The above illustration depicts the "0" outside
the barcode represented by the first two lines inside the first bracket
(see 'Bar Code Brackets' above). Also depicted is how the "6"
outside the barcode and to the right is represented by the last two lines
before the last bracket. As you can see, each number corresponds
to its exampled line based equivalent, depending on if it is on the left
or right side of the center bracket (see Left and Right numerical/line
examples above, A and B).
- Is the barcode the mark of the beast?
Of course not... but... it is my honest belief that a bar-coded,
implantable computer chip will be. The evidence is overwhelming, and technologically
speaking it is the only thing that will completely fulfill everything we
are told about it. Technologically it is the only thing we have that even
comes close. Biblically its an exact hit. As far as current events, and
the direction we as a world are heading, it is inevitable in time.
Additional Material
The following links have very interesting reading about microchip technology
for ID.
Microchip Technology - SCAN FAQ
Further Clarifications
Is the number 666 "hidden"
in the UPC barcode?
- from
- One of the most popular and shocking accusations concerning
the number "666" is that the number "666" is quietly
"hidden" in every UPC barcode. Mary Stewart Relfe's book, "The
New Money System 666", published in 1982, is the "pioneer"
of the "666 in the UPC barcode" teaching. Relfe's book contains
over 50 pages of excellant doumentation on the UPC barcodes. Relfe's discovery
is repeated in many publications touching the mark of the beast, within
the last fifteen years. Including tracts published by this author.
- Here's a few samples:
- Terry Cook, The Mark of the New World Order, 1996:
- ". . . the entire system [UPC barcode] is very deceptively
designed around the infamous numerical configuration, Biblically known
as 666, the mark of the Antichrist or devil (Revelation 13:16-18). . ."
(Terry Cook, The Mark of the New World Order, 1996, p. 376)
- Bob Fraley, The Last Days in America, 1984:
- "The interpretation of the Universal Product Code
marks is most revealing in that the three numbers '666' are the key working
numbers for every designed Universal Product Code. Every group of Universal
Product Code marks has in it three unidentified numbers. All three of these
numbers are 6, making the use of the numbers '666' the key to using this
identifying marking system. . .
- There is no deviation. Every Universal Product Code has
three unidentified marks whose number equivalent '6' encoding it with the
code number '666'. " (Bob Fraley, The Last Days in America, 1984,
p. 225, 228)
- Here's how to "discover" the "hidden
666 in the UPC barcode"
- Notice the three "guard bars" (colored RED)
at the beginning, middle and end. Now, notice the same bar pattern ("bar-space-bar"
or "101") for the number 6 (colored BLUE).
- By "looking" at the above barcode, the number
"666" clearly, appears to be there. . .
- But is it?
- Is the number 666 TRUTHFULLY "hidden" in the
UPC barcode?
- Technically, no it is not.
- Here's the "technical" truth. . .
- The number 6 and the three guard bars are NOT the same.
They do "appear" to be identical, but they are different.
- Notice. The beginning and ending guard bars are "bar-space-bar"
or "101" (the B in the above table). The middle guard bar is
"space-bar-space-bar-space" or "01010" (the M in the
above table). The number six is "1010000" (the 6 in the above
table). Remember, technically a barcode number consists of seven units.
The beginning and ending guard bars are only three units, and middle guard
bar is only five units.
- So, technically, from a computer's perspective the number
"666" is NOT in the UPC barcode.
- But. . .
- Look again. . . All three guard bars contain the pattern
"bar-space-bar" or "101". There is only ONE number,
in TWENTY numbers (remember right and left numbers have different patterns)
that contains the "101" pattern and that number is the right
code SIX. Not the number one, or two, or three, etc. - but ONLY the right
code SIX. I do seem to remember something about a mark on the RIGHT hand
(Rev. 13:16).
- Technically, from a computer's perspective the number
"666" is NOT in the UPC barcode. . . but from a human's perspective
- YES, the "appearance" of 666 is there!
- What does the inventor of the UPC barcode say about the
number "666" in the UPC barcode?
