- 1. Why didn't jets intercept the airliners since they
- had numerous warnings of terrorist attacks?
- 2. Why did Ashcroft stop flying commercial, citing an
- unidentified "threat" in July 2001?
- 3. Why were there no photos or videos of the Pentagon
- plane?
- 4. Why didn't the Secret Service hustle Dubya out of
- the classroom?
- 5. Where was George H. W. Bush at the time of the
- attacks?
- 6. Why did passengers or crewmembers on three of the
- flights all use the term boxcutters?
- 7. Where are the flight recorders?
- 8. Why were the FISA warrants discontinued?
- 9. How did Bush see the first plane crash on live
- camera?
- 10 Why was security meeting scheduled for
- 9/11cancelled by WTC management on 9/10?
- 11. How did they come up with the "culprits"
- quickly?
- 12. How did they find the terrorist's cars at the
- airports so quickly?
- 13. Why did Shrub dissolve the Bin Laden Task Force?
- 14. Why the strange pattern of debris from Flight 93?
- 15. Why was no plane seen at the Pentagon?
- 16. How extensive was the relationship between the
- Taliban, the ISI and the CIA?
- 17. What exactly was the role of Henry Kissinger at
- 18. When was it decided to cancel building a pipeline
- from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan?
- 19. When was the decision made to send the FEMA to New
- York?
- 20. Why did FEMA spokesman Tom Kenney tell Dan Rather
- he was in New York on Sept. 10?
- 21. Why did the FBI in 1996 close the files to
- investigate Osama bin Laden's relatives in Washington?
- 22. Why did .Bush stop inquiries into terrorist
- connections of the Bin Laden family in early 2001?
- 23. Who made the decision to have John O'Neill stop
- investigating Al-qeada accounts?
- 24. Who gave the decision to give him a security job
- at the World Trade Center?
- 25. Did John O'Neill meet anyone of the FEMA in the
- night of September 10th?
- 26. What about media reports that hijackers bought
- tickets for flights scheduled after Sept. 11?
- 27. Why did none of the 19 hijackers appeared on the
- passenger lists?
- 28. Why would devout Muslims frequent bars, drink
- alcoholic beverages and leave their bibles?
- 29. Why would the hijackers use credit cards and allow
- drivers licenses with photos to be zeroxed?
- 30. Why did the hijackers force passengers to call
- relatives?
- 31. How did the hijackers change the flight plan
- without law enforcement or the military try to stop
- them?
- 32. Which hijacker's passport was found in the WTC
- rubble? Who found it and what time?
- 33. How could the FBI distinguish between "regular"
- Muslims and hijacker Muslims on those flights?
- 34. Why was there not one "innocent" Muslim
on board
- any of these flights?
- 35. Did someone go through the passenger lists looking
- for Muslim names and label them as hijackers?
- 36. Did the Florida police provide information that
- Atta was searched because of 1)an expired Visa, 2)
- driving a car without a license, 3) because of an
- incident at Miami Airport?
- 37. Why did Atta leave his bag at the airport and the
- employees didn't put it on board?
- 38. Who found his bag? How can we be sure it it was
- his bag?
- 39. Why did Atta place a video "how to fly planes",
- uniform and his last will into his bag, knowing that
- he would commit suicide?
- 40. Why did Atta leave his drivers license in a rental
- car?
- 41. When did Atta train on a flight simulator?
- 42. Did Atta leave the US while in training and then
- return?
- 43. Why did Atta decide to study at Opa Locka, a
- famous hub of 6 Navy training bases and includes
- government partners like U.S. Coast Guard Air Station,
- Police (Miami-Dade) Aviation Unit?
- 44. Why was Atta allowed to study since he was stopped
- by the police for driving without a license and also
- for violating his visa?
- 45. Why were the Black Boxes never recovered ?
- 46. Why didn't the FBI release the air traffic
- controller's protocols?
- 47. Why did the FBI not release the Flight Data
- Recorder info?
- 48. Who video-recorded the first plane hitting the
- tower? Why did he disappear from the media?
- 49. How did the FBI receive a tip from a passenger who
- boarded a different plane and reached his destination
- safely that he had a confrontation with two ME men at
- the Logan airport in Boston?
- 50. Who tipped the FBI to storm the Westin Hotel in
- Boston on September 12th?
- 51. Where did the photos of all 19 hijackers come
- from?
- 52. How were all hijackers identified just 2 days
- after the attack?
- 53. Why did all 19 names not appear on the passenger
- list 2 days after the hijacker list was released?
- 54. Why do none of the names appear on the passenger
- lists UA and AA gave to CNN?
- 55. How could the hijackers disable the defense
- systems?
- 56. Why did the FBI ignore Bin Laden's family, who
- left the United States without further investigation
- 57. What about the supposed hijackers who are still
- alive?
- 58. Was there a reason to change the list of the
- original 19 hijackers?
- 59. What happened to Ayub Ali Khan and Mohammed Jaweed
- Azmath, who have been in jail since
- September 2001, because of possession of box cutters
- on a train?Who gave the tip to arrest them?
- 60. Why did it take 4 months before Ramsi Binalschibhs
- name was mentioned, since he was a good friend of
- Mohammad Atta and lived in his apartment in Hamburg?
- 61. Why did it take 4 months until December 11 to
- charge Zacarias Moussaoui for the 9/11 attacks when
- his case was known worldwide for months, but not
- mentioned in the American media?
