More Chemtrails Over Portland
Burt Tschache
Vernonia, OR

Dear Jeff,
I want to thank you so very much for publishing the chemtrail information on your website. After so many governmental types stating that we are simply seeing contrails and the major media ignoring it almost completely, it's good to know there is a forum for the Truth.
If Truth was a tree, In Washington DC, It would shrivel and die, And we all know why.
After the major chemtrail assault of yesterday, things were a bit more discreet today. Today's chemtrails were dispersed in a more surreptitious manner with the pilots blending them into existing clouds. Then tonight when I walked out onto my deck just after dinner, blatancy had returned. Huge, widely spreading chemtrails filled the sky over my home, west of Portland.
There were 2 huge X formations in the sky from horizon to horizon, with some additional lines added for effect. One leg of an X had a triangular tail, almost like what one would think of as a "Devil's" tail. Hmmmmm... At least we know who's behind this. I wonder if "The Devil made me do it" is an acceptable defense? Anybody for a Hostess Twinkie? (The Dan White defense, in the murder of SF Mayor Moscone, for those that do not understand my reference.)
I've often wondered why more people don't notice these. I point them out to people whenever I can and ask them what they think about the strange clouds. Some think they are just contrails, some haven't really thought about them being too preoccupied with other things, but many people don't even look up at the sky, at all.
Why don't they look up at the sky? I think most people are too stressed out and many likely suffering from some type of undiagnosed depression. Stressed out, depressed people tend to not look up. Why are they stressed out and depressed? That's a whole 'nother story.
I just heard a jet flying over and was curious if another trail was being laid out. I walked outside to see one of the strangest looking chemtrails I have ever seen. The trail was coming out smooth like most, but further back it was forming little rings, almost like smoke rings. I went into the house, got my camera, loaded it and went back out to take a picture of it It had pretty much dissappeared save for the long trail extending behind the plane. Verrrrrry strange indeed.
I've noticed that some chemtrails will dissappear sometimes only to reappear a while later as a spreading cloud. From all I've seen and read on the subject there must be several different types. Sometimes a black line will appear in front or alongside. Those have a particularly evil appearance.
My major concern about these is that this material is getting into the biosphere, contaminating our air, food and water. Aluminum dioxide, has been discovered to be a component of chemtrails. This was posited in Edward Teller's paper about combating the planetary warming trend many years ago. Aluminum is also a component of Alzheimer's disease and various other mental disorders. It can also cause rashes as I found out, many years ago, with aluminum chlorhydrate, used in anti-perspirant soaps and deodorants.
My fondest wish is that when these perpetrators of evil (just following orders, Lt. Calley?) come up to the pearly gates, Ricky Riccardo will be standing there, arms akimbo, questioning in his own inimitable manner, "Luuuucy, you got some 'splainin' to do!"
From Deborah Yates
Hey Jeff,
It is now 4 pm. The chemtrails have finally started to appear in the sky. There are not many, but it appears that this may be a night of chemtrails. Looking eastward, Gresham may have had spraying today. The few chemtrails that are overhead are now starting to spread out in isolated strips. We will see what happens as the day progresses.

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