National Enquirer -
Enron Had Wild Sex Parties
And Clinton CIA Help

By Carl Limbacher

The National Enquirer may finally be able to add some desperately needed spice to the otherwise enervating Enrongate scandal, with a report hitting newsstands Friday that claims the collapsed energy giant was knee-deep in wild sex parties and CIA espionage.
Up till now the scandal has been tough to follow for anyone outside of the green-eyeshade crowd, despite near-hysterical coverage by elite media organs desperate to tie Enrongate to the Bush White House.
And while the Enquirer's investigation doesn't help much on that count, front page headlines touting "The Untold Story" of "Adultery" and "Greed" are followed on NE's inside pages by details of company-financed sex parties at high-priced strip clubs and allegations that CIA corporate espionage on behalf of Enron began under former President Bush and then "exploded under President Clinton."
Some highlights reported by NE:
"Enron executives frequented several Houston strip clubs and billed thousands of dollars directly to the company - including a tab for VIP rooms where sexual favors were disepensed to big spenders.
"Typically a group of five or six would come in for lunch, drink a few martinis and get private lap dances from the girls. They paid with credit cards that clearly said 'Enron' on them," a source at one of the clubs told the tabloid.
"Anything goes in the VIP room. It isn't uncommon for the girls to provide sexual favors for big spenders. And a lot of these middle-aged Enron executives were some of the biggest spenders in the club.
"Enron-sponsored parties would often spiral out of control with senior officials' bar tabs skyrocketing to over $10,000."
The energy giant's fraternity party atmosphere wasn't just reserved for off hours, with attractive young women allegedly rocketing to the top of the corporate ladder while earning eye-popping incomes.
"Even in a company where beautiful women were routinely on a fast track to promotion, one executive secretary's $650,000 salary raised eyebrows," NE claims, sourcing e-mail tipsters inside Enron.
The story takes a cloak-and-dagger twist with the allegations that both the Clinton and Bush administrations signed off on CIA help for the corporate giant.
"There have been at least 20 CIA agents on the payroll of Enron for the last eight years," a source familiar with several ongoing Enrongate probes told the tabloid.
Using super-secret spy technology like Echelon, the agency was "able to provide detailed information on bids made by foreign companies on projects of interest to Enron.
"Using the CIA for economic intelligence began with President Bush Sr. and then exploded under President Clinton, when even the Commerce Department was infiltrated with CIA agents," the Washington insider told NE.

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