Girls Made To Pass Underwear
Test To Enter CA High School Dance

By Dan Whitcomb

"After a while the girls finally got the idea that they shouldn't say 'thong' when
they were asked, even though that's all they wear now. They won't be caught
dead in the locker room wearing regular underwear," she said.

High School Official Suspended Over Underwear Inspection
By Eleanor Yang
Staff Writer
San Diego Union-Tribune
RANCHO BERNARDO - A high school assistant principal accused of asking students to show their underwear before entering a dance was placed on administrative leave today after district officials had weighed the "severity of the allegations and concerns of those involved."
Dozens of infuriated parents and students have demanded that the administrater, Rita Wilson, be fired, saying she violated students' rights by forcing girls and boys attending a dance to lift their clothing and expose their undergarments. The reason for the check, the district said, was to "ensure appropriate school dress."
Several girls attending the dance Friday said they were asked if they were wearing thong underwear, and told to go home and change if they were. Female and male students complained of having to lift their clothing and expose their undergarments to Assistant Principal Rita Wilson and counselor Natalie Johnson outside the gym while their peers watched. The reason, the district said, was "to ensure appropriate school dress."
"It was a violation of these kids' privacy, and very embarrassing for kids at that age," said Cindy Chappell, whose 16-year-old daughter complained that her bra was exposed while Wilson examined her tube top.
The student said she was asked whether the tube top was attached to her bra. After answering, the student said, Wilson grabbed her tube top and yanked it down, exposing most of her bra.
"I felt embarrassed because there were about 50 people standing around," Chappell's daughter said. "I didn't think I had done anything wrong."
San Diego city police Officer Greg Bisesto said that while patrolling the dance, which was attended by about 725 students, he watched Wilson force dozens of girls to lift their skirts. He said he heard Wilson ask the questions: "Are you wearing underwear? If so, is it a thong? . . . Then let me check."
"I just thought, 'Oh, my God, what is she doing?' " Bisesto said. "This is totally out of line."
Parents have been told that part of the motivation for the inspections was an incident involving partial nudity at the dance last year. The dance, called "MORP" - "prom" spelled backward - is the only informal dance at the school and is considered the wildest of the year, students said.
Students typically dress in costume to fit a theme, which this year was "Blast From the Past." Last year, some students wore loincloths for the "Jungle Fever" theme. Things got out of hand, students and parents said, and one girl took off her underwear and revealed herself on the dance floor.
While not condoning Wilson's alleged actions, school board President Penny Ranftle said: "I suspect the intent was to make sure students were more protected, in terms of being covered. But having said that, I don't think it's appropriate to ask what kind of underwear a student is wearing."
Jordan Budd, legal director at the American Civil Liberties Union for San Diego and Imperial counties, said that if the description of the night's events provided by students is accurate, "it plainly violates the privacy rights of girls and boys subjected to the searches."
Some parents have threatened to file invasion-of-privacy and sexual-harassment lawsuits against the school. Parent Alane Barnes Garvik said she will not be satisfied until Wilson and Johnson are removed.
"Those two need to be gone," said Garvik, whose daughter was asked if she was wearing a thong. "That's the only acceptable consequence. These people, as far as I'm concerned, need to be classified as sex offenders."
Garvik's sophomore daughter was forced to go home and change before she could enter the dance, although thongs are not barred in the school dress code. The code states that undergarments, including "boxers, tank-top undershirts or underwear" should not be exposed.
"I felt like they were really touching a private area," the 16-year-old said. "I didn't think they had a right to know that stuff."
Other students who asked not to be identified because they feared retaliation at school said they encountered similar treatment at the costume dance.
One 17-year-old junior said he had to lift the toga he was wearing and show the shorts he had on underneath.
"She said, 'What's under your toga?' " the student said. Johnson, the counselor, did not seem satisfied until the student raised it, he said.
During the dance, at least two people tried to stop Wilson's examinations.
Bisesto, the police officer, said he approached Assistant Principal Michael Mosgrove and asked him to talk to Wilson about her behavior. Bisesto said he does not know if Mosgrove spoke with Wilson, but he said the examinations did not stop.
A member of the school's student government, Michael Barber, said he approached a teacher at the dance, asking him to talk to Wilson, but the teacher declined.
"Teachers were our only line of defense, and when we tried to say something, nothing was taken seriously," said Barber, a senior.
Wilson, who has been working in the district since 1995, was described by students as a strict administrator who is known for enforcing the rules. As one of four assistant principals at the 3,166-student school, she oversees some disciplinary issues and organizes school events.
The district hopes to complete its investigation within a week or two, said district Communications Director Sharon Raffer.
"We are taking this seriously and want to ensure that any actions to be taken are based upon the facts of the situation," Superintendent Don Phillips said in a written statement.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Angry parents demanded the resignation of a California high school vice principal on Tuesday after she lifted the skirts of teenage girls at a dance to make sure they were wearing "appropriate" underwear.
Parents at Rancho Bernardo High School in suburban San Diego say the vice principal, Rita Wilson, made the girls prove that they were not wearing skimpy thong panties before they were allowed into the dance on Friday.
In some cases, said Rancho Bernardo parent Kim Teal, girls also were made to partially undress if Wilson or another teacher suspected that they weren't wearing bras.
"These girls feel violated," said Teal, whose daughter Rebecca, a sophomore, was asked about her panties but escaped a search after telling Wilson that she was not wearing a thong.
"One girl just cried after having to tell her father this story, she was hiding her head in a sweatshirt," Teal said, adding that the girls had their skirts lifted in front of men and their male classmates.
"After a while the girls finally got the idea that they shouldn't say 'thong' when they were asked, even though that's all they wear now. They won't be caught dead in the locker room wearing regular underwear," she said.
Wilson and Paul Gentle, Rancho Bernardo's principal, were unavailable for comment on the skirt-lifting.
Don Phillips, superintendent of the Poway Unified School District, said students, staff and others were being interviewed to determine what happened at the dance, which he said was attended by about 725 pupils.
"The principal is talking with the parents involved," he said. "We are taking this seriously and want to ensure that any actions to be taken are based on the facts of the situation."
Teal, a 43-year-old attorney, said she learned about the skirt-lifting from her daughter, whose friends were forced to show their panties in front of boys, teachers and police officers standing at the door.
She said most of the girls who wore skirts or dresses to the dance, which had a "blast from the past" theme, reported being grilled about their underwear or forced to show them to Wilson or another teacher.
Teachers also checked several boys who were wearing togas, Teal said, and some girls were asked about their bras.
"I just got a call from one mom who said her daughter was wearing a poodle skirt and an off-the-shoulder top and a teacher reached right out and grabbed the front of it and pulled it down to check," Teal said.
Teal said she and other parents would demand the resignation of Wilson and any other teachers involved and would also consider filing a lawsuit against the school district for violating the civil rights of their daughters.
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From Robert Parland
What a putrid testimonial to a dying culture. God forbid these parents force their daugthers to stop dressing like Hollywood film whores and rock star sex dirtbags. Oh, no, we can't do that. (Most of the mothers probably wear hooker underwear themselves and think it really cooool that their little jailbait daughters dress like streetwalkers, too.) Gollleee, I forgot, civil rights! Even teen hookers-in-training must be accorded their 'freedom of expression'... don't even THINK about controlling those teenage whore-moans! Bless the school Vice-Principal who gave it a good try...only to be overwhelmed by the mind-controlled consumer droids and morons which represent the majority of this 'society'. Yep, according to health statistics, most of those little sweet tarts have no trouble slipping out of their underwear in the wink of an eye no matter which style they may wear...the national epidemic of sexually-transmitted diseases proves it. Imagine your little girl with oral gonorrhea and HPV venereal warts at the age of 15. Ah...but she sure is cool...bra-less and wearing those thong undies.
Anita Grisolm
Gosh, Robert!
What put a burr up your butt?
The very fact that it's "underwear" makes it a private, "non-public" matter. What are these girls expressing with their "freedom of expression"? (or more to the point....just what are these "parental figure-heads" doing looking up girl's dresses?? What are THEY "expressing"?) At the next dance, will the requirement be a strip search? (in a private back room?) You have the nerve to claim moral outrage.....and yet label people you know nothing about as "teenage whores" "hookers in training" "jail-bait" and "sweet tarts"-- your own "terminology" condems you. Shame on you, Mr. Parland.