- The inventor of the UPC barcode is George J. Laurer.
In 1971, while Mr. Laurer was an employee with IBM, he was assigned the
task "to design the best code and symbol suitable for the grocery
industry". In 1973, Mr. Laurer's UPC barcode entered the world, and
the rest is history.
- On Mr. Laurer's web site, he has a "Questions"
page, where he answers various questions about the UPC barcode. On the
"Questions" page, Mr. Laurer answers the "666" question,
as follows:
- Question #8 - Rumor has it that the lines (left, middle,
and right) that protrude below the U.P.C. code are the numbers 6,6,6...
and that this is the international money code. I typed a code with all
sixes and this seems to be true. At least they all resemble sixes. What's
up with that?
- Answer- Yes, they do RESEMBLE the code for a six.
An even parity 6 is:
- 1 module wide black bar 1 module wide white space
1 module wide black bar 4 module wide white space
- There is nothing sinister about this nor does it have
anything to do with the Bible's "mark of the beast" (The New
Testament, The Revelation, Chapter 13, paragraph 18). It is simply
a coincidence like the fact that my first, middle, and last name all have
6 letters. There is no connection with an international money code either.
(From Mr. Laurer's web site)
I'm writing this concerning the article at on 666.
I quote from George J. Laurer, founder of the UPC (as above)
- "There is nothing sinister about this nor does it
have anything to do with the Bible's "mark of the beast" (The
New Testament, The Revelation, Chapter 13, paragraph 18). It is simply
a coincidence like the fact that my first, middle, and last name all
have 6 letters. There is no connection with an international money
code either."
- Maybe that's why he thought it would be cool to have
6 represented in the 3 primary symbols it would be like a metaphor
for the 6, 6, 6 in his name, leaving his legacy on every grocery product
on earth. Just maybe I mean he makes that correlation himself, evidently
having pondered it before. Seems I recall something about 666 also being
the "number of a man."
- Funny, isn't it?
- - Mark Shamus
- ----
- Even, Mr. Laurer, the inventor of the UPC barcode admits,
"Yes, they do RESEMBLE the code for a six."
- In fact, as we've documented - SIX is the ONLY number
they could RESEMBLE.
- You would certainly think because of the "antichrist
connections" to "666" they would have picked another number
besides '6' to pattern the three 'guard bars' after? Why not 1 or 3, or
5, etc. - any number but '666'. Surely they knew Christians would, sooner
or later, "discover" the clear "appearance" of 666
in the UPC bar code.
More Corroboration of the 6 factor
Information from
"For the control characters (see table:II), which have the same T-distances;
No further calculation is required to differentiate them from the number
6. Obviously because they are identical with that number!
- There are those who claim that because the number Co
differs between the number 6 and that of the bar-guards; that they are
therefore essentially different. But the simple fact is that the number
is (Co) used only to determine a correlation between To1 and T1, and To2
and T2 and not used to recognize the characters. It is therefore evident
that To1 and To2 for the left, center, and right guard-bar and the number
6 are the same. They therefore take the same value and are synonymous with
the number 6. "
Dan Rardon
Hey Jeff,
Just wanted to let you
know, on Sunday 2-10-02, when Andy Rooney was doing his thing on '60 Minutes'
(I wasn't paying too much attention as I don't take those shows too seriously).
He was rambling on about how security is too tight at airports and sporting
events like the Superbowl and the Olympics. He was saying that if it doesn't
get any better, people will quit going out. Then he went on to say basically,
"Something must be done to fix this 'problem'". I was paying
attention when I heard what he said next. He said (not an exact quote,
but very close), "Maybe we could get tattoos (I'm sure he mentioned
'tattoos'), or maybe a computer chip implant under the skin. I would
be willing to have a chip implant so that I could go through security and
just wave my hand through a scanner to indentify me."
