Argentine Policeman Sees Giant
UFO Up Close - 'A Floating City'

From Scott Corrales

Source: C.O.R. (Circulo Ovnil"gico Riocuartense)
July 30, 2002
Policeman Sees Giant UFO
**Was on Duty at the Time**
Guillermo Arias, who provides services in the dependency of the town of Chaj'n, 60 km southeast of Rio Cuarto, was on routine patrol through rurla Chajan at 23:00 hours on Sunday, July 21, 2002, when he heard over the radio that his colleagues in arms over at Achiras were seeing lights in sectors of said community, and that they were heading toward Chajn along Nat'l Route 8, which links the cities of Rio Cuarto, in Cordoba with Villa Mercedes in the province of San Luis Arias. At the wheel of the police patrol van, he managed to see a formation of 7 lights in the distance and decided to drive 10 km along a rural dirt road. When he had covered said distance, he noticed, not without surprise, that the engine of his vehicle sputtered and died, causing the police car to strike the edge of a guard rail.
Simultaneously, the lights on the van's dashboard began turning on and off randomly, the police radio went haywire and its dial displayed the random shifting of the frequencies (channel codes) while the cabin became filled with an acrid odor, as though of burnt wiring, and the interior lights and stop indicator, which were broken, began lighting on and off. Seized by fear, Arias leaped from the van and walked away a few meters down the road, losing his cellphone in the escape.
The darkness was total, when suddenly, amid the [confusing] situation, an immense light emerged from a field adjacent to the road as a triangular object rose majestically into the air. Now, [the officer's] condition went from fear to abject terror as he saw what he described as a real "floating city" some 200 meters long with a long row of windows (perhaps as many as 100). Arias claims having seen something move behind them, describing the movement as "TV sets which make lines and shadows" (sic), which he defined as "non-human", and that many beams of light came out of the giant triangle, aimed at the ground. The event lasted 2 or 3 seconds, but Arias "it felt like an eternity to him."
The object suddenly rose and sped away, vanishing behind the hills of a local field. Arias's statement indicates that while the object moved away, the entire sector was lit "as though it were daytime", since he could clearly make out farms, fields, barbed wire fences, etc. and that the afterglow lasted another 20 minutes.
Recovering from his nervous condition, he returned to the vehicle and notified his comrades of the experience, receiving radio instruction that reinforcements were being set out. In the darkness, he heard the cellphone ring, and that is how he found it in the darkness: his wife was trying to find him and his fellows. He told her briefly about what had happened and sat down to wait for the expected assistance. Patrolman Barrios from Achiras was trying to keep him calm over the raido, while Sgt. Medina, who was the first to arrive on the scene, and Sgt. Cordoba were among the subofficers who reached the area to lend aid to their comrade in distress.
Meanwhile, other police elements radioed the incident to their superiors at Regional Unit 9 at Rio Cuarto. After learning the details, these superiors issued specific directions. In this regard we add that today, Monday noon, the senior officers of said police unit reported to Chajn to order a medical exam for Sgt. Arias and a subsequent re-creation of the events, for which they returned to the scene.
There was news coverage from Rio Cuarto Channel 13, LV-16 Radio Rio Cuarto and numerous FM stations of this city interviewd members of the C.O.R to learn further aspects of this spectacular incident.
Translation (C) 2002. IHU.
Special thanks to Mario Luis Bracamonte, COR.

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