Skolnick - Uncle Sugar & His Sugar Bowl
By Sherman H. Skolnick

The handwriting is on the wall. But to some, it is in invisible ink. Notice these items:
The U.S. has turned from a huge surplus to a severe deficit. Blame it on Black Tuesday, September 11, 2001.. Blame it on the sudden need to scrap the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and have an American Gestapo, "Homeland Security". While you are at it, allow yourself to harbor the thought that maybe the highest level of the U.S. Government had prior knowledge of 9-11. BUT, for profound geopolitical reasons, they permitted it to happen and blame it onto the Arabs who may not have been principal players.
More than sixty years after Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, we now know that there was prior knowledge in the White House. A longer discussion could go into the geopolitical reasons why a faction in the American aristocracy allowed Black Tuesday to happen.
[Visit our website series, "The Overthrow of the American Republic", to try to understand why the current White House, with Bush Jr. dominated by Daddy Bush, was inclined to allow Black Tuesday to happen.]
=== Federal tax collections are down. The on-coming recession is beginning to be evident even to those who remain in denial.
=== Foreign nations are losing confidence in the U.S. Government and in the so-called "U.S. Dollar", actually, Federal Reserve notes, backed only by hot-air. AN UNTHINKABLE SUBJECT IS A LIQUIDITY CRUNCH INVOLVING THE U.S. GOVERNMENT ITSELF.
Censorship is not always just secrets. It is not mentioning known pertinent facts at a time and place when it is important to put such facts right in front to be considered as to some current problem. Some background:
When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected President in 1932, banks were on the verge of collapse. Out-going President Herbert Hoover insisted that President-Elect Roosevelt join with Hoover in closing all the banks---declaring a Bank Holiday---BEFORE Inauguration Day, which in those days was in March. Roosevelt refused. FDR in so many words told Hoover that FDR would deal with it when the elevator came down to the basement, not before.
In February, 1933, before Inauguration Day, Henry Ford, the auto tycoon, said he had no confidence in banks and was going to withdraw his huge deposits >from a Detroit bank which would start a run on banks. Just at that time, Roosevelt was traveling in Florida with Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak. [Cermak was in the illegal booze business in competition in Chicago with Al Capone and another gang.] There was a plan to scare Roosevelt into accepting Hoover's plea. Actually, there was a lone gunman, as a patsy, and then a separate group of assassins, the real shooters, For complicated reasons relating to Cermak and Capone, the real assassins shot to death Cermak. That was to be a warning enough to FDR. The lone assassin, with the real killers not then identified, was quickly prosecuted and subject to the death penalty.[We seem to understand all this. In the 1970s, our investigations sent Cermak's son-in-law, Chicago Federal Appeals Judge Otto Kerner, Jr., to prison for bribery, the highest level sitting federal judge to be thus jailed in U.S. history.] The way the patsy was blamed was similar to the patsy, Sirhan Sirhan, in the Bobby Kennedy murder, 1968. Criminologists have long studied the use of a second gunman to do a murder. [As to Bobby Kennedy, the details are in the video "The Second Gun"].
So there was a U.S. Government liquidity crunch right after Inauguration Day, when President Roosevelt declared a Bank Holiday. Interest rates on U.S. Treasury paper soared to 4 and 1/4 per cent interest, a high point for that time and period. Later in the 1930s,interest rates declined to one per cent and for years U.S. Treasury securities yielded as little as two per cent.
To deal with the U.S. Government crunch, Roosevelt, among other things, cut back the wages of federal employes by twenty five per cent. AND HE GRABBED THE GOLD of ordinary people, not the aristocracy. [Visit our website story, "The Gold Gamecocks", Part One.]
Another U.S. Government liquidity crunch became evident in November, 1979. There you saw on the television a rare press conference. President Jimmy Carter standing next to the then head of the Federal Reserve. Basically, both mouthing off lies, to reassure know-nothings that there would be no collapse of the U.S. Government or the banks. Thereafter, there was a brief upspike in gold, reaching briefly over 800 dollars per ounce.even up to now, an all-time high.
Early in the 1980s, interest rates for the best credit risks, like major corporations, was a minimum of twenty one and a half per cent. U.S. Treasury securities were yielding an astounding sixteen and a half per cent. Of course, the press fakers, on behalf of the American aristocracy, kept propagandizing that all is well. Yet, there was a severe crunch.
In the early 1980s as well, farmers nationwide were going bust. The so-called "federal agency" that loaned money to the farmers in the farm country was just about insolvent. There was a nice legal question, now long-forgotten by many: Whether that federal agency would be bailed out by the U.S. Treasury. Was the "Full Faith and Credit" of the U.S. Government actually underwriting the solvency of a "federal agency"?
Then there was the savings and loan debacle. The Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, the "federal agency" having issued deposit insurance to the S & Ls, was itself insolvent. Was the U.S. Treasury obligated to bail-out FSLIC? A profound legal question was involved. Swindlers in California, Texas[tied to the Bush Crime Family], and Illinois, among other places, had plundered savings and loan associations. One of these con-men was Daddy Bush's son, Neil Bush, who had for his friends and apparently also for the American CIA, sucked off hundreds of millions of dollars from Denver-based Silverado Savings. Neil Bush should have been sent to prison. Denver Federal District Judge Richard Matsch turned Neil loose. Was it just a coincidence that about that time the Judge's daughter was murdered? Was that murder later used to also scare the Judge when he had the Timothy McVeigh prosecution? Judge Matsch kept out of the public record that Iraq was using domestic dissidents as surrogates in the multiple bombings of the Federal office building, April 19, 1995, in Oklahoma City.