- 62. Whatever happened with Lotfi Raissi, who was
- arrested in UK for teaching the terrorist pilots?
- 63. What is the current status of the investigation of
- Mamoun Darkazanli Import-Export-Company in Hamburg and
- Al Taqwa Management Organisation in Lugano?
- 64. Why was Richard Reid able to enter the Paris
- airport twice and who paid for his hotel?
- 65. Who hired Zacarias Masspoui to learn how to fly
- passenger jets in the United States?
- 66. Why did the FBI or CIA fail to interrogate him
- between August and December 2001?
- 67. Did the CIA monitor Bin Laden in 1998 with the
- help of 15 Afghan agents, paid $1,000/ month?
- 68. Where are these agents? Was Johnny "Mike"
- one? Was John Walker Lindh one?
- 69. Is an Afghan agent a member of the ISI? Is an
- Afghan agent working for Bin Laden?
- 70. When was the first time Tenet mentioned the
- Al-Quaeda group to any member of the Senate?
- 71. Why did the Pentagon release a new video version
- or translation of the Bin Laden Home video?
- 72. Why it was released only 8 hours after translation
- by the German magazine MONITOR on December ?
- 73. Why were the four translators prior US-Government
- workers?
- 74. When was the Bin Laden Home Video found and who
- found it?
- 75. Who found the video if Northern Alliance and US
- troops had not yet arrived in Kandahar or Jahalabad?
- 76. Does the timestamp on the Bin Laden video indicate
- that it was found two weeks after it was produced?
- 77. Why was the public not informed who found the
- video and when?
- 78. Why according to MONITOR magazine, were the most
- controversial statements translated incorrectly?
- 79. Why was the video released?
- 80. Who gave the final decision to release it?
- 81. Why is the Bin Laden video of June 2001 in which
- he praised the attack, available on the Internet?
- 82. What about Bin Laden's statements on Al-Jazeera in
- June 2001 about the bombing of USS Cole, which are
- similar to the statements on the November 2001 home
- video?
- 83. Why did Bin Laden state in Umman Magazine in Sept.
- 2001, that he was not involved in the WTC?
- 84. Is Bin Laden still on the payroll of the CIA or
- ISI?
- 85. Did the Bin Laden Group Inc. help build ToraBora
- with the CIA?
- 86. What was the purpose of the meeting with General
- Pervez Musharraf in May 2001?
- 87. Why was a statement released that Al-Khalifa bin
- Laden, who is not the mother of Bin Laden, had a
- telephone call with Bin Laden on September 9, rather
- than Alia Ghanem, his mother? Why did Alia Ghanem say
- she did not believe he planned the attack?
- 100. What happened on September 18th, when an employee
- of Batelle Memorial Institute was involved in a
- so-called anthrax hoax on that day? Was he arrested?
- 101. Why did the investigation of that case begin in
- December 2001?
- 102. What was in the memo of Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a
- public health consumer advocate and author of "Death
- in the Air" on October 1, 2001, almost two weeks
- before the first anthrax letter was sent from Trenton
- to the American media building in Boca Raton?
- 103.What about his letter of Nov. 13 in which he
- claimed that BAYER is behind the anthrax infections?
- 104. Did US BioDefense laboratories send the
- anthrax-laced letters to get a new budget for
- research?
- 105. What about the statement of former UN-weapons
- inspector of Iraq, Richard Spertzel, who told ABC,
- "...he knows only five scientists in the USA who
- be in the situation to produce such a fine, highly
- developed spore material"?
- 106. Why did it take 48 hours to inform Bob Stevens
- that he had anthrax?
- 107. Why were envelopes never found near Bob Stevens,
- Amelie Lundgren and Mia Nguyen?
- 108. How come Microsoft got a hoax anthrax letter from
- Malaysia on the same day that President Bush said
- Malaysia might be one of the next targets of the
- United States?
- 109. Why did the FBI never investigate the case Don
- Wiley, a Bioscientist who disappeared 11/13/01?
- 110. Why did the FBI begin to investigate after his
- body was found on December 22, 300 miles away?
- Was there an investigation at the military hydro plant
- where workers found him?
- Why did the media write different versions about how,
- when and where he was found?
- Why did the police report change 2 months later from
- suicide to an accident?
- 111. What was the goal of Bioport in 1997?
- 112.Did development of anti-anthrax vaccines begin in
- 1998?
- 113.When did Bioport decide to produce anthrax
- vaccines?
- 114. Was it before or after Sept. 1998 that Admiral
- Crowe was put in charge of investigations of the
- August 7, 1998 bombings of Embassy Nairobi and Embassy
- Dar Es Salaam?
- 115. Did the schedule for developing anti-anthrax
- vaccines begin starting in 1998?
- 116. When did the US Government ask Bayer for help in
- developing a vaccine?
- 117. When did Bayer start sending the vaccines to the
- U.S.?
- 118. When did Bayer double production of the vaccines?
- 119. Was the death of Vladimir Pasechnik investigated?
- He was former director of the Institute of Ultra Pure
- Biochemical Preparations of the Soviet bio-warfare
- establishment Biopreparat in November 2001?
- 120. How are the deaths of scientists Robert M.
- Schwartz, Dr. Benito Que and Set Van Nguyen explained
- since all occurred in the same month? Is Set van
- Nguyen related to the anthrax victim Mia Nguyen?
