- Like they say: history repeats itself and there is an
uncanny similarity between what happened over 70 years ago and more recent
developments. In 1925 Germany was a spent force economically, politically
and militarily; defeated a decade earlier and racked by political dissent
and economic depression it posed no threat to anyone, or so it appeared.
- Twelve years later though a revitalised Germany was ready
to take on the world. Backed by Wall Street the German industrial base
was rebuilt so that when the Nazis came to power in 1933 they were, in
terms of economic and industrial capacity, a few short steps away from
being able to wage total war. A combination of U.S. oil, pharmaceutical
and military supply interests joined with Wall Street banking to finance
the restructuring of Germanyís industries. Wall Street also helped
create the I.G. Farben conglomerate; involved in the production of synthetic
gasoline and explosives, both essential in any modern war, I.G. Farben
was engaged in a range of activities that were crucial to Germanyís
war effort. Indeed it is no exaggeration to say that I.G. Farben was the
Nazis war machine and that it was largely created with the covert aid of
U.S. banking elites: the Rockerfeller empire, the Harriman and the Du Pont
dynasties and J.P. Morgan. (1)
- Whilst the Harrimans did not directly finance Hitler
they were intimately connected with the Nazi front bank, the Bank voor
Handel en Scheepvaardt. A key figure in this liaison was Prescott Bush,
(2) a managing partner at Brown Brothers Harriman and a long time associate
with the firm. Today his grandson, George W. Bush, sits in the White House
whilst the same process repeats itself. The same configuration of oil,
pharmaceuticals, chemicals, military supply and banking is again reflected
in the current White House staff and cabinet. George W. himself has a solid
background in the oil industry whilst Vice President Dick Cheney was formerly
prominent at Haliburton, a leading recipient of government contracts in
supplying military equipment and oil services. There is however one critical
difference between what is happening now and the events in Europe in the
twenties and thirties; today itís not the Nazi military industrial
complex that is being rebuilt but the Russian and Chinese military behemoths
that are being revitalised. And while all this is happening both the Russians
and the Chinese are following an age-old military doctrine first laid out
by Sun Tzu in his treatise The Art of War. Around 500 BC Sun Tzu advised
aspiring warlords and conquerors on the benefits of ìfeigning weaknessî:
so as to disarm opponents and take them by surprise. It is a lesson that
the Russians and Chinese seemed to have learned well.
- Their appearance was as dramatic as it was unexpected.
They came without warning and left in their wake a trail of confusion and
shock. The Russian SU-27 and its reconnaissance escort flew in tandem,
flying low and fast, exactly as if they had been on a strike mission. Their
target was the prized centrepiece of the US Seventh Fleet in the Sea of
Japan, the USS Kitty Hawk. Somehow, through a combination of skill and
daring they evaded the radars and lookouts of an entire naval Battle Group
to swoop past the aircraft carrier at its centre. If this had been for
real the Kitty Hawk would have been sunk or the planes shot down; but the
planes were not shot down because the Battle-fleet was taken completely
by surprise, moreover this happened not just once but three times in late
October and November 2000. Then, as if to add insult to injury, the Russians
emailed photos to the Pentagon taken by their planes as they buzzed the
Kitty Hawk.
- Interfax quoted Russian naval spokesman Anatoly Kornukov
as saying the buzzing of the USS Kitty Hawk had been a ìplanned
operation. Our jets appearance was a big surprise for Americans,î
he said. ìThe photos clearly show the panic on the carrier's deck.î
In response embarrassed Pentagon spokesmen tried to minimize the incidents
significance and the fact that the Seventh Fleet was caught completely
off guard. Thirty years ago it would have been enough to push the world
to brink of all out war. So maybe itís a measure of how far the
Cold War tensions have eased but today the whole incident hardly made the
front page. In fact those papers that did report it gave it only a passing
mention on the inside pages, if that.
- Yet this was more than the daredevil antics of a few
Russian pilots, much more. Quietly and deliberately the Russian and Chinese
military machines are being rebuilt and readied, or in the words of Russiaís
naval commander Adm. Vladimir Kuroyedov: ìIt is time for our ships
to move away from the pier.î This in spite of reports, from various
official Russian spokesmen and dutifully carried by the Western media,
that the Russian navy is so beleaguered and decrepit that it cannot even
combat poachers.
