US East Coast Suffering
'Most Severe Drought On Record'

By Charles Laurence
The Telegraph - London

HANCOCK, N.Y. - U.S. trout fishermen converged on East Coast mountain streams for the new season last week only to discover a drought that water authorities fear could become a national disaster this summer.
As the United States spent the winter worrying about terrorism and recession, few people noticed it was neither raining nor snowing.
The result of a very dry winter is that at least 57 rivers on the East Coast and the Great Plains are running at record lows when they should be in spring spate. Reservoirs supplying the cities of the Atlantic Seaboard, including New York and Philadelphia, are only half full.
Dozens of local authorities have already banned garden hoses, car washing and recreational water use. Last week, New York declared emergency restrictions, turned off the fountains in Manhattan and suspended street-washing.
Montana was declared a drought disaster area, allowing the state to appeal for emergency federal funds for farmers even before the summer wheat season begins.
Many people have failed to take heed of the threat, said Jeff Ryan of the New York environmental protection department.
"The water crisis isn't on the horizon -- it's already here," he said. "People don't seem to realize it."
Conrad Lautenbacher, the administrator of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, said, "On the East Coast, we're experiencing the most severe drought on record."
Hundreds of fishermen who flocked last week to New York's Catskill Mountains found rivers reduced to pools. Dave Fisher, his waders wet only to his calves, could scarcely believe his luck as he pulled a 1.8-kilogram trout from a weir pool below the Cannonsville reservoir, one of a group of local lakes supplying water to New York, 225 kilometres away.
"Normally, the water would be running so deep in the spring, you could hardly get in here," he said. "But I've found this pool full of fish." James Serio, a local fishing guide, real estate agent and the executive director of the Delaware River Foundation, said the fish had nowhere else to go because the water had fallen so low.
"There is going to be a severe fish kill unless drastic steps are taken. The groundwater is down: For two years, we've been at least 12 inches low on the 45 inches of rain we need."
Water authorities say the plight of the trout stream may be the start of a bigger problem that could soon affect tens of millions of Americans.
In Maine, 1,000 private wells have already run dry after the driest winter in 108 years, while in Idaho, the potato crop is under threat. Farmers have no water for irrigation because the snowmelt feeding the Snake River is 20% below normal.
To the south, the melt is 40% below normal in the mountain basin feeding the Colorado River, which supplies most of the water for Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
"If things don't change, what we are going to see on the news this summer is fires," said Reagan Waskom, a water resource specialist at Colorado State University.
There are already reports of the first forest fire of the year raging in New Mexico.
The last serious drought was in 1988, when corn crops failed in Illinois and Kansas, riverboats ran aground on mud banks in the Mississippi, and Yellowstone Park burned in a forest fire so fierce it destroyed roots along with branches.
While some climatologists point to established cycles of drought and plenty, others say global warming trends are changing weather patterns.
Fishermen in the Catskills have discovered another factor behind the water crisis: politics. Water has always been a resource to be traded and fought over in the United States and a 50-year dispute lies behind half-empty reservoirs and trickling rivers.
Above the Catskill reservoirs last week, the streams were running with water from sudden heavy rains over the region during March. Below the lakes, however, the rivers most famous for trout were dry. New York was grabbing all the water, infuriating locals such as Mr. Serio. His businesses and the local economy depend on the trout.
City officials say they have no choice. Only a month ago, the Cannonsville reservoir was down to just 8% of capacity.
Mr. Serio disagrees. "Bad management of the water, and the arrogance of New York City to the state that surrounds it, is a major factor in the problem," he said."It's outrageous that they ruin our rivers while millions upon millions of gallons are simply wasted."
Up to a third of the water piped to New York never gets there because of leaks in the old wooden aqueducts.
Statistics illustrate New Yorkers' appetite for water. European cities consume 110 to 150 litres per person a day, compared with 200 litres for Boston and 375 litres for Los Angeles. New York's water consumption is 600 litres per person. 4527.html

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