Make Or Break For Bush
By Charley Reese

President George W. Bush faces a crisis that will make or break his presidency. Ironically, to use his words applied to Yasser Arafat, Bush finds himself in a situation of his own making.
Last week, the president was publicly humiliated by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who arrogantly ignored Bush's repeated calls for the Israelis to stop their military operation and pull out of the West Bank. The secretary of state was also publicly humiliated. The king of Morocco kept him cooling his heels for two hours before consenting to see him and then, in front of the press, embarrassed him with a hostile but legitimate question, "Why are you here instead of in Jerusalem?" All of the Arab leaders, in fact, instead of heeding Bush's demand that they condemn terrorism, laid new demands on the United States.
Bush seriously misread Sharon. That's probably because he is ignorant of the Middle East and its history. I think he relies on his staff to give him little yes-or-no choices to make. If Bush had bothered to read the British and Israeli press or, God forbid, one or two books on the conflict, he would have known: Sharon started the intifada; Sharon has been the one who has refused to negotiate for the past 14 months; Sharon has systematically destroyed the Palestinian Authority and the Oslo peace process; and Sharon does not intend to yield an inch of the West Bank.
All of this time, Bush has apparently thought that if the Palestinians would just lie down, Sharon would resume the negotiations. Apparently, he wasn't aware that Arafat did keep the peace for three weeks, and Sharon's response was to start a program of systematically assassinating Palestinian political leaders. Bush, of course, routinely condemns every act of resistance by the Palestinians, and the most he has ever said to the Israelis is, "Gee, I hope you show some restraint."
So now his reputation and that of the United States is at stake. It isn't just the Arab world that is fed up with Israel's brutality and flaunting of international law and America's one-sided support for Israel. It's the European Union, the United Nations and Russia. Serious demonstrations against Israel and the United States are taking place all over the world.
So here's Bush's dilemma: Sharon will not stop his military operation. Sharon will not negotiate with the Palestinians. Bush will have to force him. The reason Sharon feels confident in humiliating the president is because he believes that the Israeli lobby has such a lock on Congress that it will prevent Bush from taking any measures to punish him for his defiance. Hence, when Bush butts heads with Sharon, he will also have to butt heads with the Israeli lobby.
The question upon which the success or failure of his administration depends is, does Bush have the guts to do that? I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see. If Bush caves in to Sharon, American prestige will plummet, and his coalition for his war on terrorism will fall apart. Moreover, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will eventually start a wider war in the Middle East, for which Bush will be justly blamed.
The reason this is a situation of his own making is that Bush should have pressured Sharon into negotiations 14 months ago, instead of falling for Sharon's ruse that he wouldn't talk while Palestinians were resisting the occupation. Bush should have been equally critical of the Israeli violence. It has apparently taken him 14 months to realize that the Palestinian violence is provoked by the Israeli violence.
His popularity, while still high, is already starting to drop, and if he lets Ariel Sharon walk all over him, I predict he will be a one-term president. The larger question for the American people is this: Who runs American foreign policy, the elected president or the Israeli lobby?
Charley Reese can be contacted at
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