Politically Correct Sex Promoted
At Santa Monica High

By Carl Limbacher

Traditional values have been under assault on college campuses for two generations now. But the vast majority of Americans have no idea how thoroughly these same left wing, libertine sensibilities are being enforced these days even at the high school level.
In New York, one public secondary school has for years dispensed two kinds of condoms from its nurse's office - "Regular" and "Mint Flavored." The mint flavored condom dispenser is labeled helpfully, "For Oral Sex Only," a photograph accompanying the New York Times report on the school revealed.
On the West Coast, things aren't much better, according to Stephen Miller, a student attending Santa Monica High, where, he says, school district policy states: "Condoms are available to students in grades 9-12 in a manner which promotes greatest accessibility."
Legally speaking, Miller notes, it would seem that a school policy encouraging sex between minors is flirting with the statutory rape laws. "The law aside, fourteen-year-olds are a little young to be having sex," he complains.
Then there's SM High's gay club, which to those unenlightened in the ways of modern academe may sound uncomfortably similar to a gay recruitment program.
"In case your son or daughter decides at their tender age that they are gay, we have a club on campus that will gladly help foster their homosexuality," Miller reports. (Imagine the outcry if the Catholic Church suddenly became so publicly accommodating.)
Do school officials notify parents when their minor age children enroll in SM High's gay club? "Of course not," says Miller.
Still, while the school's condom availability program is a matter of rigorous enforcement, other official policies have fallen by the wayside.
The daily ritual of having students recite the Pledge of Allegiance, for instance, succumbed to earlier waves of political correctness years ago.
"It took months of effort to get the school to stop resisting and finally bring back the pledge, and required intervention from the superintendent," complains Miller. "Even then, it is still only said twice a week, while policy dictates it should be said every day."
School holidays at SM High are another sticking point.
Veterans Day and Thanksgiving, for instance, have become little acknowledged anachronisms, the traditional values advocate notes. Rather then honor those who fought and died in America's wars to preserve freedom, the prevailing view, Miller says, is that "the U.S. has used its soldiers to kill innocent people, and the same Indians that helped the pilgrims were either shot, or put on reservations."
Meanwhile, SM High teachers and their favored textbooks concentrate on less offensive cultures.
"We do nothing for American holidays but everything for Mexican holidays," Miller says. "Teachers insult and demean the president [while] history teachers denounce the U.S. as wickedly imperialistic, some supplementing standard history texts with something comfortably more liberal."
In the wake of 9-11, SM High even invited a Muslim leader to the school to explain the splendor of Islam. "But no such proclamation was ever made about America," says Miller. "Scarcely a student at my school covered their heart when the national anthem was played in the September 11th memorial."
Meanwhile, the school newspaper condemned the U.S. military attacks on Afghanistan.
"Osama bin Laden would feel very welcome at Santa Monica High School," Miller concludes.

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