Unable To Withdraw Cash,
Argentine Woman Sets Self Ablaze


BUENOS AIRES(AFP) - Unable to circumvent tight government rules limiting cash withdrawals, a 54-year-old Argentine woman set herself ablaze Thursday inside a bank branch in a northern Buenos Aires neighborhood.
The woman, identified as Norma Cecilia Albino, was rushed to a hospital with serious burns, police and hospital sources reported.
Albino went early Thursday to a branch of Banco Rio -- owned by Spain's Banco Santander Central Hispano -- to try to access her account. But like millions of Argentines she is limited to withdrawing a few hundred dollars a month.
After failing to convince the bank manager to let her withdraw her money, Albino reached into her purse for a bottle of alcohol, poured it on, and set herself ablaze inside the bank lobby.
Horrified bank employees managed to put out the flames with a fire extinguisher and with clothing, witnesses said.
Riots erupted December 3 after bank withdrawals were limited to clamp down on a massive run on the banks.
At the time, the peso's value was tied at one-to-one parity with the dollar. Once floated, the peso lost about 68 percent of its value.
December withdrawal limits were further tightened last week.
Hundreds of bank account holders march every day in the streets of Buenos Aires demanding increased access to bank accounts.
Argentina is mired in an economic crisis, which has left some 22 percent of the workforce jobless. The country is in its 48th month of recession.

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