Global War In 2003
By Joseph Ehrlich

Warning to Arial Sharon that he, like Gorbachev and Rabin, has been marked for assassination...
In 1999, we relayed that what we were seeing unraveling might unravel into the possibility of global war in 2003. It is the only time we made a time specific interpretation of this nature. The single article below from the current issue of Newsweek succinctly said clearly supports it.
This article subtitled "Washington looks at overhauling the Islamic and Arab world," clearly admits that new world order forces are in control of the United States and that efforts to render this agenda unconstitutional and the like will fail. Thus, our efforts to explain that only via a religious resolution could true peace prevail. Otherwise, forces which are not only anti-G-d but also clearly anti-American will prevail in taking the world to the abyss.
The Arab/Islamic world now on this article of admission can conclude and proffer that this is as they claimed a crusade against Islam. It is thus based on this article a religious/ holy war. In this regard, the Arab/Islamic world will affirmatively and openly soon permanently bond with China to defend itself.
Protests here in American whether violent or peaceful are not the answer. There is only one answer: the religious resolution. It is now a proper question to ask how can we move to a religious resolution when those in charge, the new world order forces, are anti-G-d? In our opinion, there are only two men who can possibly change things at this sensitive juncture.
The first is Arial Sharon. A secular Zionist, he is now the target of new world order forces exactly paralleling the new world order attack on Mikael Gorbachev about a decade back. While Gorbachev allowed the Soviet Union to fail under the promises and noble agenda that convinced him to undertake the dismantling of the Soviet Union, he still was sympathetic to the Communist Party, and would be too slow in moving things ahead. Ronald Reagan could not bear the intent to take his life; so he lived, but power shifted to collaborator Boris Yeltsin, a drunk, molded to take over the country under the staged coup against Gorbachev.
Similarly, such control was established over Israel under Shimon Peres. He sold out Israel's sovereignty to join Rabin and Arafat in capturing the Noble Peace prize. When he could not overtake Rabin internally in Israel, he played his role, Rabin ultimately one day acting as though Israel was a sovereign nation, wavering on his role in giving up land for peace (having second thoughts concerning Jerusalem). Unlike Gorbachev, there was no one to spare his life when power shifted to collaborator Shimon Peres. To show the power of the new world order forces, despite the Israeli public denying him victory five times over these many years, despite the Israeli public disliking him, Shimon Peres continues a single heart beat away again from leading the country should anything befall Arial Sharon. Odds are high that an attempt will soon be made on his life under the cover of Hamas targeting the Israeli leadership. Sharon unlike Rabin has been a friend for many years with Peres. However, Sharon will soon see the control of the new world forces over its agents: when he faces the specter of death. We tell Israel that it should do everything to prevent this from happening and if it happens it should know who did it again.
What is Israel to do? If the US is now under new world order control, how can little Israel change things? In our respectful opinion, Israel must quickly put forth leaders that acknowledge Israel's covenant with G-d and that it exists to honor G-d before the nations of the world. If Israel refuses to do this, if the people who claim to be the religious leadership within Israel, willingly stand blind, or continue to offer rationalizations, to save themselves the effort to do what is right, in the unmitigated hope, that things will improve, then we are headed for a nightmare of a future. Nothing on this planet at this point of time can defeat the new world order forces. They control both sides of the fence. You cannot trust anyone for they have infiltrated the infrastructure of every entity that will be looked to for relief against its agenda. Only G-d can save the reality that evil controls. Again, why do we know it is evil? Because it works to eradicate G-d from the world making it a godless culture bowing to global capitalism as the means to world peace. This is very good for those behind the new world order forces because they will have consolidated their power and control for the generations to come. Once they do so, they know nothing can stop them.
However, the new world order will not succeed for their failure will attest even in the dark future that G-d not man is in control. If those countries and peoples under monotheism do not undertake the correct course, then the paradigm of power will shift to the godless cultures that would have had it long ago but for G-d's intervention (giving it to those peoples under the countries historically aligned with monotheism).
Now for the immediate future. China saw how President Bush went out and bought Musharraf. The consequence of President Bush's success is that China in our opinion had to give Syria and Iran commitments to defend these countries against US machinations. Without doing so, Assad of Syria would have had no choice but to disengage from China.