Alton Raines

What anyone wears beneath their clothing is as sacred and private as their bodies themselves, and no one has the right to "inspect" or level any form of UNDER-dress code on students. French Cut underwear was at one time the great "whorer" which sent mindless parents and moralists up the walls in the late 50s. Then the Bikini cut. It was to make whores out of all of them. Pfft! What nonsense. Once again, certain people's minds are not where they should be... too busy slinking under the dresses of females.. guised as concerned parents or the voice of moral sanity; morality police is more like it, as if we need such a thing.

When will the world learn where the real perverts are hiding? Right out in the open, in positions of authority, pushing their twisted view of morality on others, even granting themselves access to the most private of places.

Oh, and Mr. Parland, my 16 year old does wear thong underwear, and if she wanted to wear black leather ones under her clothes -- by the way, where your rights end and hers begin, and where your mind and concerns should never be -- I wouldn't give a flip. That's her personal PRIVATE decision. Underwear styles no more make girls into "whores" than did the bikini turn the beaches into an orgy! It has nothing to do with "civil rights" you knuckle-dragging throwback -- it's called personal privacy! Or shall we sneak a peak in YOUR little world and private affairs?

You wouldn't like that, would you?
From kh6
You know, adult perverts sneaking a peek our children's undergarments are not the biggest threat to our civilization. Indeed, we've had preists and rabbis molesting our children for years -- why only recently the outcry?
We need to totally overhaul our civilization, but this cannot occur until we regain control of our news media, the entertainment industry and our government. Sexually-transmitted diseases, leather underwear and "hookers-in-training" are only symptoms of our "dying culture."
The more dire ills that need to be stomped out now are every-man-for-himself libertarianism, do-it-if-it-feels-good rationalism and the granting of "civil rights" to all featherless bipeds who managed to hop the fence into this country.
The challenge that lies ahead will be to wrestle our nation and our civilization from those who are destroying us. After we regain control of our destiny, we will be able to straighten out our childrens' thinking... so they will have enough self-respect and pride knocked into them such that a strip search like the one that occured at the Rancho Bernardo school will be relegated to the Third World.

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