2 Hospitals Refuse Bush
Smallpox Vaccination Orders
From Patricia Doyle, PhD

Hello, Jeff - Refer also to the MD Anderson protocol, i.e. special protocol for newly=vaccinated workers who must work within 6 feet of cancer patients.
Some hospitals have recognized the danger of contact vaccinia for patients with surpressed immune systems. Jeff, you know yourself, that people in hospital have weakened immune systems, no matter what the illness. Just being in hospital is stressful and causes stress on the immune system.
Let us hope that word gets and out other hospitals follow suit.
2 Hospitals Refuse Call To Vaccinate Workers
By Ceci Connolly
Washington Post Staff Writer
Two prominent teaching hospitals are refusing to vaccinate their employees against smallpox, rejecting President Bush's call for mass inoculation of front-line medical workers who would be the first to confront a biological attack.
Officials at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta and Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond said yesterday that the risk of dangerous side effects of the vaccine and inadvertent transmission to patients outweigh the remote threat of an attack with a virus that has not been seen since the 1970s. Three other large medical centers, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Emory Medical Center in Atlanta and the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics are leaning against inoculating their staffs.
For the full story
© 2002 The Washington Post Company
Patricia A. Doyle, PhD
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