I know, it's still circling down town. It may be coincidence, but last night 3 brothers were killed in a fire close to downtown, where they flew. NUFORC
EAU CLAIRE -- Larry D. reports, "I am filing this report for my daughter Amy, who saw a flying triangle on November 25, 2002, directly over our house. The triangle was low on the horizon, 3 blocks southeast of the airport flying ESE lower than a normal landing pattern. It was roughly half again as fast as most jets that land over us and its shape was "stealthy", but an equilateral triangle, not a pointy triangle. It made no noise and was seen for thee seconds and gave my daughter "the chills" seeing it. Its color was a medium gray, not black. I showed her a photos of the F-117 and she felt this was more triangular, and flatter on top. I drew several drawings and she chose one which has a small soft bump in the middle of the flat wing section. The speed and location of this plane are totally out of the norm. This is the landing area for the airport, and there is no cross low flying traffic allowed for safety. so my only opinion left is a triangular UFO. Thanks to UFOWisconsin Report
SAVAGE -- MUFON's Bill McNeff reports, "A pilot observed a delta-shaped object in clear skies on October 14, 2002, flying south at 1:22 AM". The object had three soft white lights at its vertices which shone downward. It was about forty feet in width flying at about 1500 feet altitude and at 150 knots. The pilot stated, "It flew straight and level for about five seconds, then rolled right to a 45 degree angle which caused the downward lights to shine brighter, as they were directed more toward me -- the object then rolled left back to a straight and level position without making a sound." The object never appeared to change course or altitude during this rolling activity and was lost on the horizon. The object was observed passing in front of the beams of light from the Mystic Lake Casino. The observer is familiar with the air traffic around Minneapolis International Airport, about 20 miles to the northeast. This object did not conform to any recognizable aircraft navigational lighting or flight patterns. The sudden rolling activity and lack of sound is very uncharacteristic for commercial aircraft. Thanks to Bill McNeff at
MULLEN -- For four nights after work my boyfriend and I have been driving home and have seen lights making loops, bouncing and doing all sorts of strange maneuvers. On November 9, 2002, it kept up with our car at perfect speed and got very close at 11:00 PM. I got scared but once we reached town we watched it move around for several hours. On November 9th, we saw at least five the lights seemed to be red-white-and blue. We looked into the video camera and it was an assortment of all colors changing very fast every few seconds. We watched this for several hours again and it was still there when we left. I have this on video showing it moving at incredible speeds and changing colors rapidly. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC
GRAND JUNCTION -- I was walking towards the supermarket on Rood Avenue just minutes before sunset on November 14, 2002. It was still very light out but there was an orangish coloration on the mountains. There was a "starish" metallic shine in the clear sky that faded in about ten seconds, but I could see that it was a metallic object going away a lot slower than a jet. There were two pods melded together at 7 to 10,000 feet altitude and another one apparently appeared!! I looked elsewhere and saw no other objects in the sky except a second one, that looked like the first one except closer. I looked closely at the second object: still that weirdness to it that didn't quite look like a jet with apparently two pods with those two bubbly portions left and right. Think of a shorter and fatter cigar shapes craft hanging horizontally in the sky but with two pods for each side bulging out. It also appeared to be subtly change shape. A closer inspection of the object revealed a slight faint spray exhaust coming out of the tail like a jet fuel spray. Then they both suddenly were GONE! Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC
SAN PEDRO -- The witnesses observed 7 to 10 red flashing lights in a triangular shape moving silently and slowly due south at 7:00 PM, on November 13, 2002. Many other small planes in relatively the same area were moving much more quickly than this object.
HACIENDA HEIGHTS -- The boyfriend was driving his sick girlfriend home who was laying down in the back seat on November 13, 2002. The witness reports, I looked towards Turnball Canyon at 6:15 PM, and saw a huge round strange orange object with lots of red and white lights around it. It was round like an upside down charcoal gray bowl with red lights around the rim. I could see some white lights underneath the object like it was searching for something. There were little white lights just enough to see very dim. I yelled "Is that a UFO?" My boyfriend freaked as he saw it moving. This thing was huge maybe as big as an air balloon, when you look at it while it is still on the ground. Out of excitement, terror, or amazement I stared tearing. Just as fast as I took that look is how fast it was gone.
Editor's Note: There seems to be a fleet of Flying Triangle aircraft flying low over the US. I wonder if they belong to us? They might be a new type of dirgible.
