What Is The Constitution?
By Sheldon Richman

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a smart man and an excellent writer. He is also a living example of how bad political and philosophical premises can put great talent in the service of an evil cause.
In November, while speaking at the University of Missouri, Scalia was asked what he thought about proposals to impose a national ID card on the American people. Scalia said he personally opposes the idea and would vote against it if it were put to a vote. But when a student asked him whether a national ID would violate the Constitution's Fourth Amendment, which protects individuals "in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures," Scalia pointed out that the Amendment says nothing about an ID card.
Then he went on to say (I quote from an Associated Press report), "'If you think it's a bad idea to have an identity card, persuade your fellow citizens' through the amendment process, rather than asking courts to make policy."
Scalia here is saying that the government may require everyone to carry an ID unless the people amend the Constitution to prohibit Congress from enacting such a measure. He implies that the government can do virtually anything unless the Constitution expressly forbids it. No surprise here. Scalia has long made his views known.
But his views are based on an incorrect - indeed, a pernicious - notion of what the U.S. Constitution was and is supposed to be. In fact, he stands the Constitution on its head. Instead of a document that protects individual liberty by reining in government power, Scalia would make it one that protects government power by reining in individual liberty.
James Madison, the acknowledged father of the Constitution, said that the central government was delegated powers that were "few and defined." This is backed up by the Constitution itself. Article I, Section 8 contains a short list powers given to the Congress. To reinforce this point, the Tenth Amendment in the Bill of Rights, which was adopted at the urging of those who thought the Constitution would allow the government to grow too powerful, says, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
The upshot is that the national government was not given a general grant of power to do whatever it thinks is right. It was given specific powers and only those. Any others belong to the states or the people. Or to put it more bluntly, if it's not expressly in the Constitution, the national government can't do it.
This is not only clear from the constitutional text, it is the only scheme consistent with the idea of a constitutional republic. A constitution such as ours is needed only if the intent is to limit the powers of government in behalf of liberty. A "constitution" that limits liberty in behalf of government power is a contradiction.
The Founding Fathers wanted to safeguard individual freedom. So they made the task of amending the Constitution difficult. But Scalia's way of thinking, which first seized politicians and judges long ago, reverses the Founder's basic intention. If government can do anything except that which is expressly prohibited by the Constitution, then the onerous burden of amending the Constitution, instead of falling on those who favor expanded power, is now on those who favor preserving freedom. The Founders must be spinning in their graves.
Scalia's remark shows clearly how America's political system has been turned against liberty. It is thus a perfect illustration for a new book, Dependent on D.C., by Professor Charlotte Twight of Boise State University (Palgrave/St. Martin's Press). In this important book, Professor Twight demonstrates how government leaders have inverted the American system, first, to keep the people from knowing what the politicians are doing and, then, to make it costly for the people to object. She calls it "manipulating the political transactions costs." Twight demonstrates her thesis with several case studies, including the passage of Social Security and Medicare.
If we are to restore our liberties and get government under control again, it behooves all Americans to understand what Charlotte Twight has to say.
Sheldon Richman is senior fellow at The Future of Freedom Foundation in Fairfax, Va., and editor of Ideas on Liberty magazine.

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