McKinney's Minions March To
A Different Drummer Indeed
By Kathleen Parker

It's worse than we thought. Not only is Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., possibly a delusional paranoiac, but she has lots of company as well as admirers, not only among America's poor 'n oppressed -- her beloved constituents -- but among certain anti-American individuals and organizations abroad, also known as terrorists.
The enemy, indeed, is within.
I dislike revisiting a topic so soon -- I wrote a column a few days ago about McKinney's loony charge that George Bush knew about the 9-11 terrorist attacks in advance. By her assertion, Bush effectively is guilty of mass murder and collusion with the enemy, all because he and his pals stood to gain monetarily through defense-related investments.
While I'm still confident that most Americans can readily spot a fool, there are enough "folks," to borrow a Bush euphemism, who think she's right to warrant a worried second glance. As one of her defenders wrote me:
"Some clear-eyed citizens see this woman as an astute observer of the national scene, and as one who has bravely stepped forward to voice the opinion of millions of us who have been denied a voice since President Bush's selection."
Which is to say, the terrorists don't have to win. They've got us working for them. We're the sleep-walking damsel who keeps opening the dadgum basement door even as the audience screams: "No, don't do it. Don't do it!"
We know McKinney is in the basement, working her curious magic on the clueless, but we keep tolerating her anyway. My guess is that McKinney has enjoyed immunity from close scrutiny owing to a sense that she's harmless. She's cute and has a big smile, couldn't hurt a flea. She's black, which means people give her a pass lest they be perceived as racist. She's got a bizarrely gerrymandered district that ensures her race-based longevity regardless of qualifications.
And she's got people from Decatur to Ramallah believing that Bush not only knew about 9-11, but also was behind it. Another e-mailer, a Holy Land tour coordinator with 25 years experience in the Middle East, said she had just spoken with a friend in Ramallah, who regurgitated McKinney's conspiracy theory. She wrote:
"If you see 'Cynth,' kindly tell her that Arab TV networks appreciate her comments for they now have the needed 'proof' that their paranoia is rational."
We've got serious problems, and we need serious people, as fictional President Andrew Shepherd said in The American President. And we no longer can afford to tolerate people like McKinney who should never be taken seriously. Can we stifle her? Nope. Can we impeach her, as I half-jokingly suggested in the previous column? Unlikely.
But we can and should investigate her as passionately as she demands we investigate Bush's "involvement" in the 9-11 terrorist attacks. We might begin with her campaign contributions, available for public viewing on the Web site of The Center for Responsive Politics, a non-profit, non-partisan group that follows the money. (
There you'll find names such as Abdurahman Alamoudi, founder and former executive director of the American Muslim Council, who donated to McKinney during the 1999-2000 election cycle. Alamoudi who? Let's roll the tape, provided by the Southeastern Legal Foundation, an Atlanta-based constitutional law firm and policy center that's calling for a congressional investigation of McKinney.
Here's Alamoudi at an October 2000 protest of U.S. policies in the Middle East:
"I have been labeled by the media in New York as being a supporter of Hamas. Anybody [sic] supporters of Hamas here?" he asked a cheering crowd. "Hear that, Bill Clinton? We are all supporters of Hamas. . . . I wish they added that I am also a supporter of Hezbollah."
Hamas and Hezbollah are both on the State Department's official list of terrorist organizations. None of which is to suggest that Cynthia McKinney is a terrorist, or a terrorist sympathizer, or even a socialist rabble-rouser who despises her own country. On the other hand, using McKinney's own talent for inferential dot-connecting, she just might be.
Kathleen Parker can be reached at
From Paul Walker
Frau Parker Is Bucking for Propaganda Minister of the Forth Reich
Armando Shapiro
Man, this woman is a classic character assassin pit viper and if she isn't working for some alphabet group, they should get her signed up fast.
There are many classic devices in her text, including the standard technique of calling someone a batch of names and disparaging them via some transparent disclaimer. Example: "None of which is to suggest that Cynthia McKinney is a terrorist, or a terrorist sympathizer, or even a socialist rabble-rouser who despises her own country."