- 121. What about the death of Nancy Sonnenfeld
- (FEMA-Wife)?
- 122. Why was the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife
- examining Anthrax in August 2000?
- 123. Do any employees in Trenton have the same
- handwriting as printed on the Anthrax envelopes?
- 124. Is it just a coincidence that the laboratory is
- also based in Trenton?
- 125. Did the FBI ever ask Fort Detrick to examine
- anthrax spores?
- 126. What about the list of 15-20 labs (maintained by
- Barbara Rosenzweig) who used Fort Detrick spores?
- 127. Does the CIA have spores different from those at
- Fort Detrick?
- 128. Why did Tommy Thompson, The Secretary of the
- Department of Health and Human Services,
- and other Bush cabinet members meet secretly (i.e.
- illegally) in Oct. 2001 with officials of the
- Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
- (PhRMA) to develop plans for their Emergency
- Preparedness Task Force?
- 129. Why did he decide on October 25, 2001 to ask
- Congress for another $500 million to produce Acambis's
- smallpox vaccine?
- 130. Why did it take 4.5 hours until Jean Marie
- Malecki , Director Palm Beach County Health
- Department, picked up the phone for employees of the
- AMI-Building, Boca Raton. This is where editor Bob
- Stevens got anthrax. Why did she wait two days before
- she visited that building again?
- 131. Did Walter Gilbert, Director Myriad Genetics ever
- get official permission from relatives of those killed
- at WTC to examine their DNA?
- 150. Why did General Mahmud Ahmad, former head of the
- ISI quit his position?
- 151. Why did retaliation against the Taliban begin the
- day he stepped down?
- 152. Who in the ISI paid $100.000 to Mohammad Atta?
- 153. Why does Ahmad think that another secret service
- was involved in the WTC attack?
- Which Secret Service was he referring to? Did other
- ISI official's believe that? Did officials of the CIA
- believe that? Did some officials of the Mossad believe
- that?
- 154. What was the purpose of Ahmad's visit to
- Washington on 9/11?
- 155. Who told Russian Foreign Minister Ivanov to abort
- an air strike against Afghanistan in May 2000?
- 156. Did Russian intelligence notify the CIA in 2001
- that 25 terrorist pilots had been training for suicide
- missions, as reported in the Russian press?
- 1. What did Kissinger mean that an "outside threat
- from beyond", a "world government" and
- rights" who are "willingly relinquished for
- guarantee of their well-being granted", what you
- mentioned in 1991 on a Bilderberg Conference?
- 2. What was his role at UNOCAL?
- 3. Is he in contact with representatives of these
- companies or institutions:
- 4. What did he discuss at the Bilderberg meeting last
- year in May 2001?
- 5. What was the purpose of his meeting with Moscow
- Mayor Yuri Luzhkov in July 2001?
- 6. Why does he write in "Toward a New Diplomacy
- the 21st Century" that America doesn't need a Foreign
- Policy?
- 7. When was the last time Henry Kissinger met
- US-Ambassador in Pakistan, Robert Oakley?
- 1. Is it true that the CIA is in possession of PROMIS
- software?
- 2. What is the purpose of PROMIS?
- 3. Did A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard, CIA, own any
stocks of
- United Airlines, American Airlines, Merrill Lynch, 4.
- Morgan Stanley, AXA Re (insurance) which owns 25% of
- American Airlines, and Munich Re.?
- 5. What is his connection to Alex Brown, Deutsche
- Bank?
- 6. Did he give any insider information about to George
- Tenet, CIA?
- 7. Who was the investor who purchased 2,000 UAL put
- options between August and September 11, 2001?
- 8. Did Deutsche Bank-Alex Brown own any stocks of UA,
- AA, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, AXA Re (insurance)
- which owns 25% of American Airlines, and Munich Re?
- 9. What about the 2,500 UA-contracts which were "split
- into 500 chunks each, directing each order to
- different U.S. exchanges around the country
- simultaneously." on August 10, 2001?
- 10. Did Deutsche purchase UAL options in August 2001?
- 11. Why did DB-AB purchase 4,744 put options on United
- Air Lines stock as opposed to only 396 call s on
- September 6-7? What was the purpose of doing that?
- 12. What is the connection to Wally Kromgaard?
- 13. Did Deutsche Bank or Wally Kromgaard purchase
- 4,516 put options on American Airlines as compared to
- 748 call options on September 10?
- 14. What was the reason of Mayo Shattuck III
- re-asssignment on September 15th?
- 1. When was the last time they met any representatives
- of the US-Government?
- 2. What was the purpose of these meetings?
- 3. Do the Taliban know Karl E. Inderfurth and State
- Department counterterrorism chief Michael Sheehan?
- 4. Do they know which US-Representative said in
- February 2001: "Either you accept our offer of a
- carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of
- bombs"?
- 5. When was the last time the Taliban was in touch
- with this representative?
- 6. Did Abdul Haq, the former Mujahedin leader executed
- Sept 2001 by the Taliban, decide in Winter 2000 to
- attack the Taliban?
- 7. Did production of opium in Afghanistan fall from
- 3276 tonnes in 2000 to 185 tonnes in 2001?
- 1. Was Global Hawk technology able to remotelycontrol
- unmanned planes in 1999 for 27 hours?
