Ike's Final Warning
From Hayden McAfee
Dear Jeff,
Heard you use the phrase, "Military-Industrial Complex."
I'm sure you're aware it comes from a farewell speech by Eisenhower.
Less well known is the fact that he changed the 'phrase' just before delivering the speech.
The original phrase was: "Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex."
'Ike' had reportedly agonized over a president criticizing the Congress so harshly...he didn't think it proper. At the last minute, he dropped the 'Congressional' part...presumably feeling that people would realize that the M/I complex wouldn't have a dime to work with, without Congress's approval!
Like yourself, I have read in print, and heard in conversation, countless complaints about the M/I complex, without percieving the slightest hint that the complainers included Congress in the equation.
Thank you,
Hayden McAfee

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