Wellstone Sons Uninvite Cheney
From Father's Service
From Anonymous

This news has not yet been posted in newspapers or even on the website of WCCO-TV (the Twin Cities CBS affiliate that reported the news tonight, Monday, 10-28-02):
The Wellstone sons are so disgusted with Republicans "disrespectful negative politicking" in the wake of their father's death that they have uninvited Dick Cheney from the memorial service to be held tomorrow, Tuesday.
The state Republican chairman, said to be acting upon direction from Washington "didn't have the decency to stop politicking for one day." In TV appearances, he is characterizing Mondale as a relic of the past and demanding five debates in five days. He made visits to all the media on Sunday, trying to get them to call for debates.
The White House disputed the claim that Cheney had been uninvited and said he would not be attending "for security reasons." Tommy Thompson will be representing the White House.

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