- After an article on UFO sightings in Telkwa and Houston
was published in last week's edition of The Interior News, reports on UFO
sightings are flying in and credibity of the sightings are gaining momentum.
- "I can't keep up with all that is going on, "
said an excited and exhausted Houston UFO researcher Brian Vike.
- A flurry of phone calls, on-site interviews and investigative
research has left Vike with little sleep. Since the papers hit the stands,
five witnesses came forward, claiming they saw the white ball of light
Telkwa resident Gordon Stewart glimpsed on the evening of July 29.
- After reading the paper, Quick teacher Dina Hanson called
Stewart to share the details of her sighting, which she recorded in her
journal the day after her experience. Her son, civic engineer Ryan Hanson
also saw the object, which partially matched Stewarts's description.
- The Hanson's sighting also took place July 29, five minutes
earlier than Stewarts's sighting, traveling in a southwesterly direction
from Quick towards Telkwa.
- Both observations commented on the awe striking brightness
and size of the light; the white and yellow hues and soundless travel at
a speed, which exceeded the propulsion of a man-made object. Some of the
differences between the two incidents was that Dina's light shape was an
elongated circle opposed to Stewart's round one. Dina also noted a slight
downward trajectory to her object, unlike Stewart's parallel flight pattern.
- However, Ryan introduced that because the object was
moving away from his mother and himself, the object may have just appeared
to be dropping because of their perspective. Dina originally attributed
her experience to a meteorite sighting, but after a phone call to a professor
at the University of Northern B.C. revealed that meteorites produce sound,
Dina is uncertain. "I am pretty cynical about things like UFO's, "
she said. "But because there was no sound, I think it is remotely
possible it was something else."
- A Smithers family of late night hot tubbers comprised
of both adults and children also contacted Stewart, sharing a similar story,
adding that the light engaged in a series of loops. Smithers resident Dan
Derbyshire was also added to the list in an unrelated sighting. However,
he wanted to support those stumbling upon these unexplainable phenomenon's.
"Sometimes people feel they are the only ones (that are seeing unusual
sights)," Derbyshire said, "But I thought I'd let them know,
they aren't alone."
- Like many other UFO reports, the edges of reality expand
with the number of incidents reported as viewers digest science fiction's
fanciful imagination with tangible physical experiences. "It was not
what I classify as a flying saucer," Derbyshire noted of the craft,
which reminded him of a metallic 40-gallon barrel, heading towards Houston
at an estimated 300 kilometers per hour. He stated he is a UFO believer,
but dismissed his incident as an American flight exercise in one breath
while pondering over why he heard no sound in another.
- His experience neither fits H.G. Wells' War of The Worlds
where aliens employ mass destruction in tea- cup-and-saucer shaped crafts
nor did it fit with the characteristics of a man-made aircraft. Reality
and rationale collided as he attempted to interpret what he saw. Unlike
a plane, there were no wings on the ribbed object and its flight was soundless,
Derbyshire noted. Unlike many UFO sightings, the object did not emanate
a white glowing light nor assume the regular saucer form, he added.
- Vike surmises Derbyshire's suspicions are correct after
a series of phone calls attributed the sighting to a military reconnaissance
drone. Although if this assessment is correct, many more questions arise
about what is going on for Vike. "A secret military exercise?"
Vike questioned. "Who knows". Vike's suspicions are rising as
reports of military trucks are detected around Houston and the Telkwa High
Road. Vike and his wife also saw and heard the hum of large turbo propellers
of military type crafts flying over Houston on August 8. "Something
is going on," Vike alleged. Despite the couple both seeing and hearing
the two military crafts, the Smithers air tower told Vike there was no
air activity in the Houston vicinity.
- Stewart is heartened by the additional reports coming
in. "(People) can't say I've lost my marbles," Stewart laughed.
"There are too many people who have seen it. I am not the only one."
- www.interior-news.com