- In the month following the feigned attack on The Kitty
Hawk the Russian navy delivered the first of two 7,300-ton Sovremenny destroyers
to China. Armed with powerful cruise missiles capable of packing a nuclear
sized punch the Sovremenny (Russian for ìcontemporaryî) is
considered a serious threat by Western analysts and comes as part of a
billion dollar Sino Russian military deal. The deal which includes helicopters,
SU-27 aircraft, Kilo class submarines and SS-N-22 Sunburn cruise missiles,
is only part of the growing military cooperation between the two countries.
In October 2000 the two nations embarked on their first ever joint naval
exercises in an alliance that was formally ratified when Putin visited
Beijing last year.
- It is not only the Russians who are supplying China with
state of the art technology; the Americans are too. In fact in terms of
technological know how the U.S. has become a virtual bargain basement for
the Chinese with secrets and classified information being given away at
rock bottom prices. In a recent example a top weapons research centre,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, appointed Taiwanese born Wen Ho Lee to
lead a sensitive nuclear weapons program. According to several senior government
officials quoted by Reuters, his appointment was finalised whilst he was
being investigated by the F.B.I. as a suspected spy for China. This along
with other incidents in the so-called Chinagate scandal prompted the U.S.
Government to launch an investigative committee that published its findings
in the Cox Report. Significantly only an edited version of the Report was
made public but according to one senior Congressional aide who had seen
the unedited version: ìThere was a pattern of clear and consistent
White House involvement in the transfer of sensitive technology to China.
The pattern shows, at best, a White House that was incompetent and, at
worst, complicit in the loss of U.S. secrets.î (3)
- It's not just the White House that is involved in the
transfer of sensitive strategic technologies to China. With its eyes ever
focused on increased profits big business has been too; Hughes Electronics
Corp. and Loral Space and Electronics Ltd. have both helped China improve
its military rockets and ballistic systems while Lockheed Martin recently
paid a $13 million settlement to the U.S. Government for passing secret
satellite technology onto China. In the light of Lockheed Martinís
profits, which amount to billions, a $13 million fine is a mere slap on
the wrist and well worth paying in view of the huge profit potential latent
in China.
- The Russians have also been the recipients of sensitive
Western military technology. In 1995, McDonnell Douglas successfully lobbied
to buy a Russian ìKryptonî missile with the intention of using
it as a supersonic target for U.S. Navy warships. However the ìKryptonî
supplied to the Americans lacked crucial radar and guidance systems; in
the words of one Russian defence source it was little more than a ìhollow
target shellî(4).
- So what did the Americans do? Well U.S. Navy and defence
contractors kindly assisted Russian missile engineers in testing and improving
the missile. One ìimprovementî resulted in the missile range
being increased from an ineffective 15 miles to more than 40 miles. (5)
In fact you would almost think that the Americans wanted to resurrect their
old adversaries from the Cold War. Insight magazine recently disclosed
that the Clinton administration had suppressed warnings from its own officials
and a top Russian scientist that Moscow was diverting disarmament aid to
fund covert biological-weapons programs. The magazine obtained hundreds
of internal documents some of which showed that officials who raised concerns
about this were pushed out of policy-making positions; whilst other documents,
revealed how senior political appointees either ignored or blocked warnings
that Russia was using U.S. aid to develop new biological weapons. The weapons
in question were said to create a deadly new form of measles with AIDS-like
symptoms (6).
- It does not end there though. On April 16, 1996, the
New York Times reported on the construction of a mysterious military base
in Russia: ìIn a secret project reminiscent of the chilliest days
of the Cold War, Russia is building a mammoth underground military complex
in the Ural Mountains,î said the report, adding that witnesses claimed
that: ìthe project involved the creation of a huge complex, served
by a railroad, a highway, and thousands of workers.î According to
the Federation of American Scientists the vast complex is said to cover
literally hundreds of square miles and is still growing (7). Satellite
photographs show continued digging but according to one senior Washington
officialÖ ìthe Russians are not very interested in having us
go in there.î
- Which begs the question: what exactly does this all portend?
- Part Two - The Shape of Things to Come
- Despite protestations to the contrary both Russia and
China have embarked on an extensive overhaul of their armed forces; Russian
expenditure on military research and development increased by an estimated
43% last year (8). Hardly what one would expect from a nation that the
popular press portrays as a moribund military power.
- All of which suitably sets the scene for the predictions
of one Alois Irlmaier.
