- Comment
- From Daniel Villarreal
- I wanted to say that I figured out what caused those
triangle clouds in the photos.
- I was heading to work very early in the morning and I
looked to the East and noticed the same formation as in those pictures.
There was this neatly sliced triangle-like cloud. I then noticed that
further in the distance, as the sun was just making its way over the horizon,
that some other clouds were blocking the suns rays and they cast shadows
on the clouds closer towards me.
- These shadows almost were the same color as the sky,
and if you weren't able to see the clouds in the distance obscuring the
sun's rays, you'd probably wonder what could cause a section of clouds
to appear sliced something like a triangle.
- I seriously doubt those photos have anything to do with
Haarp. I'm afraid I didn't explain what I saw very well, but I know what
caused those formations in those pictures, and it was nature itself.
- ___
- I live on the beach in Key West, Florida. My patio is
twenty feet above the sand...the water is 50 feet away. There are 5 palm
trees that follow my patio around the corner of the condo. At the corner,
you can see to the north; to the southwest, about 250 degrees. they call
it a 'horseshoe' patio.
- During the spring to the fall, the sun sets out of view
- the condo building, four stories, blocks the view of the island, to the
north and west.
- Sometime in the late summer of 2000 -- we don't know
exactly...and that is part of this weird story -- I was sitting on the
patio at sundown. The sun was shinning brightly and it was above the horizon.
I was admiring the 'after glow' which was exceptional. The sky and cloud
formations where brilliant pink. In four years of sitting and watching
the sun set, this was the most beautiful sunset, ever.
- All of a sudden these wedge-shaped formations appeared
out of nowhere, over the condo, to the east. They were moving from our
left to right (basically, north to south) slowly but perceptively. I swear
to whatever that they looked like a piece of pie. I thought we were being
invaded by the wedge people. It was dramatic.
- The attached photo is the first in the series. You can
see that the brilliant pink in the upper part of the sky is gone but the
sunlight is illuminating the lower portion of the sky in the east. The
three dimensional effect is apparent.
- The lone palm tree is the first landmark. The second
wedge can be "seen" through the palm tree to the left. That tree
is about five feet from our patio railing.
- Eugene Murphy
- Comment
From Jeffrey Alpha
- 9-4-2
- Jeff
- I saw the same cloud formation ( photo #1 in Mr. Murphy's
description) while I was traveling in Louisiana on I-12 between Slidell
and Mandeville appearing to stretch towards the south-southwestwell past
the horizon. I did not see the wedge "shapes", but the long triangular
cloud, exactly what was in photo #1, was up there. It was about 7:30pm
and getting very dark. VERY VERY STRANGE. I have never seen clouds like
that. This happened yesterday, 9-3-02.
- I did not think anything more of it until I read Mr.
Murphy's Article. What the hell was that? From my point of view, it appeared
to be a giant tornado, bent or on its side, obviously without the 200+mph
winds because the cloud's edges looked stationary, spanning well past the
east and west boarders of Louisiana. I did not see what was in the additional
- Comment
- From Jim Saueressig II
- 9-4-2
- In regards to the triangle-looking cloud shadows.
- I see them often here in Kansas. It happens when tall
thunderheads to the west create a shadow across the cloud layer as the
sun is setting. Usually its when the thunderheads have climbed quite high
in the evening but have not started to anvil out yet on top.
- Jim