- 2. Did Northrop-Grumman use Global Hawk technology in
- the war in Afghanistan since October 2001?
- 3. What is the purpose of unmanned technology?
- 4. Is Northrup in contact with any engineers of
- Boeing?
- 5. Did Northrup install Global Hawk technology in a
- commercial airplane?
- 1. Did two U.S. carrier battle groups arrive in the
- Gulf of Arabia just off the Pakistani coast before
- 9/11?
- 2. Did 17,000 U.S. troops join more than 23,000 NATO
- troops in Egypt for Operation 'Bright Star' on 9/11?
- What was the purpose of both of these operations?
- 1. When did Tommy Franks learn that he would use
- Thermobarics in ToraBora?
- 2. Does he know if it had been tested on December 12
- in Nevada?
- 3. Who told Franks that Bin Laden might hide in
- ToraBora?
- 4. Is the main purpose of Thermobarics to destroy
- buried bio and chemical stocks?
- 5. Was Thermobarics developed for the purpose to use
- one day in Iraq?
- 6. When was the first time Franks used Thermobarics?
- Was it before or after the announcement of the end of
- ABM Treaty on December 11?
- 7. When did the US decide to use B61-11, the "nuclear
- version" of its "conventional" BLU-113
- 8. Why has the NSA destroyed data collected on
- Americans or US companies since the Sept. 11 attacks?
- 1. Why did Clinton abort an attack on Bin Laden in
- October 1999?
- 2. Who was responsible for that operation?
- 3. Why was the operation put on hold?
- 4. Why did Musharraf halt a covert operation to attack
- Bin Laden in October 1999?
- 5. Why did the GOP in Congress stop almost every move
- Clinton made against terrorism? They refused to
- believe reports and pass necessary legislation. In
- 1996 Clinton proposed a very extensive anti-terrorism
- regulation.
- 1. Who hired Richard Reid to threaten a passenger
- plane in Paris?
- 2. Who did he send an email to in Pakistan?
- 3. Has he ever been in touch with the ISI or CIA?
- 4. Did he know the difference between an explosive and
- a detonator?
- 5. How many ounces did he have in his shoes?
- 6. What size are his shoes?
- 7. Who build or prepared his shoes?
- 1. Has John Walker Lindh ever been in touch with the
- CIA?
- 2. Did he ever work for the CIA?
- 3. Who arrested him in 2001?
- 4. Why didn't he escape in the tumult to nearby
- Masar-e-Sharif?
- 5. Who hired his lawyer, Richard Brohanan? Who paid
- his lawyer?
- 6. Why didn't he go to Guantanamo Bay?
- 1. When did Cheney stop working for Halliburton?
- 2. Is he still in possession of any Halliburton stock?
- 3. Is he still in contact with Halliburton?
- 4. Was Halliburton invited to an oil conference in May
- 2002?
- 5. Does Cheney know when that meeting was planned?
- 6. Did Cheney have influence concerning Halliburton
- contracts with the Pentagon?
- 7. What exactly did Cheney decide to do on September
- 11th?
- 8. Did he speak with an Air Force Commander or Lt.
- Gen. Charles F. Wald on that day?
- 9. When did he inform the president about the hijacked
- airplanes on September 11?
- 10. Who called the White House on September 11 at 9:30
- PM about a possible threat?
- 11. Why was no air security at the White House or the
- Pentagon at 9:30 PM?
- 12. When and who gave the approval to evacuate the
- White House at 9:45 PM?
- 13. What was the purpose of a meeting with Indian
- opposition leader Sonia Gandhi in June 2001 about a
- multimillion-dollar debt owed to Enron from a major
- energy project in Indian Power Plants?
- 14. When was the last time Cheney spoke with anyone
- from ENRON?
- 1. What was the role of Colin Powell?
- 2. Who decided to give $43 million in aid to the
- Taliban regime in May 2001?
- 3. Did he know that production of opium in Afghanistan
- fell from 3276 tonnes in 2000 to 185 in 2001?
- 4. What was the purpose of his decision to treat the
- Taliban prisoners as War Prisoners? Is this decision
- in any way related to media reports 2 days earlier
- that Powell may have been involved in negotiations
- with Indian Power Plants?
- 5. What was the purpose of his short trip to Latin
- America on September 11?
- 6. Who decided that he fly to Latin America on that
- day?
- 7. Why would someone threaten him in Afghanistan on
- January 17, 2002 as Newsweek reported?
- 8. What was the purpose of Powell meeting with India's
- foreign minister on April 6, 2001?
- 9. Did Enron or Cheney ask Powell to help collect a
- $64 million debt on an Indian plant project?
- 1. When was the last time George H.W. Bush traveled to
- South Arabia on behalf of the Carlyle Group?
- 2. What was the purpose of that meeting?
- 1. Is Thomas White still in contact with ENRON?
- 2. Did his contact at anytime influence his decisions?
- 3. Does he still own ENRON stocks?
- 1. Did Vreeland warn Canadian Intelligence in May 2001
- about possible terrorist attacks on New York and the
- Pentagon?
- 2. Did he place the warning in an envelope while in
- prison in Toronto, Canada?
- 3. Where did he get his information?
- 4. Whom did he give the envelope to?
- 5. Why was he placed in jail?
- 1.Was the domain created on September 11th, 2000?
- 2. Who paid for that domain?
- 3. Are they also owners of Iridium Satellites?