- Normally, we would prefer to avoid prophecies, not because
we do not believe in them, but simply because nothing is written in stone.
In the words of Lee Brown, talking at the Continental Indigenous Council
in Fairbanks, Alaska in 1986: "Prophecies are always either, or."
- In other words, we have the power of choice and through
our choices we shape our destiny, both as individuals and as nations and
peoples. The cumulative result of all this is what some would call Karma;
it is not fixed but fluid, like a current in a stream, and subject to change
as are our decisions.
- Which may explain why some predictions made hundreds
of years ago have not quite materialised as expected. The choices made
since then have altered what would have happened had a certain course been
followed, and here it should be mentioned that some individuals have the
ability to see where a particular path or course of action could ultimately
- One such was ALOIS IRLMAIER who, unlike Jean Dixon or
Nostradamus, remains relatively unknown outside of his native Germany.
A simple, devout Christian he was interviewed by writer Conrad Adlmaier
in the nineteen fifties and what he said assumes an ominous new significance,
particularly in the light of recent developments. In essence he saw the
approach of another world war, asked what causes this war, he responded:
- "Everything calls peace. Shalom! Then it will occur
-- a new Middle East war suddenly flares up, big naval forces are facing
hostility in the Mediterranean -- the situation is strained. But the actual
firing spark is set on fire in the Balkans: I see a 'large one' falling,
a bloody dagger lies beside him --then impact is on impact. Two men kill
a third high-ranked. They were paid by other people. One of the murderers
is a small black man, the other a little bit taller, with bright-coloured
hair. I think it will be at the Balkans, but I cannot say it exactly."
- In the midst of peace negotiations a murder occurs which
triggers a much wider conflict, Irlmaier continues:
- "After the murder of the third it starts overnight.
I see quite clearly three numbers, two eights and a nine. But I cannot
say what it means and cannot state a time. The war begins at sunrise. He
comes along very rapidly. The farmers sit in the pub playing cards, when
the foreign soldiers look through the windows and doors. Quite black, an
army comes from the east, but however everything occurs very rapidly. I
see a three, but I do not know if it means three days or three weeks."
- The 'two eights and a nine' - referred to could be 08,09,2008
or 09,08,2008 or any other combination:
- Pictured above: the latest in Russian aerospace
technology, an SU 37.
- "Massed units march from the East into Belgrade
and moved forward into Italy. Thereafter three armoured wedges immediately
advance with lightening speed in the north of the Danube over West Germany
towards the Rhine ñ without preliminary warning. This will occur
so unexpectedly that the population flees full of panic to the west. Many
cars clog the roads ñ if they had stayed at home or Önot used
the main streets. Everything, which will be an obstacle for the rapidly
advancing tanks on high-speed motorways and other fast motorways, will
be down-rolled. I cannot see the Danube bridges above Regensburg anymore.
Hardly anything remains of the big city Frankfurt. The Rhine Valley will
be devastated, mainly by air." (Irlmaier)
- Note the reference to 'high-speed motorways,' which Irlmaier
made in the early fifties, long before Europe's system of autobahns and
modern roadways was in place. And you can just see the traffic congestion
as hordes of people try to escape the invading armies; and the invading
armies advancing along the autobahns and clearing pathways for themselves
as abandoned vehicles are 'down-rolled' from the raised motorways.
- "I see three spearheads coming. The Russian does
not stop anywhere, while running in his three wedges. Day and night they
run in order to reach the Ruhr-district, where the many furnaces and fireplaces
are. Day and night the Russians run, inexorably their target is the Ruhr-district."
- As we have said, history has a tendency to repeat itself
and what Irlmaier speaks of is not without precedent. It happened with
Napoleon in 1812, when the Russians rose from the brink of defeat to push
Napoleon back to France in a retreat that reduced his army from hundreds
of thousands to a few hundred. Again in World War II the Russians turned
from the brink of defeat at Stalingrad and drove the German army all the
way back to Berlin. In both cases the Russians seemed to draw on hidden
reserves when their opponents were ready to write them off. Indeed it is
almost part of the national character so when when Putin bemoans the state
of the Russian military it is as well to be wary; like a skilled card sharp
he may just have a trick or two up his sleeve.
- AN AMERICAN COUNTER-ATTACK In response the Americans
launch a counter attack.
