'Hate Speech' And The Massive
Israeli US Spying Operation

By Michael Rivero

The truth is "hate speech" only to those who have something to hide This was written in response to those who are trying to conceal the Israeli spy scandal, the largest spy ring ever uncovered in the United States, behind cries of "hate" and "anti-Semite". I am not "anti-Jewish", I am anti-espionage. There's a difference. I don't blame the Jewish people for the crimes of the Israeli government and the Mossad any more than I blame Americans for the crimes of the United States Government and the CIA. If you can't see that, then you're the one with the problem. The current focus on the Israeli spy ring is about crimes committed against our nation by a foreign government, plain and simple, and whether one opposes those crimes or is accessory to those crimes by seeking to conceal them. There can be a no more dangerous path than for our government, our media, and our citizens than to ignore the presence of the largest spy ring ever uncovered within our nation simply because it is connected with a "protected" nation presumed to be above reproach or criticism.
I urge you to all to continue to contact your representatives and your local media and demand a full and public hunt for the spies in our midst. Those who seek to protect those spies by suppressing this story must be suspect.
In the wake of the revelation of yet another spy scandal involving the Mossad, involving the arrests of the largest spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, and the existence of a huge system that allowed Israel to track telephone calls by media, politicians, law enforcement, indeed all Americans, as well as the means to eavesdrop on actual calls by using the wiretapping system built into the telephone system by an Israeli owned company, any and all reports of this scandal have been met with the charges of "hate speech" and "anti-Semite".
These phrases, "hate speech" and "anti-Semite", are well-worn devices to shut up a critic of Israel without having to answer the criticisms. Indeed they have been used so much that they have become red warning flags that the person using those phrases has something to hide and needs to shut down the discussion by any means possible. By screaming "hate speech" or "anti-Semite", the debate is over without actually examining the issues involved.
I've run this web site for over 8 years. You can check through the pre 9/11 version of What Really Happened for yourself to see if I have had any excessive preoccupation with Israel during that time. Only in recent weeks have I even mentioned Israel, and that solely because the ACTIONS of the government of Israel have called attention to Israel. In the wake of the spy arrests this is a story that people do need to know about, to know who else may be listening when that phone is picked up, if the phone tapping system was actually paid for with the money we send Israel every year, to know what intelligence service may be blackmailing our government and media, and to what purpose.
So, I've been getting a lot of email from people who ask "Why do you hate the Jews"? The answer is that I don't hate the Jewish people. I know a lot of Jewish people and count as my friends the ones who are as respectful of me as I am of them. My first wife was Jewish, which should erase once and for all that I came with any built in bias regarding the Jewish people.
What I hate are certain actions of INDIVIDUALS. I hate the idea of someone spying on our nation's citizens. I don't like our own government to do it; why should I be any less opposed to a foreign government doing it? Why is it not reasonable to hate those who pry into our government, then use the information to coerce that government into actions contrary to the good of our own people? I hate that sort of behavior. All civilized people should. I would hate the perpetrators of the spy ring and the phone taping scandal if they were Russian, British, Lithuanian, Brazilian, whatever. That's a perfectly normal response to this crime.
Hate gets a bum rap. In our politically correct society we are taught that it's bad to hate at all, but I disagree. Hate can be a good thing. There are lots of things I hate and I am not ashamed to admit it. I hate liars. I hate thieves. I hate drug dealers. I hate corrupt politicians. I hate child molesters. These are hates that are good for the people to have. Maybe if more people allowed themselves to hate liars, thieves, druggies, and the corrupt, our nation wouldn't be in the mess it's in. Think about that for a while. Hate could actually save our country.
I hate those who presume to decide for us what we can and cannot see, hear, or read. I am firmly opposed to and have openly defied efforts by our own government to withhold from the people information the people need to make good decisions with. When the Israeli lobby coerces Fox News to erase the story about Israel's spy ring, should I be less outraged at the concealment simply because the concealers are Israeli? To NOT speak out about a crime because the perpetrators are Israeli would be racist. Because this is EXACTLY what we are dealing with. Crimes. Espionage. Illegal wiretaps. Interference with investigations. Under the definitions in the USA Patriot bill, the coercion of Fox News to drop the espionage story is itself (technically) an act of terror.
Speaking of racism, the ideal held forth in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence is that no one race is superior to others; that no one race should rule by virtue of being a specific race. We even fought a civil war partly on that principle, and while the United States has not always lived up to that ideal, we have never surrendered it as our goal. So, when Arial Sharon openly bragged on October 3rd that, "We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it", why should I not find this statement objectionable, and anti-American? Why should I not feel something less than affection for the man who made that statement? Why should a reasonable citizen of this nation not wonder to what extent Sharon was speaking the truth, especially in light of the manner in which Fox News was forced to erase the Carl Cameron stories?
