The Daily Life Of Kawther Salam -
Palestinian Journalist In Hebron


Kawther Salam is a Palestinian Journalist living a living hell in Hebron.  Israeli press refuses to publish her reports on the conduct of the IDF in Hebron.  Gush Shalom will publish a daily report by Kawther Salam.
Why does the Israeli press not write about the soldiers stationed on my rooftop in Hebron, sexually harassing me and insulting me 24 hours a day?  Why does the military commander of Hebron, Dror Weinberg, enjoy harassing me for political reasons?  I am a journalist carrying an Israeli press card, and another two international cards from the United Kingdom and Belgium.  I am also a Palestinian.
The first attack on me was at the beginning of the Intifada, and since then I have experienced such things on a daily basis.  I have filed numerous complaints against soldiers who have been systematically trying to prevent me from doing my work as a journalist.  I have also reported the harassment and attacks by the Israeli soldiers to the commander of Hebron.
The military commander claimed that the presence of soldiers on my roof is for political reasons, but the soldiers damage my life in this home.
The recent attack on me involved the soldiers cutting the electricity, damaging the television cable, throwing sand, garbage, and urine at my apartment.  They threw at me live bullets and when I tried to film them they threatened to shoot me.  They threw stones at me, and I got hurt on my right knee.  It is not the first time that I have gotten injured by the soldiers.
On the 5th of September the soldiers threw a chair at me and I got injured with a 20 centimeter cut on my chest.
They arrested me, accusing me of provoking them.   Because I wear nice clothes, I am a provocator.
Because I am doing my job as a journalist, I am a provocator.   Because I live in this apartment, I am a provocator.
The military commander, Hartzel, of the unit Shimshon, informed me that they would continue to harass me until I stop my work as a journalist and leave Hebron.
His assistant said to me, "bitch!", in front of him.
When he heard him calling me bad things, he was smiling in an expression of his happiness.
Hartzel is always threatening me and hindering my journalistic work.  He blocked the entrance of my apartment with barbed wire, denying me the ability to get out onto the street.  He instructed his soldiers to continue making noise for me until I leave my apartment.
Kawther's Photo Gallery
Unique Photographs and sound recordings by Kawther Salam http://www.gush-shalom.or g/kawther/gallery.html

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