First Strike...TWA 800 -
A Legacy Of Lies
From Carl F. Worden

Over three years ago I published an article which concluded TWA Flight 800 was a successful Islamic terrorist strike our government refused to acknowledge. Now, authors Jack Cashill and James Sanders have written a book titled, "First Strike", published by WorldNetDaily, that may confirm my analysis. The title certainly suggests that.
Our government had received prior but non-specific warning of a terrorist strike, and no doubt from the terrorists themselves, therefore they were prepared to cover up any subsequent incident and deny the terrorists the public backlash they sought. What I have not been able to determine is whether or not the terrorists who launched that missile at Flight 800 were ever subsequently apprehended or killed. My suspicion is that they were killed, but I have nothing whatsoever to support that except for an eerie silence on the part of a normally gloating al Qaida.
The theory that a Navy error brought down Flight 800 never had legs, and the theory of a mechanical error that led to a center fuel tank explosion is preposterous on its face. Nobody has been able to recreate such an explosion in controlled laboratory experiments, but the government insists that is how it happened. 700 eye-witnesses reported to FBI investigators that they saw a missile shoot up from the sea, make flight corrections and blow Flight 800 out of the sky. The only possible explanation that covered every aspect of that incident was an act of terror, and a subsequent act of deception and cover up on the part of our government.
As I wrote several years ago, I cannot entirely condemn our government's actions. It was a typical Clinton-era equivocation that used situation ethics to solve an immediately perceived problem. In this case, the immediate problem would have drastically affected airline passenger travel, an industry upon which 10% of the American economy is based.
On the other hand, it appears our government had no way of knowing for certain if the terrorists had more missiles set to water-launch at other airliners. With that in mind, the Clinton Administration knowingly and deliberately placed the lives of Americans in continued jeopardy to protect the American economy.
Based upon credible eye-witness information, it appears American Airlines Flight 587, the airliner that crashed just after take-off into Queens, New York, was also an act of terrorism. Both engines and the tail section came off in midair, and eye-witnesses, including a retired police officer and a fireman, reported seeing two midair explosions erupt from the airplane before it plunged to earth on 11/12/01, two months after the 9/11/01 attacks.
Once again, had the government admitted Flight 587 was a successful terror attack, the airline industry would have been immediately crippled. Not long afterward on December 22, 2001, passengers and crew subdued al Qaida member Richard Reid in his American Airlines Flight 63 seat as he tried to light a fuse to explode a bomb concealed in his shoe. Experts have concluded that the explosion would have been powerful enough to bring down that aircraft. Using 20/20 hindsight, it is quite possible Flight 587 was a shoe bomb attack. I don't think it is a coincidence that al Qaida likes American Airlines as a target, and that's a heads-up to you nice folks who must fly.
In the long term, the down-side to these cover-ups has resulted in a permanent loss of credibility between the federal government and the citizens. When Alan Greenspan announced yesterday that the American economy was poised to recover, the DOW lost 166 points. We just don't believe anything they tell us anymore if we can't independently verify the pap they feed us. It's gotten so bad now, that if the federal government announced the sky is blue on a clear day, we would be well-advised to step outside and check.
The damage is as irreversible as it is to a marriage where a trusting and loving wife discovers her husband has been having affairs all along. Americans who spout total and blind trust in this government are now viewed as naive and uninformed fools, rather than patriots, and in the final analysis this government will rue the day they took that pathway to a legacy of lies.
Carl F. Worden


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