- "Immediately the revenge comes from across the large
water. However the yellow dragon invades in Alaska and Canada at the same
time. But he comes not far." (Irlmaier)
- Simultaneously the Chinese launch an attack on North
America, an attack which is not, however, entirely successful. This in
turn is followed by the introduction of strange new weapons, in an effort
to thwart the Russian advances and halt the armoured columns.
- "And then it rains a yellow dust in a line. When
the golden city is destroyed, it begins. Like a yellow line it goes up
to the city in the bay. It will be a clear night, when they begin to throw
it. The tanks are still driving, but those who sit in theses tanks become
quite black. Where it falls down, everything will become quite dead, no
tree, no bush, no cattle, no grass, this becomes withered and black. The
houses still exist. I don't know what it is and so I cannot tell it. It
is a long line. Who goes over this line, dies. Then everything in the spearheads
breaks down. Nobody will come back anymore."
- "The airplanes drop a yellow powder between the
Black Sea and the North Sea. Thus a death strip is created, straight from
the Black Sea to the North Sea, as wide as half of Bavaria. In this zone
no grass can grow let alone humans live. The Russian supply is interrupted.
- "From the east there are many caterpillars. But
in the caterpillars everybody is already dead, although the vehicles keep
rolling on, in order to gradually stop automaticÖ At the Rhine the
attack is finally repelled. From the three spearheads no soldier will come
home anymore." (Irlmaier)
- Irlmaier gives a further description of this new and
devastating weapon:
- "The pilots throw off their small black boxes. They
do explode, before they touch the soil, and spread a yellow or green smoke
or dust. What comes into contact with this becomes dead, whether it is
human, animal or plant. For one year no organism is allowed to enter this
area, otherwise it will expose itself to the largest mortal danger. These
boxes are satanic. When they explode, a yellow or green dust or smoke arises,
everything that comes in contact to it, is dead. The humans becomes quite
black and the meat falls off their bones, so sharply is the poisonÖnobody
from these three armies will come home anymore." (Irlmaier)
- And in retaliation a Russian counter-strike?
- Pictured above: a Russian SU 37, the latest
Suhkoi and
the antithesis of a beleaguered military technology
- "Then I see someone flying, coming from the east,
who drops something into the large water, so that something strange will
happen. The water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down, then
everything is inundated. The whole action will not last long, I see three
lines - three days, three weeks, three months, I don't know exactly but
it wonít last long." (Irlmaier)
- And then:
- "There is an earthquake. The southern part of England
slips into the water. One part . . . disappears, when the thing falls
into the sea. The countries at the sea are endangered of the water heavily,
the waves go high as a house; it foams, as if it would boil. Islands disappear.
A part of the proud island sinks, if the thing falls into the sea, which
the pilot drops. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls
down. What this thing is, I do not know. When it comes, I do not know."
- Of course, one has to ask whether such a weapon is feasible
and to answer that we need to go back; back to the Second World War in
fact because such a weapon is not only feasible, it may already exist.
- The idea of a bomb that triggers a tidal wave is not
as outlandish as it may first appear. Towards the end of WWII a top-secret
project was underway in the waters off the coast of New Zealand to perfect
just such a weapon. Project Seal as it was known was a secret weapon developed
under the auspices of British and American defence chiefs who considered
it as important as the atomic bomb.
- Prof Thomas Leech, dean of engineering at Auckland University,
conducted the experiments in the sea off Auckland on the so-called Tsunami
bomb; in recognition he was awarded the CBE in 1947. The existence of the
weapon was only disclosed in 1999 when New Zealand's Foreign Ministry released
declassified documents. According to the papers British and American defence
chiefs were keen to see the development of the weapon, which would be exploded
near enemy territory with the intention of creating devastating tidal waves
- It doesn't take a genius to realise that if the bomb
were to carry a nuclear charge it would inundate such low lying countries
as Holland and southern England. Significantly the Russians are also said
to have developed such a weapon.
- Irlmaeir prophecies continue with further reference to
war and geophysical upheaval:
- "During the war the big darkness comes, which last
72 hours. It will become dark at a day during the war. Then a hail impact,
consisting of lightening and thunder, breaks out and an earthquake vibrates
the earth. Please do not go out of the house at this time. The lights do
not burn, except candle light, the current stops. Who inhales the dust,
gets a cramp and dies. Do not open the windows, cover it completely with
black paper. "Outside the death by dust goes around, many humans die.
