Sen. Hollings Blames Bush
Administration For 911 Attacks

With Carl Limbacher and Staff

Apparently frustrated over his inability to gain any political traction on the Enron scandal, Democratic Party loose cannon, Sen. Fritz Hollings charged Wednesday that the Bush administration's economic policies actually helped Osama bin Laden finance the Sept. attacks that resulted in the deaths of over 3,000 Americans.
"In came the (Bush) administration with who? (Economic advisor) Larry Lindsey," Hollings told a Washington, D.C. press conference in somewhat slurred speech.
"Larry Lindsey was the $50,000 a year consultant for Enron who was running around saying it was unconstitutional to try to close down these things (offshore tax shelters). And so they immediately this time last year closed down the Larry Summers effort. And you had 9/11."
Summers was the Clinton administration Treasury Secretary who Hollings said wanted to close down offshore tax havens.
In fact, the FBI found that offshore tax havens had nothing to do with bin Laden's ability to finance the attacks, reported Fox News Channel, which made the Hollings' outburst its lead story Wednesday night.
During the same press conference, the South Carolinia Democrat misidentified Attorney General John Ashcroft as "the Secretary of Energy," and erroneously charged that Army Secretary Thomas White pushed for deregulation that netted him a $100 million profit from an Enron investment.
"But as Army Secretary, White has never advocated deregulation and denies doing any favors for Enron," reported FNC's Carl Cameron.
Responding to Hollings' charges, the White House said, "It has begun to make him look less than serious; someone who should not be taken seriously."
Republicans on the Hill called Hollings' effort to blame Bush economic policies for the 9/11 attacks "pathetic."
In November New York Sen. Hillary Clinton made a similarly outrageous claim, suggesting that the Bush tax cut was to blame for the 9/11 attacks.
"If we hadn't passed the big tax cut last spring, that I believe undermined our fiscal responsibility and our ability to deal with this new threat of terrorism, we wouldn't be in the fix we're in today," Clinton told CNN on the second anniversary of the attacks.
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