SEATTLE (AP) - A ball of fire streaking across the sky on November 28, 2002, was seen throughout the Northwest. The burning light came from a Russian rocket body re-entering the Earth's atmosphere about 6:15 a.m. Witnesses said it had a long tail, which seemed to break into two pieces and appeared to move more slowly than a shooting star, but faster than a plane..
TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- On November 23, 2002, Brian Vike received a telephone call around 5:15 p.m. from two separate witnesses explaining that they just had witnessed some strange lights over Thron Hill Mountain. Five people watched moving lights near some large towers. One of the witnesses said the bright white light was approx: double the size of the planet Venus. The witnesses watched the light for 10 to 15 seconds until it grew smaller and disappeared. The witnesses mentioned sky was clear except for a large cloud which hung over the mountain where the lights were spotted. Seeing if was so stormy (windy) the witnesses all found it weird that the cloud stayed in its position and did not move until all the lights were gone. Fifteen minutes later two lights showed up over the same area, and blinked out in less than a minute before the lights blinked out.
ONTARIO, CANADA -- The witnesses were having a party at a lake in Northern Ontario several years ago, when an object was observed dropping down from the night sky and straight into the lake. He explained that all of them were amazed at what they just saw. The next morning, "early" all of the witnessed said they noticed military helicopters flying over and around the area. The fellow I talked with was surprised to see nothing in any newspaper about what they all witnessed. Thanks to Brian Vike UFO Field Investigator, HBCC UFO Research & Canadian Communicator
RIO GRANDE DO SUL -- A silvery cigar-shaped UFO was sighted in several cities near the border with Uruguay on November 1, 2002. Hundreds of people saw a silver UFO flying rapidly over the cities of Gravatai, Cachoeirinha, and Canoas. The same day, at 4:35 PM, a silver UFO was spotted in Praia do Cassino, a town on the South Atlantic shore. Eyewitness Eduardo Enderle Oliveira reported, "I was playing ball on the beach with my son and his friend when the boys sighted something unusual in the sky and saw it was a metallic fuselage in the form of a cigar. There were no wings. I called the attention of several beachgoers to this object, which flew at a very high altitude overhead. There was a brilliant gleam in the sky, most likely a reflection of the sun, and, as it departed, it resembled a brilliant sphere which gradually diminished in size."
On November 18th, dozens saw a UFO over Casimiro de Abreu. The object, seen by, was videotaped by Sergio Chapelin. On November 22nd, at 8:50 PM, "witnesses observed the overflight of a ring-shaped object over port city Santos with rapidly alternating yellow, white and blue lights around the rim. The object flew southeast, and was seen by hundreds of people. Thanks to the Brazilian newspaper O Globo 11/19/02, Eduardo Enderle Oliveira, Rodrigo Branco of Ufologia Brasileira, and UFO ROUNDUP Vol.7, #48, 11/26/02 Editor: Joseph Trainor
LAGUNA DEL SAUCE -- On November 2, 2002, in a rural area in Maldonado province, "a man who works in the (rain) forest claims to have seen a V- shaped object with two white lights on it. It was moving backwards." Two days later they found several mutilated calves" near that location. "It seemed as if something had extracted the flesh and the organs from the animals. There were no brains, no tongues, no flesh, and the cowhide was affected only in the place where the anus should be." On November 8, 2002, a mutilation took place in Establecimento Stella Maris. Many ranchers feel the cases are related to extraterrestrials, while the government authorities blamed a kind of wasp or a red mouse that could attack cows. Thanks to Carlos Barboza of eso informe.
CONCEPCION DE LA SIERRA -- Julio Frette a veterinarian stated that there were four more mutilation cases" in northern Misiones province during August. He added that they were not reported earlier due to the ignorance of the parties who made the discoveries. At the town of Apostoles, a rancher found a mutilated animal and set it on fire." A zebu hybrid cow was found dead, and strange incisions were found on its body. "The animal suffered the mutilation of its internal organs, tongue, jaw, ear, larynx, pharynx, rectum, large intestine, genitals, and esophagus. The abdominal cavity was open and a calf missing. One of the incisions was perfectly cauterized. The tissue rapidly acquired an almost shiny black coloration. Police officers, the owner, and the veterinarian examined the bovine. The carcass gave off intense odor and there were no sign of a struggle or self-defense by the animal. Thanks to Scott Corrales and Liliana Nunez Institute of Hispanic Ufology Translation (C)2002.