I know, this is no surprise to you or I, but I never figured they would
be so blatant as to mention 'tattoos'. We need 'tattoos' to secure the
'homeland'. How long until we see swastikas all over again? Will a chip
implant really prevent someone from entering a stadium and blowing up a
bomb? Will it keep someone from spreading a biological agent around an
airport? Just thought you might find this interesting, if you haven't heard
it already. The old 'problem-reaction-solution' scenario, that we hear
so much about on your show. Thank-you for all your good work.
A loyal fan,
Dan Rardon
P.S. As I'm sure you realize, my questions
are rhetorical.
Alton Raines
I want to commend Eric Jewell for breaking down and explaining in very
plain terms what others have touched on, but never quite gotten across
without complicating it. Those "6" brackets which act as primary
functions when a barcode is scanned, in three specific places, is simply
too obvious to blow off as mere coincidence. Why 6? Why not 333? Why not
888? Who determined 6 to be a functionary element for the barcode? Granted,
6 is not the only functionary number in a barcode, every number has significance
and purpose, all rational and all legitimate. But the 666 bracketing stands
as an indentity, as a distinct super-code over the whole code. I know that
the prophet Daniel was told that near the end times, knowledge would increase
and that the revelation of prophecy would come to light (or be revealed).
This appears to be coming to pass.
Craig Michael Uhl, MD
The technology of allowing a foreign
substance under the skin for medical purposes is not new. We have implanted
contraceptives, knee/hip joints, pacemakers, and prosthesis of all kinds;
yet that doesn't mean we have sold our souls to the devil. In fact, by
allowing a chip to be inserted under one's skin may soon be developed
so as to allow for rapid diagnosis of a possible exposure to chemical,
biological, or nuclear component upon entry into the emergency medical
department at your local hospital. Digital Angel and the other chips under
development at Advanced Digital (ADSX) can be of enormous benefit
to the medical community in quickly assessing and treating victims of terrorism.
As a physician, I know that such a tool
could have prevented the deaths of those exposed to Anthrax several months
ago. By empowering our citizens with the knowledge that they have an implantable
detector that could quickly be used by medical personnel of such exposure
would provide for rapid detection and treatment. This is clearly not the
mark of the beast; if such a unit required me to put aside my spiritual
beliefs, I would be the first to remove it. This is not the time to 'throw
out the baby with the bathwater.' Instead, we should work together so that
proper safeguards are put in place to prevent such use that many fear,
and embrace the technology that would save many lives, and prevent early
Craig Michael Uhl, MD, CPA
Monarch Beach, CA
Dr Michael,
I agree that technology can be used for good. If I entered into a hospital,
not knowing what was wrong, and an insertable chip could be used to save
a life, but then it would be removed, then by all means let it be used
for good.
If however, the law stated that I MUST receive an implantable chip to conduct
e-commerce, or I would lose my "privilege" of conducting business;
and if it were used for the purpose of identification, then I say at that
point prophecy will be fulfilled, and I for one would certainly reject
it. I would do all I could as well at that point to encourage everyone
to reject it despite the consequences... at least I pray for the strength
to do so.
Eric Jewell
No one is saying these things are "the
antichrist." The issue is, how might these technologies be MISUSED
by evil people, and how some of these have clearly been forewarned in prophecy.
Can it be denied that the technology of man intended for good is always
also used for evil? - ed
Dan Nichols
This URL was submitted by Dan suggesting there is no 666 in the UPC barcode.
In response to the site/info submitted by Mr. Nichols,
Mr. Nichols,
As far as I'm concerned, this is technical, complicated
disinformation. First of all, the difference between the "6"
on the left half of the code, and the "6" on the right side of
the code is explained in the above article. The barcode is divided into
2 halves, each coded differently. If you notice the "1" on the
left is represented by a thin bar, thin space and then the thinnest bar.
(See the decoded chart in the article for the left half of the code) However
on the right side of a barcode, the "1" is represented by 2 wider
bars with the space between the same width of the bars. This is true throughout
the code. Each number on the left side is represented by a completely different
code than the numbers on the right side of the code.
Mathematically you are correct that you can make 4 lines
and spaces from 1 number to the other, but this would be consistent with
each number appearing as 2 lines and a space now wouldn't it?
