We Must Vigorously Exercise Our
Right To Criticize Government

By Stacey Warde

As Americans we've gotten flabby about what has traditionally made us strong, the right to exercise free speech.
And we'd better get back to exercising soon, before the stronger and less democratic government, run by the Bush and Dirty Dollar Dynasty, further demolishes the hell out of our good Constitution, that thing that assures our health and future as a free people.
The health of our children, the vigor of our communities, the survival of this nation - in fact, the centuries-old American wager on liberty and good faith - depends on the courage to exercise, once again, the right to criticize piggish politicians who don't want to hear what you, as an American citizen, have to say.
This nation started out in protest against despots. How is it that they've found their way back into our government? And why do we, as a nation whose light to the world has been the compact of certain inalienable rights, held in trust by concrete constitutional freedoms, allow them to continue to chop the limbs off Lady Liberty while tearing the stomach out of the rest of the world?
Our light is going out. Our freedoms are dying. Before long we will lament the days long past when we could freely celebrate our independence as citizens.
The world, in fact, and Europe especially - the mother of our ideals for freedom and the one-time admirer of our determination to live by them - gawks in wonderment at our sleepy complacency, at our flabby discontent, and at our prescribed willingness to tolerate and endure the irreparable stupidity of our leaders.
They wonder out loud, certainly more loudly than we have, how a determinedly simple-minded man, who suspiciously resembles the smarter and less daft Alfred E. Neuman, could get away with his own comic book rhetoric to zap the "axis of evil," to fight the ongoing war against terror. Who let this guy into the White House anyway?
The goofy, flag-waving smugness of his eminence doesn't impress Europe's better-informed and more politically astute populace. They understand the shallowness of his commitment to social and economic justice, the lack of substance to his politically motivated balderdash to rid the world of tyrants. The emperor wears his new clothes like the moron that he is.
We needn't be afraid to point out there's nothing there. Europeans, Cubans and Venezuelans are already doing it.
They know more clearly than we, and they have had the readiness to show what they know through protests and demonstrations, that our leadership is taking us for a ride. Americans are taking the downhill slide to government by the cops, for the money and of the corporation.
When will we finally wake up to the fact that our president is a buffoon? That his advisors and corporate bedfellows, who fund modern revolutions at home and abroad, are shameless crooks who laugh at the misery of working-class people everywhere, but especially at those who trusted in them for their guidance and pledges to protect their future?
Do we really need another Enron to awaken us to the fact that George W. Bush, and the buzzards who support his waspish bloodsucking with our hard-earned money, would as much drill a hole in our ass as he would a pipeline through Afghanistan and the Arctic Wilderness, or a billion tons of arsenal into the heart of Iraq?
Americans, led by the Pied Piper of penury and political corruption, have marched right alongside the Doopus Domus Potis (the Dopey Despot) of the New World Order to the precipice of lost liberty.
We peer into an Orphean abyss of a great love lost, liberties betrayed because of our own failure as American citizens to govern ourselves, to right our government and protect our freedoms against hoodlums who steal elections, spit on civil rights and piss on starving mothers.
The American Revolution didn't stop with the cessation of hostilities against England. The revolution is ongoing. It ends only when men and women in government respect the rights of its people, by guaranteeing and, in fact, encouraging their right to speak out, to criticize irresponsible leadership, to hold their government accountable for its failures and actions.
Who, by the way, is accountable for the Herculean failure to detect the heinous plot to fly commercial airliners into the public marketplace? Was it the FBI, the White House or the CIA?
And why, silly me, can't I stop asking myself just how much did George really know about this or similar plots before September 11?
Then, there's another one of George's stupidly fascist assistants, this time Dick Cheney, who questions our patriotic commitment to freedom by telling good Americans that we shouldn't ask for, as commentator Bill Press suggests, "an immediate, thorough, public and bipartisan congressional investigation of whether the terrorist attacks of 9/11 could have been prevented."
