West Nile Probably NOT Being
Spread By Migrating Birds

The following two emails point toward an entirely unusual epidemiological spread pattern for West Nile Virus. -ed
From Mary Sparrowdancer 8-25-2
Hi Jeff,
There's a statement in the Reuters news article "Cuba Offers to Help US Contain West Nile Virus," that just doesn't seem quite clear to me.
" . . . West Nile virus, which is moving across the United States mainly through bird migration . . . "
From my observations as a former long-time wildlife rehabilitator, the summer months are primarily the breeding months for most of our birds (with a few exceptions, of course) - so, these would NOT be months of expected migration.
Even if they were migratory months, however, migratory routes are generally north/south in direction. It seems strange for the WNV to be blamed "mainly on bird migration" when the WNV appears to be following a more east-to-west course.
Kind regards,
Mary Sparrowdancer
From Patricia Doyle, PhD
Exactly! We would have expected some zigzagging effect from birds that normally stay within a 50 mile area this time of year. There might possibly be a slight cross area contamination, but by and large West Nile Virus should NOT have passed the 97th meridian. Most epidemiologists thought it would not pass the 97th.
Also, I have heard the theory that the birds were infected in Cuba and sent North. This really would not be the case because the infections would have been seen first in the south - in Florida and North Carolina, Carolina, etc., not FIRST in New York near Plum Island. As the writer shows, the virus is going due west along the interstates. Since when do birds migrate along interstates due west. Maybe they got tired this year and decided to vacation in California and they are hitchiking out in true "hippy" fashion of the 60s and 70s! grins!
Some epidemiologists thought that perhaps, WNV might hit California from birds migrating north from Central and South America. No one ever dreamed of a due west spread of the virus along major US Interstate highways.
That, to my mind, spells H-U-M-A-N. Whether by carlessness or plan, but human.
Patricia A. Doyle, PhD Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at: Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa Go with God and in Good Health

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