Mamma mia, in 'The World According To Kathleeeeeen', anyone critical or suspicious of the government's 911 story is a terrosist or terrorist sympathizer. "None of this is to suggest, Mz Parker is a fascist intrument of disinformation out to do a big-time demolition of Rep McKinney."
FromAmerican Patriot Friends Network
Some info on Parker:
Kathleen Parker
c/o The Orlando Sentinel
633 North Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
I get lots of it (boxes) and most likely will not respond to you individually. I simply can't. Please do not confuse my failure to reply with neglect or a lack of appreciation. I read all, eventually, and greatly appreciate your taking time to write.
"Parker is director of the School of Written Expression at the Buckley School of Public Speaking and Persuasion."
From: kparker1
This is ridiculous, you guys. I teach a one-day writing seminar at the Buckley School. As for funding, puleez. I get paid by newspapers, that's it. You really should try to avoid drawing broad conclusions from a few anecdotal snippets. Cheers,
Kathleen Parker
Mrs Smith Goes to Washington
From Anonymous
Maybe Kathleen Parker could play Ed Arnold's old role as corrupt newspaper tycoon in the remake of Mrs Smith Goes to Washington.
Before writing her next column on McKinney, she may want to rent the Capra classic and watch it again a few times.
Or maybe she just needs a vacation. Let's give her one. Let's send her for a two-week vacation to the 1000 Islands. Two weeks on every island.
McShminney/To Kathleen Parker
Tom Dark
Never mind Cynthia McKinney. It looks like you could write about anything at all and still come off as some kind of nut case... what are you, the love-child Rush Limbaugh doesn't like to talk about?
Tom Dark
cc: quite a few
From JoEllen Wheelock
Perhaps Ms. Parker is somewhat displaced from the anti-communist McCarthy witch-hunt in the eary fifties, or in another context, and if Ms. McKinney were white and protesting KKK linchings in the not so far away past of the Southern US, she would be calling Ms. McKinney a "nigger lover". Or going back even further she could be one of Susanna Martin's accusers in one of the Salem witchcraft trials, which resulted in Susanna's being successfully burned to a crisp at the stake.
Every generation offers an opportunity for people like Ms. Parker to rile up public opinion for an angry cause. What is going on here? Why such interest in avoiding an investigation? Why resort to these kinds of tactics? Why this insistence on sacrificing social and administrative introspection in the name of what? Anger? Revenge? Fear? Would an official investigation endanger national security? Well, how? Why? Stamping upon the reputations of anyone who might focus on an issue that questions official doctrine, yes doctrine, is inquisitorial to say the least.
Has freedom of speech, which I always believed included freedom of thought and the freedom to question, been redefined as "Freedom of speech as long as you don't mind being crucified by the Holy Inquisition of the American Media if you question that vile smelling masticated and pre-digested slop that they broadcast as news". Of course it does imply freedom to attack, which Ms.Parker has very freely exercised, using the now fashionable hit-hard-below-the-belt punching style. As you can see here, it is really quite simple. And where does all this lead us? Well, no where really, so maybe we should stop bickering, investigate down to the last ounce of concrete dust and get on with finding a solution to this mess instead of razing the world with our military might before we have something that will stand up in our courts and our collective conscience. I am afraid that those who think they are pulling the media strings are going to be very disappointed when they realize that they have very highly underestimated John and Jane Doe's ability to inform themselves and to see through the webs of deceit.
Come come now, did they really think we were so stupid? Maybe overly complacent, but certainly not stupid. And from what I can see, that complacency is now coming to an end.
JoEllen Wheelock
From Mike
Man oh man, the fascists are gettin' antsy it would seem... Ms. McKinney has certainly struck a nerve.
Propaganda schills like Parker are in full damage control fact, I haven't seen such a concerted effort for quite some time.
I guess we know what that means...Rep. McKinney hit the nail square on.
Now we just have to support and protect her...both physically and spiritually.
thanks, as always, for all your great work...
From Sam Lacey
Hi Jeff, I sent this letter to Kathleen Parker at the Orlando Sentinel,in response to your posted article.