[Some of the details in the SECRET court record were referred to when McVeigh's chief defense counsel, Stephen Jones, brought an unsuccessful higher court petition seeking a mandamus against Judge Matsch to have such details come out at the McVeigh trial.. [Visit our website story, "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh". Also, all these years after I wrote about this, survivors of the Oklahoma tragedy have sued the government for covering up the Iraqi link to the bombings.]
Neil Bush was part of a series of swindles. [Visit our website series, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush", where there are attached the secret federal reserve wire transfer records relating to the Bush Crime Family and their 25 secret worldwide bank accounts.] A very skilled Texas investigative reporter wrote a book how upwards of two dozen S & Ls were plundered out of millions of dollars for covert operations of the American CIA. See the book, "The Mafia, The CIA, and George Bush", 1992, by Pete Brewton.
Also as to how a "federal agency" was to make good crimes committed by Congressman Henry Hyde (R., Ill.), visit our series on IRS corruption. Hyde plundered a Chicago-area S & L of which he had been a director. Hyde beat the rap by blackmailing a Chicago Federal District Judge, George Marovich, who owned a shopping center jointly with mafioso and corrupt IRS officials, as a money laundry. Hyde also has been head of the CIA "black budget", covert operations including political murders. Hyde violated the U.S. Constitution's mandate of "Separation of Powers". At the same time, Hyde was a member of the legislative branch and the executive branch of the U.S. Government.
=== More handwriting on the wall is the apparent upcoming bust of the real estate bubble. Few Americans realize that the only free market in the U.S. is in REAL ESTATE. No "federal agency" is really prepared to come to the rescue of home owners facing mortgage foreclosure because of growing unemployment. A so-called "federal agency" is Fannie May, whose securities are sold on the market. They are basically a huge pool of mortgages. If Fannie May becomes insolvent, is the U.S. Treasury, on the principle of "Full Faith and Credit", obligated to bail them out?
=== Unemployment is much higher than U.S. Government statistics which are being fudged to disguise the problem.
=== In more recent times, an early warning sign of U.S. Government's liquidity crisis, is the U.S. Treasury cancelling issuing any more 30-year Treasury Bonds. There is a plan for the Federal Reserve to issue a new, different colored so-called "U.S. Currency", falsely masquerading as the "U.S.Dollar", actually backed by nothing but hot air. The new colored so-called "U.S. Currency" is to be for DOMESTIC USE only, not valid overseas and to be used by U.S. citizens and residents IN THE UNITED STATES ONLY. It is part of a scheme to deal with the little-mentioned U.S. Government crunch. Currently, U.S. Postal Money Orders are issued for DOMESTIC U.S. use ONLY, not valid overseas.
=== Another handwriting on the wall, like the other, perhaps in invisible ink is the expected disaster of the market mechanisms known as "Clearing Houses". In 1984, I accurately predicted months ahead of time the collapse of one of the then largest U.S. banks, Continental Bank of Chicago. Among the largest stockholders were the Vatican and the Queen of England (the British Monarch usually had a British Royal acceptable to sit on the Continental Board of Directors). These two sold their shares secretly at least six weeks ahead of the collapse. The downfall of Continental Bank would inevitably spotlight the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, FDIC, which did not have enough reserves to bail out Continental. A nice legal question was whether this "federal agency" would be bailed out by the U.S. Treasury.
Another major owner of Continental was then Chief Judge Walter Cummings, Jr., of the Federal Appeals Court in Chicago. He was also a "man of trust", considered acceptable to secretly handle the affairs of the Vatican and the Vatican Bank. Continental was the bank of deposit for most of the Church's money from the Western Hemisphere. Little-known, the Catholic Archbishop of Chicago is also Treasurer for the Church for the whole Western Hemisphere. Judge Cummings saved the U.S. Government and the "federal agency" FDIC from a sticky legal question. Off the record, the Judge let it be known that lawyers who brought litigation against Continental would be persecuted and driven out of the bar, if they dared bring any lawsuits in the court of competent jurisdiction, being the U.S. District Court in Chicago under the supervision of Judge Cummings.
At the time in 1984, of the impending collapse of Continental, I was condemned and called "liar" for my public statements that the commodity clearing house facilities, all the years linked to Continental, would go down with the bank. Months later the newsfakers, such as the Chicago Tribune, sheepishly admitted in print that the clearing house facilities came within a hair of going down the drink with the bank.
Some in position to know, agree with me now in 2002, that the clearing house mechanisms may fail in a financial meltdown that some of them expect. THEY DO NOT, however, WARN THEIR CUSTOMERS, nor will they permit me to quote them publicly. In simple terms, it means, on an pending market deal, you may be the winner but will not be able to collect your market winnings.
Some financial pundits---some with expensive newsletters for subscribers---are generally afraid, if not reluctant, to discuss the foregoing matters, such as the liquidity crunch of the U.S. Government itself. Others point to the Home Depot disclosures as being possibly relevant. That firm, heavily foreign-owned, has informed all their many outlets throughout the nation, they are NOT to accept or fill any orders for or from the U.S. Government. Do these foreign owners know something that the U.S. oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press dare not mention? Some in the press raise a possibly bogus issue, that Home Depot is worried about affirmative action and such on racial employment., mandatory for federal contractors.
So, is UNCLE SUGAR'S SUGAR BOWL EMPTY? If so, what are the consequences?
More coming.
Stay tuned.


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