Travesty Of Justice

Lou Dobbs On Andersen

"A firm of 85,000 people has been destroyed in three weeks. Not one person at Enron or Andersen has been charged or arrested in three months. That we have overwhelming collateral consequences for the innocent before we have justice for the wrongdoers is simply a travesty."
NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - We learned today that the Justice Department and executives of Andersen talked in Washington about the possibility of settling the criminal indictment of the firm.
We don't know how close they are to a settlement. Nor the terms. But we do know a settlement should be reached.
The Justice Department indictment has already destroyed Andersen as a firm. And we know that settlement, in whatever form, will come too late for many thousands of innocent Andersen employees who will lose their jobs next week. A number of top officials of this Justice Department have much to answer do a number of top executives at Andersen.
While they can't now salvage all of the jobs that have been so unnecessarily obliterated by this utterly wrongful indictment of the firm, they can salvage some of the jobs that remain. I hope that's enough incentive for both sides in these talks to reach an agreement quickly.
And hopefully, they can salvage as well faith in the capacity of the government to care about the little guy, or as damage to the little guy is referred to in the Justice Department's Criminal Resource Manual, the collateral consequences.
A firm of 85,000 people has been destroyed in three weeks. Not one person at Enron or Andersen has been charged or arrested in three months. That we have overwhelming collateral consequences for the innocent before we have justice for the wrongdoers is simply a travesty.

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