- Earth Day approaches. A time for appreciation, reflection
and action. Activists mobilize to defend the responsible stewardship of
this precious blue sphere. Global warming remains the big issue on the
podium and in Big Media. But the focus on chimney stacks and car exhaust
rising from the ground is distracting world attention from a far more apocalyptic
operation underway in the sky: global warming mitigation. While environmentalists
have long argued that a warm, fuzzy blanket of greenhouse gas threatens
to melt polar ice caps, one of the most ambitious global engineering initiatives
in earth's history may have already started above and over our heads.
- Evidence is now literally floating in the air for various
projects underway, documented by patents and confirmed by whistleblowers,
in militaryspeak: aerial spraying, scattering and chaff operations. We,
mere mortals on the ground, may use the term "chemtrails", and
without Our consent, it appears that heavy metals are being released into
the upper atmosphere at an alarming rate - to save us from ourselves -
as proposed in a paper delivered before the 22nd International Seminar
on Planetary Emergencies, in 1997, by E. Teller et al.
- The author, to be more precise, is 'E' for Edward, preceded
by 'Dr.', the co-father of the H-Bomb and darling savant of the US Department
of Defense and the military-industrial-academic establishment, the same
Dr. T who in the 50's invented a perky little radiation mascot, Readi Killowat,
while proposing to create artificial harbours by nuking the coastline.
Although we got the bomb, thankfully, the glowing harbours never got the
green light. But on April 24, 2001, the New York Times confirmed that
he had indeed "promoted the idea of manipulating the earth's atmosphere
to counteract global warming." The Spin: a lining of aluminum chaff
scattered into the upper atmosphere to create a sun screen - like a giant
emergency blanket wrapping the earth - to reflect UV radiation back into
space and save the world!
- Brilliant! A chrome-plated planet. But here's the catch:
What goes up, must come down. Over three months, three separate rainwater
and snow samples from Chapel Hill, North Carolina were collected and submitted
for 'double-blind' laboratory analysis in March, 2002. Tests were ordered
for several elements which should not be present in normal rain or snow.
The result was devastating news about the health of our ecosystem: all
samples consistently revealed enough of the following materials to indicate
that they were present in the atmosphere "in large amounts...and concentrated
form" through a "very controlled delivery (dispersion),"
primarily: aluminum and barium.
- Follow the chemical trail, from A-Z. Aluminum, inhaled
or ingested, as we have all been warned, makes us forget the warnings that
aluminum makes us forget....in other words: Aluminum - bad. Barium compounds
that dissolve well in water (like rain) will cause a whole host of symptoms,
from breathing difficulties to brain swelling. Barium is hygroscopic, a
dessicant or drying agent: itchy eyes, burning throat, asthma, allergies,
nose and lung bleeds. Barium - really bad. Just ask Readi Kilowatt's chemical
counterpart, Mr. Yuk! Most of us will remember the mean, green man who
stopped us from downing a bottle of Bleach when we were six. The Mr. Yuk
for our corner of earth is technically the EPA (Environmental Protection
Agency) in the south, and Environment Canada, where it snows. However,
barium hasn't even been classified by the EPA with respect to human carcinogenity
because no studies have even been done on people. Surprisingly, aluminum
is also a no show on the list of hazardous air pollutants.
- But check any Material Safety Data Sheet and you'll find
barium clearly marked: "DANGER! MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED" with
the "Health Rating: 3 - Severe (Life)". Hey kids, bring out your
"GOGGLES and GLOVES" Mr. Yuk's taking you on a picnic! But, here's
the scary part, on the same Data Sheet, under Environmental Toxicity:
"No information found". Barium has twenty times more chronic
lethality than the worse organic-chlorinated pesticide (private interview
with R. Mike Castle, Nationally Accredited Environmental Risk Auditor).
Confusing? Not really - nobody with enough acuity to read has been reckless
enough to intentionally release barium into the ecosystem. Until now.