- 4. When did they end contact with relatives of the
- Bush family?
- 1. When was the last time George H.W. Bush traveled to
- Saudi Arabia on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle
- Group, the 11th largest defense contractor in the
- U.S.?
- 2. What was the purpose of that meeting?
- 3. When did he resign from Carlyle Group?
- 4. Is he still in touch with any of their
- representatives?
- 1. Did Lander monitor a phone conversation between
- Zacarias Moussaoui and Richard Reid in Dec. 2000?
- 2. What did Lander tell representatives of the CIA
- about Zacarias Moussaoui?
- 3. Why did he stop monitoring Djamel Beghal, member of
- Takfir-wal-Hijra (financed by Osama bin Laden) in
- August 2001?
- 1. Did Bin Laden in July 2001 enter an American
- hospital in Dubai?
- 2. Did he arrive on July 4, 2001 on a flight from
- Qetta, Pakistan to American Hospital?
- 3. Was he at the hospital July 4-11, 2001?
- 4. Did Bernard Koval, CEO of American Hospital, ever
- speak with Doctor Terry Callaway about that visit?
- 5. Why did he change his statements about this story
- not being true and that he "asked around"?
- 6. What is the difference between Continuous
- Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis and Continuous Cycling
- Peritoneal Dialysis?
- 7. Did Koval know Larry Stevens?
- 8. Can Koval explain why Richard Labeviere, author of
- "Terror Dollars" (about illegal Al-Quaeda accounts),
- wrote the story about Osama Bin Laden's kidney
- operation?
- 1. What exactly happened on September 11 and at what
- time was President Bush informed?
- 2. Why was President Bush scheduled to visit a school
- in Florida?
- 3. Who scheduled the time of the visit?
- 4. When exactly did Bush learn about the first crash
- into the WTC?
- 5. How could he have seen that on TV?
- 6. Why didn't he interrupt his school meeting as soon
- as he learned of the first plane crash?
- 7. Did Bush ever wonder how Bin Laden was able to hear
- the first plane crash live on the radio?
- 8. Which radio station he was listening to?
- 9. Can Bush explain how Bin Laden's Home Video was
- found only two weeks after it was produced?
- 10. Why did Bush decide to release Bin Laden's Home
- Video?
- 11. What is the purpose of the Western Hemisphere
- Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC) in Fort
- Benning, Georgia, where terrorists have been trained
- for undercover agents in South America?
- Bush stated "if any government sponsors the outlaws
- and killers of innocents, they have become outlaws and
- murderers themselves". So what does he think about
- Fort Benning?
- 12. What is the role of Zalmay Khalilzad (former
- UNOCAL) in the National Security Council ?
- 13. What is the current role of Zalmay Khalilzad
- (former UNOCAL) in Afghanistan?
- 14. When was Bush's last contact with anyone from
- 15. Why was China admitted to the WTO on September 13
- after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts?
- 16. Why did Bush postpone the release of Ronald
- Reagan's records?
- 17. How does Bush feel about the need to investigate
- the CIA's mistakes?
- 18. Does Bush agree with senators John McCain, Joseph
- I. Lieberman, Porter J. Goss, former C.I.A.
- clandestine case officer and a Florida Republican,
- Richard C. Shelby and Ron Paul, US Congressman, who
- want an investigation and have said "Secret government
- is winning out over open government"?
- 19. Did he know before he left his hotel that morning
- on the way to the school that the 1st tower had been
- hit?ABC news reported that morning that he was asked
- by reporters if he was aware of events in NYC and he
- answered yes. If so, why did he later say he first
- heard of it was when he was at the school?
- 20. Why did Bush continue to sit in that classroom
- reading to children when he should have been
- conferring with his advisors?
- 21. Why did Bush say that he and Card initially
- thought it was an accident involving a small plane?
- 22. Given all the information sources available to the
- POTUS and his staff how could his people not have
- known the kind of plane involved?
- 23. Why didn't they know at this point, as did the FAA
- and NORAD, that aircraft were hijacked?
- The Batallion Chief in the 9/11 video was seen and
- heard asking for military backup immediately after the
- building was hit.
- 24.How come the NYFD knew it was terrorism right away
- but the POTUS and his aides just calmly went about
- their business?
- 1. Were 25,000 British troops and the largest British
- Armada since the Falkland Islands War, part of
- Operation 'Essential Harvest' pre-positioned in Oman,
- the closest point on the Arabian Peninsula to Pakistan
- before September 11, 2001?
- 2. When did he begin to place SIS-Special Forces in
- Afghanistan? Why?
- 1. Did Gloria Irish own unit 1504 at the Delray
- Racquet Club, 755 Dotterel?
- 2. Did she rent that property to Hamza Alghamdi in
- August 2001?
- 3. Why did the media not report about a connection of
- the Sun-Sentinel and the hijackers?
- 4. Why did it first appear that the hijackers had
- something to do with the anthrax attacks?
- 5. Why has this connection or coincidence never
- appeared in the media again?
- 6. What was the connection between husband Michael
- Irish (SunSentinel) and Bob Stevens (who died from
- Anthrax)?
- 1. When did Vladimir Putin warn the CIA about a
- possible terrorist attack and what was their reaction?
- 2. What was the purpose of the meeting between
- Christina Rocca, director of Asian affairs at the
- State Department and the Taliban ambassador Mollah
- Abdul Salam Zaeef in Islamabad in August 2001?
