Famine Enforced By
Government Edict

From Anita Sands Hernandez

Response To Salem Gardening Story
From David G. Hoffman
From John Elegant j
Director of General Services
City of Salem, OR
Good Morning,
I am pleased to respond to your two questions. First the City is not limiting the size of one's personal gardens, whether they be food or flower gardens.
Regarding code enforcement, the City will be using citizen volunteers in this area, just as we do now in parks maintenance, recreation, and tens of other areas. These folks will visit areas of trash, debris, health hazards, etc., providing, should they confirm a violation of City code(s), a copy of the ordinance and a correction notice. A correction notice is not a citation. It advises a person as to the nature of the problem (such as boards with nails in a front yard), how the problem can be abated and a deadline for such abatement. Citizens who become volunteer code enforcment folks will not be deputized, will not have citation authority, etc.
I hope this is helpful information to you.
John Elegant
Director of General Services
City of Salem
Salem, Oregon just made growing vegies illegal. They are trying to get us NOT to grow our own food. Once we're forced to use the MONEY CONTROL system, all our needs will be on the table. Meaning, they can see how much money we spend, tell if we're dinky in paying taxes. Read this file:
In Salem, Oregon, the Salem City Council recently adopted an ordinance regulating the size of gardens a family can have in their back yard. A garden is limited in size not to exceed a few hundred square feet.
The same Salem City Council adopted another ordinance that enables the Council to DEPUTIZE citizens as code enforcement officers with the power to enter your property if they suspect there is any violation to the new garden ordinance.
And only last month, the Salem City Council adopted an ordinance that prevents elected representative from voting on any particular issue, if that person fails to disclose any contribution or family member who donated more than $501 to their campaign.
You ask, "How can there be any evidence to authorize entry if the garden is hidden from view in your back yard?"
Easy, everyday LANDSAT satellites pass over your back yard. University computers can identify changes in your back yard with a resolution of less than 6 inches.
When you dig a garden plot, its size can be generally determined. Once the crop starts to grow, the crop type and species can be detected from outer space. If you planted a crop that was listed as an invasive species, the location by polar coordinates can be matched with your address. The address can be matched with the County property tax base, and the Owner of the property can be identified. Once the owner is identified, the volunteer neighborhood enforcement officer can go to your home, verify the infraction, and write a citation. You are now on notice for having conducted an act against humanity.
In a Sierra Times article by Henrietta Bowman she writes: In 1995, Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Program was a speaker at the Beijing Woman's Conference. She stated, "Food is power. We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize. Control the Food and you control the people."
In 1999, President William Jefferson Clinton signed Executive Order 13112, to empower the United States Department of Agriculture to impose Gardening Restriction. Order 13112 regulates against "Alien Species" and defines that, "With respect to a particular ecosystem, any species, including its seeds, eggs, spores, or other biological material capable of propagating that species, that is not native to that ecosystem." This means if 'cabbages' are not a native in your area/ecosystem you may not grow this food

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