Also we cannot forget the barcode is "digital".
Each "digit" or set of bars represent a number, and these numbers
have a specific function in the code. Go beyond just looking... put a micrometer
to it. You will find that the 3 double lined brackets are the same width,
and the same distance apart as the "6" depicted in the second
half of the code. It doesn't matter that the bars in the first half is
different. What matters is that in the 2nd half of the code, the bars and
space representing the "6" are exactly the same as the bars and
space of the 3 brackets.
Imagine a code where each number is actually represented
in 2 different ways. One way in the first half on the left, another way
when depicted on the right. Are we to believe that the "6s" on
the right side of the code are represented by the same bars and space between,
that they are the same width and distance apart as the "brackets",
and yet the brackets are not sixes?
Sorry my friends, I will believe my eyes and the prophecies
over a disinformation campaign designed to make me not believe what I can
see and measure.
Eric Jewell
With regards to the story on the barcode. Check out the attached barcode
jpeg I ran through a barcode program.
Keep up the great work.
Regards from Down Under - George
Jeff Cobb
Your analysis really scard the bejeebers out of me. I always thought
God would make it plainer than this. I assumed taking the "Mark of
the Beast" would be an obviously evil choice which I would recognize
as such and act accordingly. Bar codes, in and of themselves, are not evil.
If bar codes are evil, then anyone who shops at Walmart is damned!
So are you saying that if the government passed a law
requiring all citizens to have a bar code implanted in or tattoed on our
bodies, you wouldn't do it? Is the Anti-Christ a person or a government
or a system or what?
I love the Lord and believe Jesus died for my sins. Why
would God play mind games like this? I always thought I'd make the
right choices when the time came, but what if it's so low key that I miss
it? Should I be living among the Amish or perhaps join a militia group
and live in a compound where they grow their own food and refuse to pay
taxes. If I am a law-abiding citizen who plays by the rules, am I worshiping
the Beast?
Jeff Cobb
Lewisburg, WV
From Eric Jewell
Hello my friend, and God bless you in Jesus name!!!
My wonderful friend, its not God playing mindgames...
Satan is a deceiver of masses though, and his deceptions are sometimes
extremely well camouflaged. He sometimes even appears as an angel of light.
The barcode itself of course isn't the mark, but, if a
bar coded chip is put into the body then it fills all the requirements...
if we move to e-commerce and ID, then who can survive in this society?
We will be seen as rebellious, even if otherwise law abiding... perhaps
in time even peaceful people will be regarded as "terroristic"
against society.
The beast is explained as a nation is Rev 17 and 18. In
17:9-13 we see the 7 heads are 6 past empires with 1 to come. For various
reasons i see how our nation can fulfill all prophecies concerning the
Harlot who rides and therefore guides the beast.
The beast is described as a man in Rev 13. It is likely
that both the individual man and the world empire are the beast, for it
is his brainchild... of course its Satans first.
As far as paramilitary activity is concerned, we must
remember that he who "lives by the sword shall die by the sword."
The Christians of the old Roman empire who were slaughtered by the thousands
all went willingly and God had great grace.
In Daniel 7, 11, and Rev 13, we are told Antichrist receives
power to overcome us, but we are the overcomers in the end.
"I beheld, and the same horn
made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; Until the Ancient
of Days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and
the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom" Dan 7:21-22 --
"And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his
name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given
unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was
given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." Rev. 13:6-7
Rev 6:9-11 shows the martyrs under the altar of God in the heavenly temple.
Rev 20:1-4 shows these same martyrs receiving great recognition and reward
from God Himself.
As far as stocking up, I see nothing wrong with making
some material preparation, but in that day we are better off just living
by faith, and God will provide. Even if called to die in that day, God
will give all who are faithful, the grace and courage to not just endure,
but also be an example of endurance.
God bless you richly Jeff
your brother and sister
eric and lee
Perhaps the following will help to shed a little light on this subject.
Anyone studying the Book of Revelation the Bible must
realize that there was no way a first century citizen could accurately
describe the technology he was being shown in his present day vernacular.