- 3. Why did she oversee the delivery of Stinger
- missiles in the 80s to Afghan mujaheddin?
- 4. Did Walid Arkeh in Seminole County jail inform the
- FBI in August 2001 about an attack on America? What
- was the reaction of the FBI?
- 5. Why did Dr. Jeffrey Starr, U.S. department of
- defense, visit Tajikistan in Jan 2001?
- 6. When did Jean-Claude Cousseran, Director DGSE ,
- French Secret Service inform the CIA about terrorist
- attacks on America? What was their reaction?
- 7. What does he know about the monitoring of Djamel
- Beghal, member of Takfir-wal-Hijra (financed by Osama
- bin Laden) and Kamel Daoudi? Did he ever inform the
- CIA about that? And when?
- 8. When did Italian Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco
- Fini inform the CIA about a possible attack on the
- American president "with the use of an airplane"?
- was their reaction?
- 9. When did President Mubarak, Egypt, inform the CIA
- about a possible attack on America with an "airplane
- stuffed with explosives"? What was their reaction?
- 10. When did Efraim Halevy , Director of Mossad since
- 1998 (unconfirmed) inform the CIA about a possible
- attack with "200 terrorists" on America? What
- their reaction?
- 11. Is it true he warned Ariel Sharon not to travel to
- New York on September 11 to speak at a festival?
- 12. Did a caller to Loxley Banks, Director Radio
- Cayman Islands talk show, give several warnings of an
- imminent attack on the U.S on Sept. 3 -10?
- 13. The London Times reported that someone from the
- FAA warned Salman Rushdie not to travel to the United
- States on September 3rd? If this is true, who was it?
- 14. Did the FBI investigate the two men who met
- Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi in Harry's Bar at
- the Helmsley Hotel in Manhattan on September 8, 2001?
- 15. Who does Abdullah Abdullah (Northern Alliance)
- believe killed Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud on
- September 9, 2001?
- 16. When and why did he decide to attack Kabul on
- September 11 at 5:30 PM?
- 17. When did he decide to invade Masar-i-Scharif
- 18. Did the CIA helped him provoke a tumult?
- 19. Did he ever meet John Walker Lindh?
- 20. Why was Major John Kenny, Commander Wright
- Patterson Air Base, Dayton placedon high alert on
- September 10? Did he inform companies in Dayton to
- shutdown their offices?
- 21. Why was Colonel William M. Dietrick , Commander
- Defense Language Institute in Garrison, Monterey on
- high alert on September 10?
- 22. Why did one of Kenneth (Ken) Weinbrecht (President
- SAMS ) executives say on September 10, that he was a
- 'Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to
- target US forces and make it look like a
- Palestinian/Arab act.'"
- 23. Did Jean-Louis Bruguiere, French anti-terrorism,
- inform the CIA on September 10 about a possible
- terrorist attack? If so, what was their reaction?
- 24. Why did Atta and hijacker Abdulaziz Alomari checke
- into a Portland, Maine motel (unidentified) on
- September 10?
- 25. Why was the Portland, Airport, according to
- eye-witnesses, in full charge of more military
- officials and soldiers than usual, weeks before
- September 11, 2001?
- 26. Why, as the San Francisco Chronicle reported, was
- Mayor Brown warned to be "cautious in your travel"
- night of September 10? Who warned him?
- 27. Why did Alex Diamandis, Odigo Vice President of
- Sales and Marketing, receive a warning on his
- messenger service about a possible attack on America
- on September 11, 2001? At which time?
- 28. When did Dr.August Hanning , President BND
- (Bundesnachrichtendienst Germany) inform the CIA that
- "Middle Eastern terrorists are 'planning to hijack
- commercial aircraft ?" What was their reaction?
- Did he allow an Iranian prisoner in Hamburg call to
- the CIA in Summer 2001 about an attack on America?
- What was their reaction?
- 1. Why did Kenneth Waldie, Stanley Hall, Herbert Homer
- and Peter Gay of Raytheon travel on Sept. 11? 2. 2.
- Can Global Hawk technology be used for at least 27
- hours?
- 3. Is Global Hawk technology used in commercial
- airplanes?
- 4. Did Danielle O'Brien, air traffic controller,
- inform another air traffic control center about a
- plane traveling fast southwest of Dulles after
- spotting it 8:18 AM on September 11?
- 5. Who was informed and what happened?
- 1. Why didn't Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary of the Air
- Force try to reach the airplanes in NYC (7 minutes
- time for McGuire AFB in New Jersey ) and at the
- Pentagon (10 minutes time)?
- 2. Did Roche ever try to shutdown the plane in
- Pennsylvania?
- 3. Can Roche explain why magazines of that plane were
- found 20 miles away from the crash?
- Andrews AFB is 13 miles away. He had one hour and
- fifteen minutes to respond to the plane that hit the
- Pentagon. What happened during that time?
- 4. Can he explain why many ear- and eye witnesses,
- including workers of the road construction company New
- Enterprise saw or heard F-16 jets ?
- 5. Why did President Bush say only one week later that
- he tried to shutdown that plane?
- 6. Who gave that decision?
- 1. Why did George Bush leave Barksdale Air Force Base
- aboard Air Force One and flew to an Air Force base in
- Nebraska on 1:48 PM on September 11 and returned to
- Washington at 4:30 PM?