Dear Ms.Parker,
After reading your column in the Orlando Sentinel concerning Rep. Cynthia McKinney's statements on the events of 911, I had to respond. I am no "minion" and I am no "loony". I am not even a constituent of Rep. McKinney. I am just an American citizen who tends to agree with Rep.McKinney that there are some strange, indeed baffling inconsistencies concerning the attacks on 911.
Why, if I may ask, is there a need on the part of high profile writers in the media, to question the mental sanity, reputation, and integrity of any American who doesn't buy the party line on this issue? Rep.McKinney may be serving the people of Georgia in her district,but she does have the right to question as an American citizen. (free speech...remember?) Delusional Paranoic? Good one. And your statement about Rep. McKinney's "beloved constituents, the poor and opressed.." Guess they should stay in their place as well. Quite frankly, Ms.Parker, you are beginning to sound like someone who is ranting. I certainly support YOUR opinion and for it to be widely circulated, but I am certain I would not hear Rep.McKinney ask for your dismissal for such a gross personal attack.
An appropriate comment comes from Walter Lippman, an American journalist, who said "The news and truth are not the same thing" or Martin Luther King, another rabble-rouser, whose followers were poor and oppressed. "Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter."
Sam Lacey
From Charles Potnar
Here is a text of a letter I wrote to Kathleen Parker in response to her page on "McKinney's Minions"at your website...
I read your article in the Sentinel. 4/21. "Mckinney's Minions"? Ever stop to think how one little woman can draw up an army of supporters, "minions" if you must, in a heartbeat? Might it be that she is voicing the questions that sit in the hearts of millions of Americans, unanswered by the muddled, inconsistent pronouncements and policy directives of the White House? "There's evidence for a possible attack on banks in the northeast, but don't be afraid to go to the bank". Well, that's reassuring.
Contrary to the idea that Mckinney is gathering together "mindless minions" is the notion that Americans do their homework and are aware of connections between the Bush family and the Bin Laden family, who worked jointly on some construction projects in the Muddled East. Lots of folks know that Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban were on our payroll up until last summer. Many of us are aware of the connections between energy policies crafted by the Energy Department and the influence of Enron executives who were called in to consult on such matters, an area of inquiry continually blocked by Vice President Cheney's consistant refusal to testify on any of these matters.
Lots of us are also aware that the Bush/Cheney appointed head of the Securities and Exchange commision is an ex Enron top exec. Any wonder the commision's policies allowed Enron to engage in overseas transactions that laundered out the debt on their books? Many of us question the allocation of hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to the Defense Department and other areas designated "top secret" without any attempt to justify the outcomes of such expenditures. Shh. It's a secret. Just sit there and watch Fox news. "Loose lips sink ships".
We are not children. Simple pronouncements such as "they hate our freedoms, that's why" are not going to satisfy us when our sons and daughters come back in body bags. When someone steps up to the plate with the hard questions, they're going to get support. It doesn't matter if it is a little dark woman, a farmer, a bricklayer or a busdriver, they too will have a groundswell of Americans who share these questions.
When you call intelligent people "minions", you are fast digging yourself a pretty big hole with a pretty big shovel, young lady.
Good luck to you and thanks for allowing me to share. Got any idea why the U.S. is such a pariah on the world scene?

From Anonymous
I just have one reply for the transparent Ms. Parker: I can smell your fear through my keyboard and I can sense it from your words. The stronger the put-down the greater the fear. Yes, Ms. Parker, the dimension Rep. McKinney works from is one born out of sincerity and a remarkable courage that lights up the darkness for many once asleep. There are many followers and that is what terrorizes you.
The sleeping giant of truth has awoken and grows forth. It is strong and brave...and full of direction to get this world back on the right track of oneness! You, Ms. Spinmeister, have your work cut out for you. Personally I think you should quit while you're ahead...
Are you really that ignorant Ms. Parker?
From Lee
Dear Ms. Parker,
How are you my dense little journalist? Per your latest article:
"McKinney's Minions March To A Different Drummer Indeed"
You have learned nothing. You are no student of history. You are a sheep...simply, and ignorantly, following the party line.
Just one point..explain just one point, like: Why all the insider trading before the incident? How come so many 'put' options on the airlines involved? Want more...I got plenty...from *MANY* sources you would recognize.
