Chemical Weapons Control
Chief Defies US Ouster


THE HAGUE (Reuters) - The head of a global body policing a chemical weapons ban defiantly refused yesterday to give in to a US campaign to oust him over his attempts to woo Iraq into joining the organization and accept inspections.
The US bid to oust the director of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, or OPCW, is the second such campaign since it succeeded last week in bringing about the replacement of the head of the UN's climate advisory body.
The OPCW's director, Brazilian Jose Bustani, said he would not bow to US pressure to resign during a three-day special session of the organization in the Hague, which began yesterday.
Bustani, who was unanimously reelected for a second four-year term in May, survived a no-confidence vote last month after Washington accused him of mismanagement because of his overtures to Iraq - branded by President Bush as part of an ''axis of evil'' with Iran and North Korea.
A second vote is due to take place privately tomorrow at the OPCW's headquarters. Delegates from the 145 OPCW member states have said little about how they will vote.
''The choices that you make during this session ... will determine whether genuine multilateralism will survive or whether it will be replaced by unilateralism in a multilateral disguise,'' Bustani told delegates in a speech.
The United States said Bustani's efforts on Iraq were no substitute for UN Security Council resolutions calling for Baghdad to allow free access for UN weapons inspectors.

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