Homeland...Homeland Uber Alles...
Facism With A Friendly Face

From Brasscheck

"Every community should be on guard against suspicious activity, even the activity of potential terrorists," Ashcroft he told the crowd gathered there. "While our brave men and women in our military work to defeat terrorists overseas, we have the opportunity make a difference here at home."
Already, Neighborhood Watch programs around the country have amped up their watchfulness. The National Neighborhood Watch Institute, headquartered near Los Angeles, has been selling -- for $27 each -- large, rectangular street signs that announce: "We Support HOMELAND SECURITY."
Under a map of the United States decorated with stars and stripes in red, white and blue, reads the warning: "All suspicious persons and activities are immediately reported to our Law Enforcement Agency." Two of the biggest orders the institute sent out recently were to the police departments of Olympia, Wash., and Goose Creek, S.C.
The directive came from no less than Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, who believes neighborhood watchdogs across the country can help the government "weave a seamless web of prevention of terrorism." He enlisted the aid of Ed McMahon -- who's gone from pitching Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes to pitching the war on terrorism -- and funneled almost $2 million to double the number of local Neighborhood Watch groups nationwide to 15,000.
*** Atta well connected
Oh, and the infamous loner (with 18 friends) Mohamed Atta? Connected to the Saudi Royal Family. Anne Greaves, a London osteopath, who trained at the same Venice flight school as Atta said he was never seen without his personal bodyguard: Maybe Ashcroft should set up a Neighborhood Watch in Langley, Fort Meade, and Riyadh. Tel Aviv too: n/justincol.html
*** Homeland, homeland uber alles...
We've been down this road before. Tell me you can't substitute little George Bush in these photos and they'd be completely congruent: http://www.brasscheck.c om/heartfield/gallery.html
There are six of them (click on "next image" to get to the next one)

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