FBI Does Not Have
Muhammad's Bushmaster Rifle

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum
Posted By: SCRIBE
Date: Monday, 28 October 2002, 5:38 p.m.


Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 3:06 AM
Subject: [govtwatch] FBI Sniper FRAMEUP UNCOVERED: "Muhammad's rifle" was planted by FBI. Muhammad sold back the real rifle to the same gunshop where he bought it before the shootings!!!!
FBI does NOT have Muhammad's "Bushmaster" Rifle
Monitoring KIRO's Dave Ross program in Seattle ... He just had a representative from Welcher's Gun Shop in Tacoma (Tel: 253-472-1113) on the air... Welcher's did originally sell a Bushmaster to John Allen Muhammad in December of 1999 ... BUT... Welcher's BOUGHT THE RIFLE BACK from Muhammad on May 23, 2000. That weapon was later resold to another customer in the Tacoma area who presently has that weapon in his possession under safe-keeping. This means the alleged sniper rifle the FBI has in its possession DID NOT BELONG to John Allen Williams Muhammad.
From Sallie8001
A few other things do not jive i.e.:
1) A GPS tracking device, a two way radio, and a Lap Top Computer were found in Williams car according to a reliable source who contacted Joyce Riley. The NSA had satellites but refused to share any film with local authorities, which led me to the conclusion, that they probably had them under surveillance at all times. They could have been the look out when the local police were around, so they would not be caught too early to maximize the fear factor.
2) Williams bragged to his friends he worked for the CIA/FBI
3) Moose (DC Police chief) and Williams (sniper) both served in the same National Guard Unit back in Washington State.
4) One day there was a hole in the back of the trunk of the car, when that question came of as to how he could use the scope on the rifle through just one, they quickly changed their story to two holes.
5) What happened to the shell casings if he was shooting out of the trunk? They never mentioned finding any, and I'm sure would have bragged about it.
6) He was stopped 10 times and never got caught. I haven't been stopped 10 times in my whole life, and I have been driving for years.
7) Where is the white van (red herring)?
8) He was a homeless person, but was able to fly there, buy a car, has living expenses for eats, etc -- where did he get the money?  He apparently slept in his car, and even stopped at a Subway Sand. Shop and asked to sleep in their back lot.
9) FBI claimed to have found a tripod. They do not use tripods on that type of weapon only the 50 cals and 50 cal machine guns. They use a bipod on 223, 243, 22-250, AK 47, 30-06.
10) Now they say his accomplice Malvo shot the FBI analyst -- who has the experience -- would Williams chance using his friend with less shooting experience? Actually there were 2 FBI analysts shot. What's the chance of that happening in a city as large as DC? Practically mathematically impossible. Perhaps they knew too much and were hits?
11) They fell asleep in a public place right out in front of a rest stop, under a light. Someone talked to the truck driver and pointed them out, then took off even though there was $500,000 reward -- their handler?
12) No gun or wrong gun - looks like they planted the evidence, which they have been known to do.
13) Both being black, it is very unusual they would shoot another black person under those circumstances unless they were under mind control, giving them no choice. I'm not being racist, but it's just a fact.
14) There was lots of litigation before Congress.
15) Shootings have picked up across the country again, as when Columbine happened but didn't create enough outrage -- they are looking for another excuse for gun control? Looks like an inside job and more like MK Ultras known to be used by CIA/FBI
Sniper Comment Related To Cherokee Story
Dr. Colin Ross, MD a mind control expert believes the sniper(s) were mind control victims. <>

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