The apostle John spoke of a "mark". The Greek
rendering for this word in the King James Bible translates to our
word for "etching". I'm sure we can all agree that the production
of computer chips involves this process for the circuitry.
The apostle goes on to say that if any man has wisdom,
let him count the number. He tells us what the number is, but also challenges
us to 'count' it. If you take the English alphabet and assign each letter
an increasing value of '6', with A = '6', B = '12', C = '18', and add up
all the values of each letter found in the word "COMPUTER", it
all adds up to ! 666. I don't think this is a coincidence.
This is not to say that we should run in abject fear from
computers, purchase no products from retailers using product codes and
scanners, or disdain medical technology that can save lives and enable
people to be productive rather than crippled and incapacitated. But we
should keep a heads up for any government mandated imposition of such embedded
technology, for eventually that can only lead to the prophesied restrictions
on the transactions which make up a large portion of our existence in this
society, far beyond the purchase of food and basic shelter, to the ability
to hold down a job and operate a motor vehicle, etc. I believe this is
the most balanced approach to take. The 'wisdom', I feel, is to realize
that it will be the incorporation of this technology into man, much more
refined and developed than is at present, to the po! int where the operation
of such a chip will be able not only to track the individual, but to influence
the thought processes and decisions.
Feel free to write back.
In His service...
Trenet Worlds
Actually there is much evidence that the technology indeed
exists to accomplish all the things you speak of concerning the implantable
chips. Certain electronic impulses can indeed influence mood.
We can be assured that the technology actually released
into the public, is far behind the technology already perfected and covertly
used, especially since our knowledge database doubles frequently.
We can also be assured that we will never be told of such
capabilities. To the average citizen, all that will most likely be known
is that we are able to interact personally with computers, which in itself
is amazing, and that it will "cure" many of the worlds present
woes. It is also probable that many of these woes are artificially created
in order for the average citizen to desire this technology be used.
Thank you for your response
Eric Jewell
- Comment
Bob McNamara
The black and white spaces of a UPC symbol of nominal size are made up
of a combination of elements that are 0.013" wide to represent each
digit. The left set of numbers of a bar code represent the manufacturer
and the set of numbers on the right side represent the product. Look at
Green Giant for example in a store you will see that each Green Giant product
has the same left side number whereas the numbers on the right side will
vary with the product. Note there are five numbers on each side, therefore,
there can be almost 100,000 manufacturers. Also each manufacturer can have
almost 100,000 different products. In other stores such as clothing stores
there are many more digits for for labeling both the manufacturer and also
the item, size, color, etc. These codes are very useful for many determinations
in inventory control and many other uses. The UPC system was never set
up for any other purpose other than to keep tract of items in a store and
facilitate throughput at the checkstand. Can you imagine how difficult
it would be in any store if the cashier had to punch in all the numbers
for each item as it was done years ago espicially with the literacy rate
much lower than that of 1900. I had worked on quality control of UPC film
masters for a large printer in 1974 who had a library of 8,000 customer/product
symbols. Each film master had to be made to a tolerance of about 1 or 2/10,000
of an inch and the printed nominal symbol had to be about +&- 1.5 thsoundanths
of an inch. This was the first time any numerical value was ever established
for the resolution of printing of anything. The UPC system will never be
used for marking people. There is a newer radio system for marking products
that will probably replace the UPC system. The radio system is muchmore
versitle and I think it can read items in boxes in a warehouse. Already
people have the Federal Governments social security number that is used
for identification for many purposes. Now that is a real police state identification
number that we all now have to have. Even newborns are required to get
a social security number as of at least 10 years ago. That number appears
on every government form such as prescriptions, etc. Wake up, the police
state ID number is here already.True it is also useful for our own use,
but, criminals have been able to steal once a number is found out.
Bob McNamara
Reply from Eric Jewell -- Research returns:
Mr. McNamara....