This one highlighted reference by Newsweek: " Everyone wants to go to Baghdad. Real men want to go to Tehran," really should scare everyone. This shows you how the new world order forces are preparing for global conflict, realizing that it is better to confront the situation now rather than tomorrow. However, from their secular perspective, the situation is that their safety (and of course incidentally their financial success, gaining eternal power and control) is best assured by taking over the world (one world government). To subscribe to any agenda or better said propaganda that the answer is to overhaul the Islamic and Arab world is to subscribe to a agenda which defies the bedrock principles upon which this country was founded. America doesn't subscribe to a government that tells its citizens we are going to war with anyone who we don't like who could possibly pose as a threat to us. If we subscribe to such a tenet or claim, then what stops China from proffering to its people the very same tenet or claim against the United States? If they did it first, the uproar from Washington would be deafening.
Thus, assuming the validity of the dynamics attendant to the Newsweek article below, we have crossed and possibly irreversibly so the demarcation line for forthcoming global warfare. We can seek a religious resolution to abate the threat of nuclear and other similar weapons or we can face the specter of war. The American people should understand that the new world order agenda is to use the umbrella of WMD to eviscerate G-d from the Islamic/Arab world as they have successfully done so in Israel under the backed control of Shimon Peres. Now, if Sharon can understand that his good friend may be pursuing the orders of his controllers as he did with Rabin, he might save himself, get rid of Israel's living cancer, and then open a gateway to pursuing a genuine peace.
To this end, Sharon should take action to protect Israel and the world, in case he is the target of Hamas, for like Gandi, Hamas may pull the trigger, but the target has been authorized by the true murderer with the protection of eliminating anyone standing in the way of success by new world order forces. There is only one entity strong enough to defeat this evil which has intertwined itself as it has in the United States and Israel: G-d. It is time that men and women of good will do everything they can to invokes G-d's intervention. For the Jewish people it is to recognize that they obviously are doing something wrong (for why else these problems and dire course). So the only question should be what are we doing wrong? What can we do to correct it? The only exception to the sequence of these questions is to force Shimon Peres out of official office for his removal from the Israeli government itself opens a gateway to moving in the right direction. Again, there is little doubt in our mind that Arial Sharon no matter what the sequence of things is the primary target to move Shimon Peres again into the office five times denied him by the Israeli public. Again, while Sharon has made his bed with the new world order forces, he, like Gorbachev, has a heart, and carries a commitment to the Israeli people and nation inapposite to the new world order agenda and interests.
Joseph Ehrlich
Sender, Berl & Sons Inc.
Early morning, August 12, 2002
Beyond Baghdad: Expanding Target List
Washington looks at overhauling the Islamic and Arab world
By Roy Gutman and John Barry
Aug. 19 issue - While still wrangling over how to overthrow Iraq's Saddam Hussein, the Bush administration is already looking for other targets. President Bush has called for the ouster of Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat. Now some in the administration-and allies at D.C. think tanks-are eyeing Iran and even Saudi Arabia. As one senior British official put it: "Everyone wants to go to Baghdad. Real men want to go to Tehran."
IN A STATEMENT BROADCAST into Iran in mid-July, Bush promised unspecified U.S. "support" to "Iran's people" as they "move toward a future defined by greater freedom." And early this month, a top Bush aide said the current regime-both the elected government of reformist Mohammed Khatami and the unelected mullahs who dominate public life-was ineffectual. Speaking to an audience at the Washington Institute for Near East Affairs, National Security Council aide Zalmay Khalilzad did not call outright for a regime change in Iran, but didn't argue when a questioner asserted that this was the policy's aim. Khalilzad did not indicate any plan to use force, but promised to "reach out" to the Iranian people and find "ways and means" of helping them.
Richard Perle, chairman of Bush's Defense Policy Board, recently invited a controversial French scholar to brief the outside advisers on "taking the Saudi out of Arabia." When word leaked to the press, the Bush administration strongly denied it wanted to oust the Saudi royal regime. Still, some insiders continue to whisper about the possibility. Syria and even Egypt are now under discussion in neoconservative circles, along with North Korea and Burma.
"The thinking in the administration is really evolving toward the idea of promoting democracy and regime change-an overhaul of the Arab and Islamic world, rather than dealing with it as it is," says Kenneth Katzman, a leading expert on Iran who works with the Congressional Research Service. Some military strategists worry that the talk of overthrowing other nations could jeopardize any invasion of Iraq. Tony Blair, the only foreign leader who might join in a U.S.-led intervention in Iraq, is asking tough questions. "He wants to know a lot more about what the administration's real agenda is," says a top Blair aide. Some Iraq-invasion scenarios under review have U.S. carriers steaming into the narrow Persian Gulf-a place where they'd be vulnerable to missile strikes from Iranian shore batteries. Richard Murphy, a former top State Department official dealing with the Mideast, warns the United States could lose Iran as a needed ally. "They will be pretty cautious about putting their hands firmly in ours, knowing we have a knife headed for their back

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