Danish MEP Seeks War Crimes
Trial For Sharon


COPENHAGEN (AFP) - A Danish member of the European parliament said that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon should be tried for war crimes against the Palestinians.
Torben Lund told the Extra Bladet daily he will press the parliament and the EU's foreign policy chief Javier Solana for an inquiry into Israel's assault on the Jenin refugee camp.
Following Sharon's refusal to allow a UN investigation, Lund said: "This must lead to an international tribunal that can look into what happened in Jenin, and Sharon's role in the operation."
He said: "Israel is the only country in the world that shows such indifference to the legitimate concerns of the international community."
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan disbanded a fact-finding mission into the events at Jenin after Israel refused to cooperate. The Palestinians have accused the Israeli army of massacring civilians in a nine-day assault on the camp launched on March 29.,10846,194340,00 .html


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