- 2. What exactly did Donald Rumsfeld do that day before
- he arrived at the Pentagon around 3:55 PM?
- 3. How did Rumsfeld know at 5:30 PM on September 11
- that the plane in Pennsylvania could have been headed
- for one of three possible targets: Camp David, the
- White House or the U.S. Capitol building?
- 4. Can he explain why early media reports told us that
- no squadrons of combat-ready fighter jets have been at
- Andrews and later changed their reports that they
- haven't been on high alert only?
- 5. Why was Air Force Lt. Col. Vic Warzinski, another
- Pentagon spokesman, so sure on September 11 that
- aircraft was coming your way?
- 6. What did the D.C. Air National Guard in Washington
- do on September 11?
- 7. Can he explain what those 3 fighters did from
- 9:40AM until 9:55AM when they finally turned towards
- Flight 93 and were 60 miles out at 10:06am?
- 8. Can he explain why Air Traffic Controllers in a
- Nashua Telegraph article did report an F-16 was
- circling Flight 93 and was in visual range at the time
- of crash?
- 9. Can he confirm a witness report that National Guard
- F-16's have been at Hancock field in Syracuse NY in
- the air early that morning before 9AM?
- 10. How could the hijackers know how to disable
- defense systems?
- 11. What was the official reason that fighters of the
- 305th Air Wing, McGuire Air Force Base, NJ did not
- intercept the 2nd hijacked plane in NYC? This would
- have been possible within 7 minutes after 8:48 AM
- 12. Why did none of the 459th Aircraft Squadron
- (Andrews AFB) fighters intercept the plane which
- crashed into the Pentagon? Andrews AFB is 10 miles
- from Washington DC.
- 13. Col. Ken McClellan, Air Force spokesman said on
- September 11, that Mohammad Atta attended the
- International Officer's School at Maxwell/Gunter Air
- Force Base in Montgomery, and was seen by
- eye-witnesses? What was McClellan doing there? Why did
- he later deny the report?
- 14. Why did he decide not to shutdown ECHELON base Bad
- Aibling in Germany as planned for 2002?
- 15. What is the reason that none of any Air Force
- fighters reached the hijacked plane in time?
- 16. Many eye- and witnesses think that the plane in
- Pennsylvania was shot down. What is the scientific
- explanation why the magazine of the airplane was found
- many miles away?
- 17. Why did Jack Kelly, idefense.com, inform USA Today
- only 12 minutes after the first crash (8:48AM), that
- terror groups using Web encryption may have been
- responsible? And why was he so sure before the second
- crash at 9:03 PM?
- 18. Did Kelly serve with the U.S. government where he
- managed several significant programs for the
- information warfare and intelligence communities?
- 19. Did Joseph J. Esposito, Chief of NYPD try to
- contact the Pentagon at 9:06 AM on September 11? What
- was their reaction?
- 10. Why didn't General Elwood "Pete" Quesada
of the
- FAA inform President Bush between 8:15 and 9:05 about
- four simultaneously hijacked planes? Who did he inform
- and what was their reaction?
- 1. What does Nicholas Scoppetta of FDNY know about the
- latest reports of the WTC destruction?
- 2. Can he explain why many witnesses saw and heard
- more than two explosions in the WTC?
- 3. Can he explain why both Twin Towers and Building 7
- collapsed in that way?
- 4. Can he explain why a gas tank was in Building 7?
- 5. Can he explain why there were no passengers in the
- subway under the WTC?
- 6. Can he explain why there was no guard at the gold
- reservoir under the WTC?
- 7. Why did Dr. Jeffrey P. Koplan, Director CDC
- prepare, as CNN reported, emergency-response teams on
- September 11 at 11:16 PM?
- 1. When did Dr.August Hanning , President BND
- (Bundesnachrichtendienst Germany) inform the CIA that
- "Middle Eastern terrorists are 'planning to hijack
- commercial aircraft ?" What was their reaction?
- Did he allow an Iranian prisoner in Hamburg call to
- the CIA in Summer 2001 about an attack on America?
- What was their reaction?
- 2. When did Tayseer Allouni , Kabul correspondent
- Al-Jazeera, receive his first video from Bin Laden?
- Can he explain why the first video on October 7 2001,
- the day of the retaliation, looked like it was
- recorded in the morning?
- 3. Did Tom Simmons (former U.S. Ambassador to
- Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former Assistant Secretary
- of State for South Asian affairs) and Lee Coldren
- (former State Department expert on South Asia) decide
- or announce in a July 2001 meeting that an attack was
- planned on the Taliban in October 2001?
- 4. Why did Ms. Barbara Bodine, US ambassador to Yemen
- stop John O'Neill from investigating Al-Quaeda
- accounts in July 2001?
- 5. Did Niaz Niak, former Pakistani Foreign Secretary
- say in mid July 2001 that the USA planned military
- action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban?
- 6. Did Hameed Gul, retired Pakistani general of
- Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence, say that a
- secret service was involved in the attack on America?
- 7. Why did Tommy Thompson, The Secretary of the
- Department of Health and Human Services,
- and other Bush cabinet members meet secretly (i.e.
- illegally) in Oct. 2001 with officials of the
- Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
- (PhRMA) to develop plans for their Emergency
- Preparedness Task Force? Why did he decide on October
- 25, 2001 to ask Congress for another $500 million to
- produce Acambis's smallpox vaccine?
