- A man is ready to sue President Bush for failing to prevent
the 9-11 attacks.
- San Francisco area attorney Stanley Hilton this week
filed a $7 billion lawsuit on behalf of a handful of attack victims' relatives
claiming that America's leader failed to carry out his constitutional duties.
- Hilton also named top members of the Administration for
failing to carry out their duties to protect the United States.
- The suit claims the President 'allowed' September 11th
to happen.
- The attorney says he is representing several people who
lost loved ones on September 11th however, they wish to remain 'anonymous.'
- Hilton is also the author of "Senator for Sale:
An Unauthorized Biography of Senator Bob Dole" and "Glass Houses
: Shocking Profiles of Congressional Sex Scandals and Other Unofficial
Misconduct," a book that investigated the details of Republican sex
lives, and came out in December, 1998 at the height of the Clinton impeachment
- When asked whether he was fearful of getting sued by
congressmen for his Republican sex expose, Hilton stated, "Truth is
a defense. Besides, I'm a litigator."
- In 1995 Hilton was hit with legal problems himself when
he was charged with abusing his 80-year old Alzheimer's-impaired mother.
She was found padlocked in her Noe Valley house with two dogs and no toilet
- A firefighter described the scene as "an overwhelming
stench of urine and feces all over the house." Developing...
- > > c. 2002 Drudge Report http://www.drudgereport.com/flash9.htm