Proof Smallpox
Bifurcated Needles May Be Reused

From Patricia Doyle, PhD

Hello Jeff - In the event that someone questions the statements regarding reusable bifurcated needles, I am providing guidelines relating to official smallpox vaccination protocol and namely the statement regarding the needles.
I recevied a letter from someone purporting to be a scientist who stated the syringes would be disposable. Well, just for openers, there are fewer doses of vaccine then there are bifurcated needles so, at this time, we can do the math and figure that they will be reused.
The bifurcated needles on hand are the same ones from pre-1970s and those were reusable.
I will try to find the actual numbers involved in doses of vaccine and bifurcated needle supply. The company that made them is out of business and new ones will have to be manufactured.
I am sure that the Bush administration and CDC, etc. will not like me pointing out risks that they would like kept quiet, such as the blatant risk of transmitting CJD, HIV and HCV from reusing bifurcated needles in Bush's smallpox vaccine program.
Also, the bovine sera and other animal content in the vaccine, itself poses a big risk for infection with mad cow disease aka nvCJD.
I have also pointed out the risk of vaccinia infection being spread to the nonvaccinated.
Also: I will send you the MD Anderson protocol notification. MD Anderson Cancer hospital is concerned for vaccinated health care workers who will be within 6 feet of cancer patients. They are implementing special protocols for vaccinated employees. So, what does that tell you about contact vaccinia virus?
for html version:
Page B-15, 8. CDC Recommendations for Handling, Cleaning and Sterilizing Bifurcated Immunization
Needles in Healthcare Settings
We would recommend that the first time you refer to sterilizing bifurcated needles, both in the heading and in the discussion/background, you use the following wording:
#147... Cleaning and Sterilizing Reusable Bifurcated Immunization Needles. . . .
#148 & #147... Sterile, reusable bifurcated needles are used to administer. . . .
Patricia A. Doyle, PhD
Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at:
Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa
Go with God and in Good Health
Why There Is A Needle Shortage
Hi, Jeff ... I should elaborate a bit more about the dose and needle supply. OK, the smallpox dryvax came in 100 doses of vaccine/100 bifurcated needle kits. It has been made public that the old vaccine was to be *diluted* thus adding greatly to the supply of readily available vaccine.
So, we now have 200 doses of vaccine but only 100 original bifurcated needles. This will be the situation until more needles can be manufactured. They no longer use the old smallpox needle gun as it had been replace by the bifurcated needle that was used in worldwide smallpox eradication program in the 70s.
The company (sole provider at the time) who made the needles, i.e. bifurcated, went out of business. It therefore left us with a current problem of diluted doses and shortage of bifurcated needles. Remember original count was 100 doses, 100 bifurcated needles.
I did find a CDC protocol regarding the sterilization of bifurcated needles for reuse. This information has not be publicised in the press and most people are unaware of it.


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