Left, Right And Center
By Joseph Farah © 2002

Communism will never triumph in America.
Neither will Islamism.
Americans defeated communism in the Cold War, and they will defeat the global jihad of Islam as soon as they realize what's at stake and whom they are actually fighting.
But America's freedoms are hardly safe.
The real threat to our liberties today is from an "ism" you seldom hear much about these days. It's called fascism.
We're not only slouching toward Gomorrah, as Robert Bork has written. We're slouching toward Rome.
To understand what I mean, most people need to rethink their notions about the political spectrum. At the left end, most people agree, you have communism - total government control over the means of production and property. It's at the other end of the spectrum that many get confused.
Ask most left-wingers and they'll suggest that fascism is on the extreme right - 180 degrees from communism. Unh-uh. I've got news for you, friends. Fascism and communism are ideological kissin' cousins. I would place fascism and any other brand of socialism just a few degrees to the right of communism.
Remember, both fascism and socialism mean ñ to one degree or another - government control of production and distribution. The only thing that distinguishes fascism from socialism in economic theory is how they get that control and how they maintain it.
Fascists realize the government doesn't need to own industry to control it. Through regulation and taxation, fascists know they can achieve the same results without nearly as much work and responsibility.
Fascism, of course, has become a dirty word because of its association with Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. But just because none dare speak its name doesn't mean it is dead. Fascism is actually on the rise today precisely because no one recognizes it for what it is and calls a spade a spade.
It is in wide practice today in what we call Communist China. Beijing has not achieved communism. And instead of moving toward the Marxist-Leninist goal, it is moving steadily toward fascism - a hideous blend of state and private partnership. And guess what? The United States is moving in the same direction. Every time you hear officials talk about "public-private partnerships," I want you to understand the translation: fascism, pure and simple.
So what's at the other end of that political spectrum? This surprises a lot of people, but it's really quite logical, if you think about it. If total government control in the form of communism is at the left end, wouldn't it make sense that anarchy ñ no government control ñ is at the extreme right?
I envision many libertarians nodding in agreement as they read this. So where do they fit in? Just a few degrees to the left of the anarchists, of course. Conservatives, favoring less government as they do, would find themselves 20 or 30 degrees to the left of the libertarians, while so many people who call themselves liberals today could shake hands with the socialists and fascists to their left.
And that's really why we're facing a serious threat today. You see, most Americans think they hate fascism. They equate it, understandably, with Nazism, Hitler, Mussolini, racism, anti-Semitism and imperialism. But they forget what the definition of fascism is. They no longer recognize it when they see it.
But when you hear about emergency government plans to confiscate property, block transportation and seize control of all communications, as "health" legislation sweeping through the states proposes, please understand that fascism is knocking on the door.
Look at the way we have abdicated our individual liberties in favor of "group rights." That's a fascist concept. Look at the way we demonize certain groups (whether you're talking about smokers or Bible-believing Christians) and elevate others (native Americans and homosexuals come to mind as the new noblemen or chosen people) in our society. That, too, is a fascist concept.
One of the reasons America is moving toward fascism today is because it has lost its constitutional moorings. We're supposed to believe in limited government in the United States. The federal powers are enumerated in the Constitution. But, in recent years, Washington has far exceeded its authority. And very few politicians - Democrats or Republicans - seem to give a darn.
Even worse, most Americans don't even seem to be aware of the problem. Is there any hope? Well, unless we understand what we're up against, it's difficult to fight it. We have to redefine our terms, comprehend the nature of the beast.
That's always a good first step on the road back to freedom.
From Eric Lessard
I'd like to comment about the article above and to talk about what is fascism, and why the USA is moving toward it.
First of all, Fascism is not the merely partership between the State and private companies. In Fact, it has nothing to do with it.
Fascism is the hate and the denial of rights to specific groups. In Nazi Germany, Jews lost most of their rights, including the right to live, and they were not alone, Gay men, Gypsies, handicaped people, Jehovah witnesses, and others were in the same situation.
You want an exemple of emerging fascism in America. Just listen to the Michael Savage talk show. He is rated number 1 in San Francisco, and yet, what his show is about is pure hate, particularly against gays, liberals, Europeans, Muslims, and so on.
What is wrong with America? Plenty of things.
Your education system, is very weak - most people cannot afford to pay for college or University.
Your health system, is weak - a quarter of Americans cannot pay for a health insurance.
Your water supply, is of very poor quality.
Your criminality rate is ten times higher than Europe.
Texas has pratically the most Death penalties per persons in the World.
The international implications of America are so bad, that half the population of the World is calling America The Most Terrorist State in the World.
It is important to know what is fascism and what is not it. But the USA is moving toward a culture of fascism.
Look at the meanigs of the words in the USA:
Family value = Anti-Gay Perverts = Homosexuals Sub Humans = Muslims Morality = Death penalty, Anti-Gay, Fascism-Christianity.
That is what America has become today.
Eric Lessard
Quebec, Canada


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