$7 Billion Suit Against Bush
For 911 Intel Failures

A man is ready to sue President Bush for failing to prevent the 9-11 attacks.
San Francisco area attorney Stanley Hilton this week filed a $7 billion lawsuit on behalf of a handful of attack victims' relatives claiming that America's leader failed to carry out his constitutional duties.
Hilton also named top members of the Administration for failing to carry out their duties to protect the United States.
The suit claims the President 'allowed' September 11th to happen.
The attorney says he is representing several people who lost loved ones on September 11th however, they wish to remain 'anonymous.'
Hilton is also the author of "Senator for Sale: An Unauthorized Biography of Senator Bob Dole" and "Glass Houses : Shocking Profiles of Congressional Sex Scandals and Other Unofficial Misconduct," a book that investigated the details of Republican sex lives, and came out in December, 1998 at the height of the Clinton impeachment trial.
When asked whether he was fearful of getting sued by congressmen for his Republican sex expose, Hilton stated, "Truth is a defense. Besides, I'm a litigator."
In 1995 Hilton was hit with legal problems himself when he was charged with abusing his 80-year old Alzheimer's-impaired mother. She was found padlocked in her Noe Valley house with two dogs and no toilet access.
A firefighter described the scene as "an overwhelming stench of urine and feces all over the house." Developing...
> > c. 2002 Drudge Report

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