- 8. Why did it take 4.5 hours until Jean Marie Malecki
- , Director Palm Beach County Health Department, picked
- up the phone for employees of the AMI-Building, Boca
- Raton. This is where editor Bob Stevens got anthrax.
- Why did she wait two days before she visited that
- building again?
- 9. Why did Mayor Guilani sell WTC rubble to India for
- recycling and also China? Who made that decision?
- 10. What was the purpose of U.S. Ambassador Wendy
- Chamberlain's phone call on October 10, 2001 to the
- Pakistani oil minister? Why was she sure that a
- previously abandoned Unocal pipeline from Turkmenistan
- across Afghanistan to the Pakistani coast for the
- purpose of selling oil and gas to China, was back on
- the table in view of recent geopolitical developments?
- 11. What exactly was found on Z. Moussaoui's computer
- after 9/11, when local agents were given a Federal
- Intelligence Security Act (FISA) warrant, which they
- had requested six weeks previously?
- This ties directly into the question of the
- administration's dealings with the Taliban, its
- reluctance to investigate Saudi nationals, etc.
- 12. Why the attack on Cynthia McKinney for asking: 1)
- why has there been no investigation of the 9-11
- attack? and 2) did Bush/CIA/NSA know of it beforehand,
- and allow it to happen?
- 13. Why is the Bush administration so strongly against
- a real investigation into the events of 9-11?
- 14. Why did the US give 43 million dollars to
- Afghanistan back in May or June of 2001
- 15. Why did Bush toss the Hart-Rudman terror security
- study (developed over a 2 year period) and instead
- assign responsibility to Cheney and FEMA?
- 16. Why did Ashcroft stops flying commercial, citing
- an unidentified "threat" in July 2001?
- Why did the FBI and Justice not identify the form,
- origin and time of the threat?
- 17. Why did Bush stay in Texas for the month of August
- and Cheney in Wyoming?
- 18. Why no photos or videos of the Pentagon plane? And
- there's not a single credible frame of film or second
- of video of this? Also, why hasn't a similar flight
- path graphic ever been published?
- 19. Why didn't the Secret Service hustle Dubya out of
- the classroom a half-second after Andy Card told him,
- "Mr. pResident, the nation is under attack"?
- 20. Why did they leave him exposed to danger for two
- and a half minutes in the classroom and another
- half-hour in the school before he returned to the
- relative safety of Air Force One?
- 21. Where was George H. W. Bush at the time of the
- attacks?
- 22. Why did passengers or crewmembers on three of the
- flights tell people on the ground that the highjackers
- had "box cutters"?
- 23. Where are the flight recorders?
- 24. How did they find a passport that just "happens"
- to belong to one of the hijackers in the WTC rubble
- and they can't locate even ONE flight recorder?
- 25. Why no investigative reporting of the Pentagon
- scene? The photos do not show much, but then
- photographers were not allowed, initially, to
- photograph the scene, if I remember correctly.
- 26. Why was the series of recommendations Al Gore also
- put together in 1996 on airport security called by
- Republican congress "paranoid" and too harsh.
Why did
- the airline industry, lobbying against it, consider it
- too expensive and impractical.
- 27. Why was the Hart-Rudman report on the potential
- dangers of terrorism in the homeland. The results of
- the research ignored by Bush?
- 28. Why were FISA warrants disallowed by Bush?
- 29. Why did the US pull the plug on Muslim websites
- Monday September 10, 2001?
- 30. Why did the Saudi bin-Laden-group have a website
- with a PRE-SET expiration date of Sept. 11, 2001?
- 31. Why were the bin Ladens flown out of the U.S. on
- private jets the day after the 9/11?
- 32. Why did Cheney say that everyone in the White
- House started taking Cipro on September 12 when the
- first anthrax letter wasn't postmarked until September
- 18. 33. Why did Bush dissolve the Bin Laden Task
- Force? What would have happened had this focused and
- knowledgeable group been in place 9 months before 911?
- 34. Why was metallic debris found 8 miles from the
- crash site of the plane that went down in Penn? They
- said it went straight down and left a small hole in
- the ground. If they found metallic debris from the
- plane 8 miles away it was either shot down or a bomb
- exploded in the plane.
- 35. Why did they not let the media or any reporters
- take video or photos of the crash site?
- Comment
- From Nico Haupt
- 5-9-2
- Please don't send ME any answers to these questions.
I've been working on Sept. 11th oddities, including media and political
analysis, for the past 7 months, 24/7, and would describe myself as one
of the specialists and analysts of the attacks and the circumstances surrounding
- This list of questions has been circulating since January,
2002, and I have just now been able to revise it. Its main purpose, from
the beginning, has been to express, how many questions are really exist.
- It's actually not ME who is searching for answers any
longer. The US government and the people who are addressed in these questions,
have to answer to us. I hope you got the idea.
- The purpose of this list has only a political background:
- It's question list designed for a commission of inquiry
and individuals called to testify. So, again, please don't send me any
corrections or answers.
- You should use this list, politically, to send to your
US Congressman and local papers, etc.
- I'm sure most of us 911 skeptics, and all Rense-regulars,
already know which questions are really important, which immediately have
to be asked, which are less important or inane, and which ones have to
be further updated.
- You will find much additional material at http://www.ourDNA.org
where you can also leave your comment, thx :)
- Nico