As seen in the subtitle above, the truth is "hate speech" only to those with something to hide. In the wake of the exposure of this latest spy scandal, the government of Israel might have expressed some public regret or shame over treating its purported friend, from whom it gets more foreign aid than is given to the entire continent of Africa, in such a shameful manner. Instead what we have seen is censorship of the American news by a foreign power, apparently with the permission of a compromised or complicit US Government, and the shrill cries of "hate speech" and "anti-Semite" hurled at anyone who dared presume to notice or comment on what Israel has been caught doing.
If you want to know why Israel is so much in the news it isn't because of "hate" and it isn't because of "anti-Semitism", it's because foreign owned companies were caught bugging the phone system (including that of the White House) and foreign citizens have been arrested as part of the largest spy ring ever found in the United States. That is NEWS, no matter what nationality is involved. In the course of that reporting, it was revealed by a US official that evidence exists linking 9/11 to persons other than Muslim Arabs, but that this evidence is CLASSIFIED. That too is NEWS. Deal with it.
The good side to the Fox News incident is that for the first time, Americans got a good look at just how much power and influence over what we see and hear is being exercised. It doesn't even matter who did it; that it was done at all is the lesson for our time.
And it is not "hate" to point that fact out.
Neither is it "hate" to point out that CNN followed Fox News' example by erasing their story about the 2 hour advance warning of the World Trade Towers attacks received by employees of Odigo, one of the companies implicated in the espionage case.
Finally, to those who insist that the Israeli spy scandal should be ignored because it makes all of the Jewish people look bad, I ask if we should have ignored Jeffrey Dahmer's cannibalism because it made the people of Milwaukee look bad?
NEW The readers respond.
I would like to second Mike's article (or rebuttal, shall we say?) to anyone who cries "hate" referring to any and all articles posted about Israel in the last couple weeks. Emails or letters of this sort are not about hate or racism, but about ignorance and political "correctness".
First of all, I have been frequenting for months now, and only in the last couple of weeks have I read anything relating to Israel, and never have I read any generalities referring to Jews as a whole. This alone shreds any theory of "anti-Semitism" or supposed bias that Mike Rivero has against the Jews. One would think that if he did have views like these he would have posted them long before the last couple weeks.
Second of all, I am personally a Northern European mutt, being one quarter Polish Jew, one quarter Irish, one quarter German, and one quarter miscellaneous mush.
I can point the finger at each of these "races" or nationalities and systematically give you example after example of why stereotypes of these people exist. So can you. This is not self-loathing; this is honesty. The honest truth about ALL races and nationalities is that most people are ignorant, and perpetuate these stereotypes. I will not go into examples, because that would immediately set off the false alarm sirens that go off in peoples' heads when they lie to themselves. The exact thing to realize is that none of that matters when you are searching for the truth.
Third, it is my belief that everyone on this planet is racist to a certain degree. No matter how many Rock Against Racism concerts or candlelight vigils you've attended, you still have your own personal bias against one race or nationality or another, whether it be at the arrogance of the "white race", or the womanization of the "white male". Why are both my examples about white people? Because that's the one race it's acceptable to criticize these days. It's a perfect example of racism. Or what is called today "reverse discrimination", a complete contradiction in terms. I truly believe that people gravitate towards people and things that resemble themselves. Ignorant white people are ignorant white people, ignorant black people are ignorant black people, and ignorant and blind defenders of Israel are ignorant and blind defenders of Israel. They gravitate towards each other.
Just like the person who likes baseball naturally gravitates and relates to another person who likes baseball, a person of any given background will naturally gravitate to and relate with people of the same background. We are not all equal. That is apparent in the entire history of civilization. Electricity was not discovered because your son failed the entrance exam to Harvard. The two have nothing to do with each other, right? Which in and of itself indicates a difference between your son and Benjamin Franklin, or whoever the hell really discovered electricity. Which leads to the fact that they are not equal, whatever race your son is. Finally, I would like to pose a question to anyone who is offended by these articles or their apparent bias against the Jewish people:
Mike's viewpoints are obviously based on what he sees and feels in his mind, and not on what our anything-but-independent media has brainwashed us into thinking, feeling, and believing since you and I were alive. Maybe it's time you did the same, and start thinking for yourself. Try garnering information from all sources of alternative media, not only about what happened on 9/11, but about everything you've ever heard from the mainstream media. Then go back to the mainstream media, and you'll see why there's an alternative. Then you'll never want to watch CNN again, except to disprove the bullshit they feed you.
Have a nice day.

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