EL OSO WILDERNESS -- Diario "El Liberal"reports a cow was found with a mutilated head and genitalia on November 15, 2002, in the Aguirre Department. The mutilated animal was discovered last Sunday in a field 33 km south of Malbrán, and is the property of Oscar Suarez. Suarez told EL LIBERAL: "The cow was missing the hide off its maxillaries, its tongue and left eye, an ear and four teats, but the remainder was quite sound even though it had been dead for several days. Thanks to Guillermo Aguilera and Raul Gajardo Leopold and Diario "El Liberal.
COVENTRY -- The witness reports, "I was watching the stars at 1:03 AM on November 15, 2002, while walking home and saw something shoot across the sky, that I thought was a shooting star." Then I realized it was not a shooting star as the craft hovered for five seconds before shooting off, at a speed that I could hardly tell it had gone. The craft when it was stationary seemed to glow green in color, and left a green streak as it left from my vision. One of my friends who was with me claims to have seen the exact same thing.
Ministry of Defence's restricted "Rendlesham File, a detailed account of a UFO near a Suffolk RAF base more than 20 years ago was finally released by the British Government under the Freedom of Information Act. The sighting of a glowing triangular 'strange glowing object' in Rendlesham Forest near RAF Woodbridge in the early hours of December 27, 1980, is described in colorful detail. US Air Force men witnessed the object hover in the darkness, transmitting blue pulsating lights and sending nearby farm animals into a "frenzy." In the report entitled "Unexplained Lights," Lt. Col. Charles I Halt, Deputy Base Commander at RAF Bentwaters, witnessed an object emitting a "red sun-like light" moving through the trees. USAF security police patrolmen first spotted "unusual lights. "and three patrolman investigated and saw a strange glowing triangular metallic object in the forest. It was two to three meters across the base and two meters high. "It illuminated the entire forest with a white light and a pulsing red light on top with a bank of blue lights underneath. "As the patrolmen approached the hovering object, it maneuvered through the trees and disappeared. At this time the animals on a nearby farm went into a frenzy."
The UFO was spotted an hour later near the back gate to the base. Next morning Lt. Col. Halt and his men discovered three circular depressions, seven inches in diameter, in the ground. Radiation measuring 0.1 milliroentgens was recorded in the depressions -- a level 10 times higher than normal. "Later in the night a red sun-like light was seen through the trees. It moved about and pulsed. At one point it appeared to throw off glowing particles and then broke into five separate white objects and then disappeared. "Immediately thereafter, three star-like objects were noticed that moved rapidly in sharp angular movements and displayed red, green and blue lights for an hour. The object to the south was visible for two or three hours and beamed down a stream of light." The UFO did not show up on RAF radar. "No evidence was found of any threat to the defence of the United Kingdom
ORBASSANO --The Italian Center for UFO Studies reports, "A clamor was raised all over Italy because of a mysterious object sighted by a night watchman in Turin, in the early hours of September 28, 2002. The watchman said, "The UFO phenomenon was preceded by control monitors in the surveillance cabin failing, and at the same time that the electronic-controlled gate opened by itself in the truck rest-area at 4:27 a.m. The young man went outside to investigate and felt something akin to a slight breeze, which was accompanied by a whistling noise. He then found himself enshrouded in a beam of light emanating from above. He saw a luminous disc approximately 3 meters in diameter rotating on itself, which streaked out of sight after a few seconds, as if swallowed up by the sky. The monitor then came back on. The frightened watchman then telephoned the Carabinieri and appeared shaken when the patrol squad arrived.
There were 38 observations in October, for a total of 615 sightings in Italy for the first ten months of this year. Thanks to UFOTEL, Edoardo Russo,
ALICE SPRINGS -- Researcher Conway Costigan reports he received a call from three witnesses who observed four silver oval craft high in the daytime sky that emerged from a cloudbank on November 27, 2002. The craft were traveling in a diamond formation. While they were viewing this they heard a 'snap' noise and a white triangular object with rounded corners and dark ovoid highlights on the top surface seemed to appear from nowhere. This craft was suspended under a large parachute. It drifted out of sight of the witnesses. The four silver craft appeared to trail it for a few seconds and faded from sight. The witness who is in the aeronautics industry estimates the white triangular craft is roughly the size of a 747 jumbo jet in length. This was a one-shot and I can't phone this guy back. I did verify that the call originated from Australia, although I don't know how they got my number. They said that they were familiar with my attempts to analyze sightings Thanks to Conway Costigan.
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Filer's Files is copyrighted 2002 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the complete files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name, address, or story confidential. CAUTION, MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION.
Regards, George Filer
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