Nevada Cops Can Hide Monitoring
Devices On Peoples' Cars


CARSON CITY, Nev. - In a 5-2 decision, the Nevada Supreme Court ruled Thursday that police can hide electronic monitoring devices on peoples' cars - without a warrant and for as long as they want.
The majority opinion, written by Justice Deborah Agosti, said that attaching the device to the bumper of a Las Vegas man's car to track his movements "did not constitute an unreasonable search or seizure under the Nevada Constitution."
Frederick Osburn was sentenced in 2000 to up to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to open or gross lewdness, possession of burglary tools and four counts of possession of child pornography.
He appealed, arguing evidence against him should be barred because it was based, in part, on information police were able to gather from the electronic monitoring.
Osburn said federal law may permit warrantless monitoring, but asked for a finding that the Nevada Constitution provides greater protection.
The majority cited a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that there's "no reasonable expectation of privacy" when it involves the exterior of a car - especially in Osburn's case since the car was parked on a public street.
Justices Bob Rose and Cliff Young dissented, with Rose writing that the majority ruling gives too much authority to police.
"The police will be able to place a vehicle monitor on any vehicle, for any reason, and leave it there for as long as they want," Rose said. "There will be no requirement that the monitor be used only when probable cause - or even a reasonable suspicion - is shown, and there will be no time limit on how long the monitor will remain."
He added that in some cases such devices "will be used to continually monitor individuals only because law enforcement considers them 'dirty.'"
"In the future, innocent citizens, and perhaps elected officials or even a police officer's girlfriend or boyfriend, will have their whereabouts continually monitored simply because someone in law enforcement decided to take such action," Rose said.
In Osburn's case, he had been placed under surveillance after police questioned him about a prowler call several weeks before his arrest. The surveillance increased the week before the arrest after Osburn was reported masturbating outside a home. After his arrest in September 1997, police searched his home and found child pornography.

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