No Photo ID - Cash Customer
Refused By Doctor's Office

By Scott McDonald
From Ken Adachi

Today, I was refused medical treatment on a routine office visit because I do not have, and could not provide, a photo ID. My appointment, which had been scheduled for six weeks in advance, was with Dermatologist Patricia L. Wilson (of Dermatology Associates, Huntsville, Alabama, 539-2741). When I arrived at the office the attendant asked me to fill out the necessary forms and submit a photo ID. I told her I would be paying with cash and there would be no need to file with any insurance company. I then asked why a photo ID needed. I was told that it was office policy. When I explained that I do not have a photo ID, the office manager, Martin Beck, said the doctor would not provide the requested service unless I submitted a photo ID. I left without treatment.
I'm sending this out primarily for the benefit of those readers who still don't understand the far-reaching implications of President Bush's Homeland Security initiative which includes proposed federal standards for nationalized driver's licenses incorporating biometric identification linked to personal data and other identifying information stored on an imbedded microchip.
Some people still have the false notion that they can simply "erase" the chip or render it inoperable to avoid undesirable consequences. To those, I would say that a simpler solution would be to just throw the card away altogether. The result will be the same: You will be denied access to, and use of all goods, services and rights dependant upon possession and display of the "voluntary" IDs.
As most readers know, I was denied renewal of my Alabama driver's license due to my religious objections with regard to mandatory submission of a social security number. I subsequently filed suit and we are currently awaiting reply from the Alabama Supreme Court on our Petition for Certiorari in that matter. (The state will not issue a "non-driver" photo ID to anyone eligible for a driver's license, and they demand an SSN from applicants for non-driver IDs anyway. So that is not an option.)
If sufficient numbers of people do not begin now to object to universal demands for submission of state-issued IDs as a condition for services, there will soon come a time when all activity will necessitate possession of some form of chip-imbedded ID, and there will be no viable opportunity for objection.
Are You Opposed to Universal Identification? NY times reporter Wants to Know Why
In response to my recent post about being refused medical treatment due to not having a photo ID, I was contacted by a reporter from the New York Times asking for more information about life in general without ID. In preparation for a possible upcoming story, the Times reporter, Jennifer Lee, is researching the issue of identification in the wake of the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
After sharing my experiences and explaining the religious basis for my objections, she asked if there were others in the country who hold similar objections to national or universal identification systems. I told her that I knew of at least a few thousand who subscribe to the ScanThisNews list which I have reason to assume are also opposed to new demands for universal identification, though some may opposed for reasons other than religion.
Jennifer said she would be interested in hearing from others who would care to write a short but concise email detailing the basis of their objections. And for those to whom it applies, some stories about the difficulties of living without use of universal identification (i.e., SSNs, driver's license, etc.).
If you would care to do so, you may email her at:
Some things you might want to address are:
When do you oppose requests for identification (particularly at places that did not previously impose such requirements)?
What is the basis for your objections?
Where do you make compromises with your objections in order to obtain the service or benefit, and when do you "draw the line"?
I know from previous emails that many of you are much better than myself at expressing these concerns and objections, this may be a good opportunity to do so.
I'm sure it would be helpful if you include contact information. Please keep mind, she is primarily interested in personal stories, and some indication of the numbers of people in the US (other than illegal immigrants) who oppose universal identification schemes.
Scott McDonald
Host, Scan This News
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