There are so many questions. Have you thought about any of these? Have you no original thought? Are you totally closed off? Instead of making stupid personal attacks, why don't you do your homework and write something that dismisses her points one by one...instead of these shallow blanket statements. Here's a small example of your lack of journalistic investigation. You said:
"We know McKinney is in the basement, working her curious magic on the clueless, but we keep tolerating her anyway. My guess is that McKinney has enjoyed immunity from close scrutiny owing to a sense that she's harmless."
I'm sorry..."in the basement"??? A very intellectual statement. That is so pathetic...are you the office joke???? You are so clever with your words, but are you really trying to help?
Can you explain what "magic" she is using? And what kind of Nazi "close scrutiny" do you prefer...torture or just camera surveillance?
And what will you do when you are done being "tolerant"? You are one dumb bunny. Open your closed, repressed little mind.
You also said so brilliantly:
"None of which is to suggest that Cynthia McKinney is a terrorist, or a terrorist sympathizer, or even a socialist rabble-rouser who despises her own country. On the other hand, using McKinney's own talent for inferential dot-connecting, she just might be. "
Wow...big accusations must have proof! Anything more than simple rambling? Did you write a social column last???? No more journalistic skill than that???? Your family must be embarrassed.
Perhaps some of your makeup budget could go to some books. Start with David Icke and then read Jim Marrs. I dare you to read the available data!!!
You must still be studying the magic bullet that killed Kennedy!
You are a sad writer...your management should think about sending you back through high school...perhaps then you might have a bit of your own thinking available again. What happened to you???
Care to read the feedback from some of the poor saps you describe being manipulated by Rep. McKinney? Please do.
You belong serving fries and goes with your apparent I.Q. level. You are an idiot with a public voice...such a crime to let the stupid get published.
I'm very angry that unqualified people like you get published. If you truly cared for the US, you would look into these points.
Just think what a difference a journalist could have made in Nazi Germany if they had spoken up soon enough....your turn to use your post to make a difference now!! Have you the guts to do the right thing and look into it before condemning it? Sadly, I doubt it.
Best regards (but no respect),
Lee Lequin
Portland, OR
Dear Ms. Healy...teach professionalism please...this one is a fool and needs lots of work....if she is to be telling a different story than the evidence shows, than she should try to be a bit intelligent about it. I wish I had the time to show her all the data pointing to something not being right about the "official" story.
An Open Letter To US Representative
Cynthia Mckinney
By Thomas Morin
The honorable Cynthia McKinney Us House of representatives Washington D.C.
Subject: Some things are better left unsaid.
Dear Ms. McKinney
It all starts with Your November 16, 2001 speech to the US House of Representatives.
"(Mr. Speaker, now I think I've just about seen and heard everything: Kofi Annan and the United Nations being announced as joint recipients of this year's Nobel Peace Prize. I'm not saying there wasn't a time in the UN's history when it wasn't deserved. What I'm saying is I don't believe it's deserved right now. Instead, I believe that to award the UN and Kofi Annan now amounts to an insult to the millions that have died at the hands of the United Nations in recent years."
You went on to list the assent by silence of a few UN atrocities. You spoke of * the 1994 Rwandan genocide, one of the greatest humanitarian failures of any generation. You noted that at the end of 100 days an estimated 1,000,000 Rwandan men, women, and children had been bludgeoned, macheted, and axed to death.
Some things, Madam, are better left unsaid.
You went on to mention Srebrenica and how the UN created a safe haven for Muslims if they but surrender their arms. This they did, hoping that if ever the need arose they would get them back. They were to be sorely disappointed on that score. When it became apparent the men were separated from the woman to be killed in the nearby fields the Dutch UN troops began pleading for UN military support. But, just like Rawanda, the UN leadership once again became paralyzed and failed.
