Water Testing Lab Workers
Charged With Faking Tests

CBC News

HAMILTON, ONT. - Two employees of a Hamilton laboratory which tests water and soil have been arrested and face fraud charges.
Police raided the laboratory on Tuesday, after allegations tests were being forged. Officials say the labs tested drinking water for at least three Ontario municipalities.
Fine Analysis Laboratories tests water, soil and pharmaceuticals for companies in Canada and the United States Hamilton Police Chief Tom Marler says two people have been arrested following allegations those tests were not properly performed.
"The certificates of analysis were either altered or they were filled out with the tests not being completed," he said.
But Marler wouldn't say what the nature of those tests were. And he declined to say whether public health is at risk. He left that question to officials from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Health Canada, and those officials declined the invitation to attend the news conference.
Liberal MPP Dominic Agostino says that's serious cause for concern. "This is too important for them to be hiding somewhere and not coming down forward and answering the question the public have here."
The Sierra Club's Maureen Reilly says the absence of the two government agencies is indicative of a greater problem. "My biggest concern is that the Ontario government doesn't get it, hasn't learned the lessons of Walkerton, that they need to act when they see a problem."
A spokesperson for the Ministry of the Environment says there's no reason to believe public health is at risk. But critics such as Reilly and Agostino say it's the government's responsibility to make sure the people of Ontario have all the facts in cases like this.
Written by CBC News Online staff

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