911 Whistleblower Vreeland -
Charges Dropped, Refugee
Status Granted
By Michael C. Ruppert © 2002 From
The Wilderness Publications. All Rights Reserved.
May be reposted or distributed for non-profit purposes only.

(FTW) - Delmart 'Mike' Vreeland is out of danger for the time being.
9-11 whistleblower Delmart "Mike" Vreeland, the US Navy officer who wrote a written warning of the 9-11 attacks, a month before they occurred, was released on bail yesterday after a hearing in Toronto Superior Court in which he was ordered to reside at a Toronto apartment leased by his mother. At the time the bail release order was issued, the address was made part of the public record and announced in open court, raising immediate fears that Vreeland, who has expressed fear for his safety, would become easy prey for would-be assassins. The same pattern was followed immediately before the public execution of drug smuggler and intelligence operative Barry Seal in 1986.
Late yesterday afternoon, FTW Publisher/Editor Mike Ruppert spoke by telephone with both Vreeland and his attorney, Paul Slansky, and learned that Canadian authorities had agreed, shortly after the court hearing, to allow Vreeland to change his approved residence location to an undisclosed address in the Toronto vicinity in order to ensure his safety.
FTW has also learned that all Canadian charges connected to Vreeland's December 2000 arrest have been dropped and that Vreeland, who is seeking permanent political refugee status in Canada, has been granted temporary refugee status until February 2003, or until his extradition case has been resolved in Canadian courts. Vreeland, who has also served as an informant on organized crime investigations in the US, allegedly while working as a Naval intelligence officer, has stated in Canadian court proceedings that he fears immediate assassination if forced to return to the US because of his ability to prove US government foreknowledge of the 9-11 attacks and because of continuing threats from Russian and American organized crime.
Canadian courts have continually refused to allow Vreeland or his attorneys to present mounting evidence validating his assertions -- in many cases corroborated by official records -- that he was a Naval lieutenant conducting secret intelligence operations for the US government in Russia just before his Canadian arrest on Michigan fraud charges in December 2000. Vreeland's claims that a Canadian diplomat, Marc Bastien, was murdered in Moscow, originally denied by Canadian officials, have since proven true as a result of autopsy findings. The Canadian government has since acknowledged that Bastien was murdered.
It was on these 2000 intelligence operations in Russia that Vreeland obtained the information which told him attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon -- among other targets -- were pending, and that US intelligence was aware of them. Vreeland's warning note, sealed and placed in the sole custody of Canadian jailers on Aug. 11 or 12, also contained the ominous statement, "Let one happen. Stop the rest." That document was entered into evidence in Vreeland's extradition hearing on Oct. 7, 2001. At that time Canadian authorities acknowledged that the letter had been written a month before the attacks.
A copy of the warning letter can be viewed at

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