After 72 hours everything is over. But again: Do not go out of the house,
do not look out of the windows, and keep the candle light burning. And
pray. Overnight there will die more humans than in the two world wars before."
- "Do not open the windows during the 72 hours. The
cattle falls, the grass becomes yellow and dry, the humans will become
quite yellow and black. The wind drives the clouds of death off to the
east." (Irlmaier)
- The end of the war is, according to Irlmaier, marked
by sweeping revolutions:
- "The city with the iron tower (Paris?) becomes the
victim of its own people. They ignite everything. Revolution is, and everything
is going wildly." (Irlmaier)
- Could it be that people across the planet suddenly realise
that the same powers that profited from the first world war and then helped
finance Hitler in his rise to power are behind the devastating war Irlmaier
speaks of? Could it be that fired by this sudden realisation people spontaneously
rise up?
- "The large city with the iron tower is on fire.
But this has been done by its own people, not by those who came from the
east. And in Italy it is going wildly too. They kill many people there
and the Pope flees, but many clergymen will be killed, many churches collapse."
- Note that elements in the Vatican are said to be in league
with the architects of the New World Order, an accusation that has been
further underlined by the Archbishop of Lusaka. Currently at the Secretariat
of the Holy See for Immigrants at the Vatican, Archbishop Millingo is convinced
that there are active Satanists within the Vatican's walls. According to
Millingo: "There are priests and bishops, but because I am an archbishop,
higher than that I cannot go."
- His accusations echo charges made by the late Malachi
Martin, the former Secretary of Cardinal Augustine Bea. According to Martin:
"the prince of darkness, has had and continues to have his surrogates
in the court of St Peter in Rome." (10)
- However this sudden revolutionary realisation isn't confined
to the west, says Irlmaeir:
- "In Russia a revolution breaks out and a civil war.
The corpses are so much that you cannot remove them off the roads anymore.
The large ones among the party leaders commit suicide and in the blood
the great guilty is washed off. I see a red mass mixed with yellow faces,
it is a general riot and horrible killing." (Irlmaier)
- Coupled with this revolution comes a spiritual renewal:
- "The cross comes to honours anew. The Russian people
believe in God anew. They sing the Easter song and burn candles in front
of sacred pictures. By the prayers of Christianity the monster from hell
dies; also the young people believe anew in the intercession of the God's
mother." (Irlmaier)
- The spiritual renaissance is mirrored in the West too.
- "If everything is over, a part of the inhabitants
have died, and the people are frightened of God anew." (Irlmaier)
- Prompting a change in the abortion laws.
- "The laws, which bring death to the children, become
invalid. Then peace will be. A good time. The Pope, who had not to flee
across the water for a long time, returns. When the flowers bloom in the
meadows, he will return and mourn for his murdered brothers. After these
events a long, lucky time comes. But the people have to begin there, where
their grandfathers began." (11) (Irlmaier)
- Irlmaier indicates that, in terms of technological development,
the upheavals throw humankind back 100 years; more importantly though they
seem to trigger a spiritual renewal. Naturally, the big question is:
will these prophecies actually occur? This writer doesn't know but ask
yourself: how many millions actually voted for Al Gore or George W. Bush,
how many millions endorsed Putin in his ascent to power or Blair and his
- These are the very men leading the great mass of humanity
like sheep to this slaughter, then ask yourself: what does it take to wake
people up to the reality of the powers that lead them? Could it be that
the catastrophic events outlined in these prophecies are ultimately what
wakes them?
- Notes
- 1. United States Congress. Senate. Hearings before a
Subcommittee of the
- Committee on Military Affairs. Elimination of German
Resources for War.
- July 2 1945.
- 2. George Bush: The Unathorized Biography, Webster G.
Tarpley & Anton
- Chaitkin.
- 3. Capitol Hill Blue 26,5,99.
- 4. How US helped Russia Improve Deadly Missiles. The
Times, Jan 23, 2000.
- 5. Ibid.
- 6. Michael J. Waller, Insight magazine.
- 7. www.fas.org/nuke/guide/Russia/facility/c3i/yamantau.htm
- 8. Statement by Russian Minister for Industry, Science
and Technology
- Alexander Dondukov reported in Tass.
- 9. The Daily Telegraph 27,10,1999.
- 10. http://www.illuminati-news.com/satanism_vat1.htm
- 11. http://www.rense.com/ufo3/prophecies.