United States Patent Application 20010048027 Kind Code A1 Walsh, Christopher
S. December 6, 2001
- Record and verification method, apparatus and system
- Abstract
- A method and apparatus are provided for verification
of the identity of a patient undergoing treatment administered by a medical
treatment practitioner in a treatment room.
- 24. A method according to claim 1 wherein said scanning
is carried out using a scanning device selected from the group consisting
of a coded marking scanner, a retinal scanner, a fingerprint scanner, an
iris scanner and a scanner for a subcutaneous microchip.
- 25. A method according to claim 24 wherein said patient
identifier comprises a barcode and scanning of said
barcode is carried out using a coded marking scanner comprising
a barcode reader.
- Politician Wants to 'Get Chipped'
By Julia Scheeres
2:00 a.m. Feb. 15, 2002 PST A Brazilian legislator wants to become the
first politician to be implanted with a controversial microchip that would
contain his personal information.
- "I want to demonstrate to the citizens of Brazil
and the world that this technology is safe," Antonio de Cunha Lima,
a federal minister from the state of São Paulo, said Thursday. "I
believe in supporting the advance of science and technology. I want to
be the first Brazilian to be chipped. I want to be the first politician
to be chipped."
- Cunha Lima said he plans be implanted with the VeriChip
as soon as it is approved for use in Brazil. He added that he is interested
in pursuing a joint venture between the chip's manufacturer, Applied Digital
Solutions, and the company he presides over, Central Brasileira de Negocios.
- The microchip, which is slightly larger than a grain
of rice, stores six lines of text and 128 characters and emits a 125-kHz
radio frequency signal that is detected by a special scanner up to four
feet away. It is similar to the biochips that are used to identify pets
and livestock.
- Last week, a Florida family announced its desire to become
the first family in the world to be implanted with the VeriChip once it
is greenlighted by the Food and Drug Administration.
- The chip maker, based in Palm Beach, Florida, is marketing
the VeriChip as a medical and a security device.
- People with chronic diseases, for example, could have
chips encoded with their health histories and the name of their primary
physician so hospital workers could simply scan their bodies in an emergency
and access their medical records.
- In South America, the chip is being commercialized as
a way to identify kidnapping victims who are drugged, unconscious or dead.
In that market, the chip is being bundled with the company's personal GPS
device, Digital Angel, so police are able to track the abduction victim's
location as well.
- Cunha Lima, a veteran politician who has served in public
office for more than 22 years, said he is interested in the VeriChip for
its potential as a kidnapping deterrent.
- "I believe this technology will contribute to the
public safety and security of Brazilians," he said. "I believe
this technology will act to deter the shocking rise of kidnapping in our
cities and particularly the abhorrent kidnapping of the children of businessmen."
- Abductions in Brazil have soared in recent years, according
to the Brazilian media, and bands of young men roam the streets of major
cities targeting drivers of luxury cars and business owners.
- The city of São Paulo, the capital of the state
of São Paulo and home to 17 million, is the kidnapping capital of
Brazil. Last year, 251 people were kidnapped compared to 39 in 2000 and
13 in 1999, according to the secretary of public security.
- Since its announcement last December, the VeriChip has
stirred the public's imagination. While company officials have been bombarded
with e-mails from teenagers who think the device is cool and want to get
chipped, others worry that the device will someday be required identification.
- Additionally, some Christians believe the technology
could be the feared "mark of the beast" warned of in the Bible.
- Applied Digital Solutions has lobbied to assuage the
concerns of privacy advocates and Christians by appearing on the Christian
talk show The 700 Club and by emphasizing the benefits of the device.
- "People are crying for security and safety. This
chip could help save lives," said Keith Bolton, the company's chief
of technology. He added that privacy concerns are a moot point: "You
turn the (GPS) device off; you elect to have it."
- Cunha Lima coincided: "While I am concerned with
a potential invasion of privacy, the use of this new technology is voluntary
and not mandatory. If one chooses to 'be chipped,' then one has considered
the consequences of that action."
- Last week, Applied Digital Solutions applied for a trademark
for the terms "get chipped" and "The Chipsons" -- the
latter in reference to the Florida family.