- When anhydrous barium (mon)oxide reacts with water, forming
barium hydroxide (commonly known as soluble barium salts), the chemical
reaction liberates a lot of heat. And where there's heat, there's fire.
Let's connect the dots. Follow closely: February 17, 2002 UP Science News
headlines, "Pollution drying up rainfall" - when particles are
too small to seed nice fat raindrops, "the clouds that do form...have
a hard time to rain." These tiny particles are called "aerosols"
by scientists, and long term exposure is now "an important environmental
risk factor for cardiopulmonary and lung cancer mortality" (Journal
of the American Medical Association). Bad news for the humans.
- It gets worse for the earth, and here's where the heat
turns up: a third of the United States and even vast tracts of Canadian
Prairie are suffering from acute drought conditions, some of the worst
shortages in years. Rivers are literally drying up. Reservoirs are at record
low levels. New York has declared a drought emergency. Montana is officially
a drought disaster area. Even the UN warns of severe water shortages by
2025 - globally. Back to the lab: barium has a much lower "specific
heat" value of 0.19 as compared to air (1.003) and water (4.184).
When introduced at higher altitudes, barium will have a net effect of increasing
the temperature of the atmosphere. Ergo: it gets hot and dry.
- Why would anyone want to do that to the earth? Ask the
military: In 2025 (a familiar date), US aerospace forces plan to "own
the weather" by "capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing
development of those technologies to war-fighting applications."(The
Weather as a Force Multiplier, August 1996). In a summary table, under
the column "DEGRADE ENEMY FORCES", among all the nasty options
we find: "Precipitation Denial - Induce Drought". The smoking
gun, not surprisingly always sits on the rack in a Department of Defense
pick up truck. Technicians working at the Tesla Center, Wright Patterson
Air Force Base, in Dayton, Ohio, have positively identified aluminum, barium,
polymer webs with melanin, ethylene glycol-based monoacrylates and other
heavy metals used extensively for weather modification projects for years
(R. Mike Castle).
- What a wicked, tangled web it is - literally. And here's
where we find the other half of our sandwich: DYN-O-Gel. Sounds like a
product Ronco might distribute, but it is actually the trade name for cross-linked
aqueous polymer, US Patent 6,315,213 awarded two years ago to one Peter
Cordani - when dispersed into a storm it forms a gelatinous substance which
falls to the ground, "thus diminishing the clouds ability to rain."
Dial-O-Matic in the weather!
- And if you took your Pocket Fisherman to Florida Bay
last month, you would have probably caught some of those "gelatinous
blobs floating in it and spider-weblike filaments." In January, fishermen
in the Bay of Mexico began to report on a zone of lifeless water, about
the size of Lake Athabasca, they dubbed "black water". By early
April, divers off Key West found dead and dying sponges, a trail of devastation
and no answers. Clearly, none of the baffled marine biologists read Woman's
World magazine: an article in the March 19 edition proudly announced that
a Florida research firm had discovered "a powder that will give you
perfect weather every day," and that in a top-secret test, this weather
wonder drug was scattered over a storm by military planes. The company
spokesman: Peter Cordani. The product: DYN-O-Gel. The Spin: it will
"protect the lives of millions, but it'll protect your leisure time,
- The most plausible explanation for "black water":
a recent real world test on a hurricane released enough Gel into the atmosphere
to kill everything in the sea below. What goes up, must come down. So what
about humans breathing in this miracle product? Mike Castle explains how
these fine acrylic acrylate powders will suck all the moisture from your
lungs, sticking the insides together - in two words: "extremely toxic".
Not advised.
- Mr. Yuk take cover! The scientists are playing God but
there are no environmental impact assessments for these compounds or any
other kinds of weather manipulation chemistry. So why are they being sprayed
into our skies?
- Look Up! Connect the Dots. Follow the Patents. Smell
the Air. Taste the Water. Control the Spin. Tell Everyone. The Truth is
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