Deadly Ebola Outbreak In Gabon
Said Caused By Infected Gorilla


ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast - Contact with an infected gorilla triggered an ebola outbreak that killed a reported 53 people in Gabon, the World Health Organization says.

Health workers traced the outbreak back to a gorilla found in the remote north of the central African nation, in the Ogooue-Ivindo province.

The remains tested positive for the ebola virus at a lab in France, WHO said Tuesday.

Ebola is one of the deadliest viral diseases, causing death through massive blood loss in up to 90 percent of those who become infected.

Aggressive rehydration therapy can save many, however.

The outbreak struck in a remote area peopled by Pygmies and other hunter tribes. Suspicions of medical workers quickly fell upon primates, which also can contract the virus and die of it.

Many in protein-starved central Africa eat monkeys and gorillas. Authorities urged villagers to avoid bush meat during the outbreak.

Gabon's Health Ministry reported 65 cases, including 53 deaths, WHO said. No new cases have been reported in the area since February.

In neighboring Republic of Congo, authorities reported 43 deaths, and at least 12 other cases of the disease.

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