- (CNSNews.com) - Plans by the Nickelodeon cable television
network to air a special on homosexuality and same-sex parenting have outraged
thousands of parents, many of whom are threatening to tune out the show
- or cancel it altogether.
- According to a poll conducted by CNSNews.com on June
4-5, 99 percent of 15,227 the people responding did not believe it was
appropriate for the kid's channel Nickelodeon to air a show about homosexuality.
- The poll is structured to allow one response from any
computer terminal. Survey responses reflect only the opinion of a percentage
of CNSNews.com readers and the poll is not considered scientific.
- David Bittler, senior communications director for Nickelodeon,
confirmed Wednesday that lesbian activist Rosie O'Donnell would take part
in the program.
- "Rosie O'Donnell is scheduled to be involved. She
is not the only adult on the set. I assure you that all sides of this issue
of gay parenting are represented and well represented," he said.
- As CNSNews.com reported earlier, a conservative group
says Rosie O'Donnell will appear on the Nickelodeon Network program Nick
News in which children will be asked if they think homosexuality is morally
wrong and whether they believe laws are needed to protect homosexuals
from discrimination.
- Nick News is produced by the New York-based Lucky Duck
Productions, which is run by Linda Ellerbe. She also hosts the Nick News
program, which is aimed at viewers between the ages of eight and 13.
- Bittler called the association of homosexual parenting
and sexuality "fallacious." Homosexual parenting is not a sexual
matter, he said. Furthermore, he added, "Nick News does not make
news, it follows the news.
- "What that means is that when there is an issue
that reaches critical mass in the culture, whether it be Clinton-Lewinsky,
September 11 or the issues of public school shootings, Nick News covers
it in a way that is age appropriate for its audience," Bittler added.
- 'Not in my house'
- Comments from the CNSNews.com poll indicate that some
parents are so angry with Nickelodeon's decision to air a program on homosexuality
that they will not allow the channel to be viewed in their homes.
- One viewer commented, "I don't feel it is up to
us to judge homosexuality, but this is a children's network and I think
kids are exposed to enough stuff at an early age, and putting a homosexuality
show on is almost promoting it. My son is a huge Blues Clues and Nick
Jr. fan, but if this show is aired I will no longer allow him to watch
Nickelodeon. We will stick to Disney videos, and the Disney channel."
- Others have vowed to speak to other parents to try to
get them to bar Nickelodeon in their homes. "I can promise you that
if this gets aired, I will do everything in my power to make sure that
every parent I know will never turn their TV on this channel," said
another viewer.
- Bittler said it was important for Nick News to air the
program on homosexuality and homosexual parenting.
- "The fact of the matter is that kids are not finding
out about these things through Nick News. Nick News realizes through its
contacts and through the headlines that these are issues that are around
and need to be explained to kids so that kids can have some information
and make up their own minds. Again, that is all that we are doing here,"
he said.
- Some parents responding to the CNSNews.com viewer poll
called the program bad business for Nickelodeon. "I'm not homophobic
or anything, but I'm raising my children in a Christian home and this
is not what I want for them...My children love Nickelodeon but they will
no longer be allowed to watch if something's not done."
- Bittler said the program was not intended to brainwash
anyone, and he noted that Nick News has been covering tough topic for
- "For the last decade Nick News has covered tough,
top issues - including wars and drugs - in age-appropriate manners and
has been awarded many, many kudos, from parents' groups to top journalism
organizations, and I assure you that tradition will continue with this
special," he said.
- Bittler refused to answer questions about whether the
popular cable channel had received negative feedback from parents. "We
are not trying to do anything incendiary or offensive, and I assure you
that this program will not be incendiary or offensive," said Bittler.
- One viewer was not surprised that Nickelodeon would attempt
to air such a topic. "MTV owns Nick. What do you expect?"
- Others have vowed to search for the sponsors of the program
and "boycott their products."
- Others had harsh criticism for Bittler. "Nickelodeon's
David Bittler should be fired. He's dishonest and of low moral character,
and we all know character counts. No more Nickelodeon for my kids."
- Bittler said that all he could do was ensure that both
sides would be represented over the controversial topic. "All I can
tell you is that we are covering this issue from all sides. All sides
are well and fairly represented."