- OOOPS! Which of the "Palestinian Terrorists"
in this Reutersphotograph is wearing a Star of David....?
- Enhancement/Enlargement
Black and White Enlargement and Enhancement
(only contrast was enhanced)
- .
- Comment
- From Guy Dunphy
- Also observe the taped together magazines on the guns.
Two interesting points: One magazine is taped, the other seems to be done
with with some kind of metal clip - since it doesn't go all the way round
the spare magazine. This clip seems a bit more like an accessory a well
funded army would have - like say the IDF. Ditto for the nice new balaclavas
- But the *main* point, is that the magazines are taped/clipped
together wrong way round. Shooters tape magazines together so they can
do a very quick swap when one is empty. Which means popping the pair out,
turning it over, and shoving the _unobstructed_ opposite end (the open
end of the full magazine) back in. If the open ends of the two magazines
are taped together adjacent (as in the picture) they will obstruct reinsertion
of the fresh magazine.
- This mistake suggests these persons were not familiar
with the weapons or their use, and the event was staged by someone equally
lacking in such skills. Either that, or a deliberate choice, for the reason
- Its also worth observing that with the magazines the
way they are, you can't see if there are any rounds in the second magazine.
As you could if it was taped 'open end down'. Consider that for a staged
event, it would be unlikely that the actors would be given loaded weapons.
Maybe one or two, if some 'wild shooting into the air' was in the script.
But no live ammo for the extras.
- Regards,
Guy Dunphy
- Comment
- From Dale Hayashi
- Dear Jeff,
- After examining the photos and reading the text, I immediately
found fault with some aspects of the writer's logic. While indeed that
appears to be a Star of David, the manner in which the magazines are connected
is not unusual. Indeed, to tape together magazines in the manner the writer
suggests is a sign of a novice. Military organizations and professionals
do indeed connect magazines in the manner the photo shows. There are even
special devices made and issued to accomplish this. Some weapons manufacturers
even design their magazines to connect to one another without any devices.
The proper way to use side-by-side magazines is to attach both with the
feed lips pointed in the same direction, but with a large gap in between
to facilitate loading into a magazine well without either magazine interfering
with the process.
- This diatribe is not to digress from the more important
matter, what is an alleged Palestinian doing with what appears to be a
tattoo of the Star of David?
- Thanks
Jeff, Dale