Judicial Watch Sues Bill Clinton,
Congressional Democrats For
Instigating Attempted IRS Audit

From Judicial Watch
For Immediate Release
Contact: Press Office  202 646-5172

Smoking Gun White House Document Shows Clinton Illegally Influenced IRS Decision to Audit Judicial Watch
WASHINGTON, DC - Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has filed a civil rights lawsuit against Bill Clinton and top Congressional Democrats (including Charles Rangel, Martin Frost, Jim Moran, Tom Harkin, John Lewis, and Richard Neal) for instigating a political audit of Judicial Watch by the IRS.
Documents produced to Judicial Watch by the IRS under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) included a copy of a email to President Clinton at the White House which stated:
I have received solicitation for funds and a questionnaire >from Larry Klayman, of Judicial Watch. They have targeted you and the Vice President. My question is how can this obviously partisan organization be classified as tax exempt under 501(C)(3). I think you and your wife have done a great job in spite of the partisan attacks against both of you.
The IRS documents show the email, which was sent to the IRS Commissioner Charles Rossottiâs office by President Clinton, was received by the IRS on or about September 22, 1998. Judicial Watchâs first audit notice was dated two weeks later, on October 6, 1998. It is illegal and criminal for the President to directly or indirectly request an IRS audit of any taxpayer. Separately, Judicial Watch had been told by an IRS official that an audit was to be expected for suing President Clinton. (Judicial Watch continues to fight the politically-motivated IRS audit in court.)
After four years, the IRS also finally was forced to release various "complaints" about Judicial Watch from Democrat members of Congress (named above), showing a widespread campaign to illegally pressure the IRS to audit Judicial Watch.
Judicial Watch filed its lawsuit against Clinton and the Democrat members of Congress yesterday here in federal court. The lawsuit alleges a conspiracy to violate Judicial Watchâs First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment rights. A copy of the lawsuit is available on the Judicial Watch Internet site at The case is before Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.
"A citizen ought to be able to petition the government, or even sue the president, without fear of a retaliatory tax audit. Under Clinton, the IRS was sorely abused, as most of his perceived enemies were audited by the IRS. And now the IRSâs own documents show that Clinton was aided and abetted by Congressional Democrats who sought to destroy anyone who questioned the ethics of the Clinton regime. No one is above the law and Judicial Watch looks forward to holding these powerful politicians accountable in court," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.
To view the complaint:
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