As if that wasn't enough you had to go and bring up that East Timor stuff; how the UN troops found rather easy targets in the hospitals of Sierra Leone; How the UN is creating AIDS epidemics in Cambodia and East Timor. We don't need to be reminded of these antics anymore than we need to dwell on the genocide we created for one hundred million Indigenous Americans. That is who we are - that is what we do. These Cambodians, Sierra Leonians, Rawandians, Indigenous Americans, are all tribal people.They're not civilized. They don't know how to do mass killings Why they don't even know the ten commandments! Their lands will be much better off being run by white people, but some things, Madam, are better left unsaid.
As if this wasn't enough you had to call for an investigation into possible Bush administration complicity in the events of 9-11 saying, "I am not aware of any evidence showing that President Bush or members of his administration have personally profited from the attacks of 9-11. A complete investigation might reveal that to be the case. For example, it is known that President Bush's father, through the Carlyle Group had - at the time of the attacks - joint business interests with the bin Laden construction company and many defense industry holdings, the stocks of which, have soared since September 11. On the other hand, what is undeniable is that corporations close to the Administration, have directly benefited from the increased defense spending arising from the aftermath of September 11. The Carlyle Group, DynCorp, and Halliburton certainly stand out as companies close to this Administration. Secretary Rumsfeld maintained in a hearing before Congress that we can afford the new spending, even though the request for more defense spending is the highest increase in twenty years and the Pentagon has lost $2.3 trillion."
Now, Ms. McKinney, I do want to acknowledge you for your restraint on this matter. You could have referenced the controversy about the passengers on the "attack aircraft" and how there were no Arabic names on the passenger lists.
You could have referenced certain websites that show no Boeing 747 could have crashed into the Pentagon; how air force fighters from Otis AFB could have reached NYC in three minutes, but you didn't because you know some things are just best not said.
You could have inquired about the parallels between the "Tower's and the Reichstag fires which are all documented at, and how Hitler's SS troops grew from 30,000 to over 100,000 within a month after the fire; or how Prescott Bush allegedly financed the Nazis. Quite frankly, Madam, even I wouldn't write about such things because I, too, know that some things are best not said.
Apparently though, the real bombshell that pushed a few journalists over the edge was your call for transparency of government. ("This is a time for leadership and judgment that is not compromised in any fashion. This is a time for transparency and a thorough investigation.")
Why do you know that this one statement alone set up a series of psychotic episodes in one Kathleen Parker of the Orlando Sentinel? This peripherally challenged ranter somehow sees Palestinian suicide bombers as something different than US or UN suicide bombers. Well maybe they are, the difference being one dies for Allah and the other for Moolah.
Now, Ms. Parker, being a target rich processing environment, does little by way of offering solutions to the demise of this nation, preferring instead to write like a bumper sticker author. She actually believes the "official version", cares not about truth because to write truth, her paycheck would be in jeopardy. One will not find the slightest concern of the rampant slaughter of Palestinians in her writings. No mention of the thousands of acres of olive trees bulldozed by the Israeli Zionists. No thoughts reflected as to why it might not make any difference to the Palestinian If they become a body bomb. More than likely, they will die anyway at the hands of Israelites manning US weapons. No, you wont hear mention of these things from Kathleen Parker for she knows some things are better left unsaid. She knows we live in times that are good for defending unelected national leaders and roasting elected leaders who have the audacity to question. She knows that freedom of the press no longer means freedom to tell the truth. You will never see her pen the likes of the following:
"Carlyle Group directly benefits from an eternal Orwellian war against the "Evil Ones".
The bin Ladins and the Bushes have been in bed financially raking in hundreds of millions together on big oil, construction and defense contracts for decades
The "War on Terrorism" has been planned for several years in the back rooms of the Council on Foreign Relations as a pretext for control of the Caspian Basin oil reserves (see Brzezinski, Grand Chessboard)." from Paul Walker's "Cynthia McKinney is an America Hero" at
Read more of Kathleen Parkers idiotic, absurd ranting about Rep McKinney http://www.Orlando (4/17/02)
Now, Ms. McKinney, I hope you have no feelings of remorse over saying things which would have been best left unsaid. Abraham Lincoln made the same mistake when he wrote...
"The Money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. it is more despotic than anarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces as public enemies all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes." -Abraham Lincoln.
As we know, Ms. McKinney, some things are better left unsaid.
Tom Morin
Fayetteville AR

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