That, my friends, would be - as the heart attack prone, unfit-for-office multi-millionaire oilman from Halliburton, reminded us - "thoroughly irresponsible and totally unworthy of national leaders in a time of war."
Did he say time of war? Who declared war? Congress? Who are we fighting now? Was it Afghanistan or Iraq? Where's that pipeline going?
Did he say national leaders? With the exception of a few - Cynthia McKinney, Dennis Kucinich, Michael Moore, Jim Hightower and others - our national leaders have been a huge disappointment, like a limp noodle sucked this way and that by the lure of money, media-sponsored patriotism, and gluttonous corporate kisses. Lately, our national leaders have done nothing but hustle favors, dollars and a quick fix.
So, scrap the national leaders. Forget them. Let's take the burden of thorough irresponsibility and total unworthiness upon our selves as citizens of the United States, and pledge our hopes and dreams to the protection of our constitutional right to say, "You stink, Mr. Cheney."
The only way such a super-charged, dicked-up challenge as Cheney's makes sense is that the Separated at Birth, Alfred E. Newman look-alike in the White House isn't really president of the U.S. after all. He's just the Resident Idiot, a bloated ego with dirt and oil on his hands pretending to be a national leader.
And he, being a cowboy of good stock, backed by crooked money and the Bush family oligarchy, doesn't have to answer to nobody, at least not to you or me.
Why else does the Bushed Administration refuse to tell Americans what it knew before September 11? Why else do these comic book heroes oppose an investigation on how to really stop terrorism?
America, as envisioned by those who framed our government, was supposed to be about something more than re-runs of the Joker and his riddles of non-specificity. Were the red flags the FBI waved at the White House last summer "non-specific"? Just how non-specific were they?
Does the answer "non-specific" ring anything like the request "define oral sex"?
Excuse me, Alfred, would you know why your twin brother couldn't decipher last summer's warning from Phoenix that Americans might be in imminent danger? Didn't you also run a presidential campaign once?
Our wise progenitors really believed a free people should govern themselves. It's simple. The power of this government doesn't belong to George W. Bush. It belongs to you. It belongs to me. The land, and the compact for our government, which we hold in trust for our survival as well as our good fortune, doesn't belong to George Jr. or George Sr. or Monsanto or Enron or the CIA.
Woody Guthrie put the jingle in our hearts when we were children, reminding us that we are the inheritors of a great legacy of hope.
This land belongs to you; it belongs to me.
As a nation, we were given a vision of freedom that we haven't even touched yet. We haven't even seen the mountaintop. Why turn back? Why give up on the vision of democracy now? Why let George W. Bush sleep at the White House any more?
Let's turn the government inside out. Shake it up. Scream and shout. Demand answers. For instance, let's start with McKinney's unpopular request of several weeks ago: What did you know, Condoleezza, how much did you know, when did you know it and what did you do about it?
We need answers. The American people deserve better accountability than what Ms. Rice and George W. Bush apparently gave us in the weeks leading up to September 11. We are asked to believe that there's nothing specific for which they should be held accountable.
Who's that Dopey Commander-in-Chief in the White House, the one so clearly bent on squeezing dry the well of public trust, the one who's given charge of the armed forces and numerous other agencies we may know nothing about, to protect us from attacks on our land, our good commerce and our children at home?
Let's not forget that we have a right as American citizens to demand accountability from our government, to speak out freely against corruption and injustice, to tell Dick and Bush where they can get off, and to elect representatives in touch with working-class values and experience.
If Dick Cheney and other hooligans in the administration attempt to stop us from exercising these constitutional freedoms, we have the right, and the moral and revolutionary imperative of our nation's founding mothers and fathers, to run their asses swiftly out of office.
This is what makes America great and its people strong.
- Stacey Warde is a really pissed off working-stiff who washes windows for a living, writes from his home in Morro Bay, Calif., and frees his mind by reading the U.S. Constitution. He can be reached at


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