A Very Strange Creature Encountered
In Villa San Rafael, Chile

From Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo
Miami UFO Center
By Jaime Ferrer Calama
UFO Center

Two of the young teenagers, Jean F. and Nelson C, who are residents of one of the parcels of the central area of Villa San Rafael, described a chilling experience that they went through last Saturday, 12 of January of this year (2002) at approximately 11:45 PM.
It all began when Jean noticed that his pet snake escaped from its cage. His friend Nelson noticed it was gone, so they began looking for it outside among the rubble of the parcel. They recall how half an hour before, their two dogs strangely began to howl and cry; however, it did not seem to be important at that point in time.
They searched for the pet snake together when suddenly, at about 30 meters from where they stood, they saw what appeared to be a stray dog. They immediately picked up rocks to throw at it to avoid an attack. However, to their surprise, the animal stood there, motionless and fearless; it did not get scared nor it ran away as ordinary dogs normally do.
Shortly afterwards, the strange animal began to move towards them. The movements it made as it walked were very strange. It used two legs at a time. It made very small and short leaps like a rabbit. Suddenly, it stopped and it stood up on two legs.
The teenagers then began to feel some kind of energy. "It was like an electrical shock in the stomach," they said. It later walked again (upright) making a loud dragging noise, making small leaps and only moving one of its legs. They thought that it might have been hurt after they threw rocks at it. They noticed the weird shape of the animal. "It was like a rugby football with legs," one of them said.
Jean began to feel frightened and started to move away from the animal. On the other hand, Nelson felt a strange need to get closer to creature; he got as close as 2 meters away from it. The animal appeared to emit a strange luminosity that apparently, was bright enough to light a small area around the animal in spite of the nighttime darkness of the place.
Nelson was mesmerized as he stared at such strange-looking animal. He remembers a detailed description of it. According to him, its head was like the one of a large dog and it had a flat nose like a bulldog. Its eyes were slanted and pale-red in color, which could only be seen when the creature turned its head from side to side like small lizards do. At that moment, Nelson claims that he heard a voice in his head saying, "Don't stare, just run away."
They provided further descriptions of the alleged animal. Its ears were flat, round and large. Its arms were short, they had elbows and the hands had three fingers. It had hair like the one on a wild pig. Its legs were like the ones from a goat. The feet had also three fingers and a membrane like ducks, but somewhat shorter. He does not recall seeing nails because the grass was covering the tip of the fingers.
On its curved back, they were able to notice a spinal section covered with amounts of even thicker hair. According to the teenagers, the "thicker" hairs grew in small separated sections or groups down the spinal area and they pointed downwards. Most of the hair of the animal was gray, but the tail had a white tip. The tail appeared to be three times thicker than the one on a dog but it was very short; it was about 5 centimeters in length.
Nelson finally fled, terrified, from the area. He also described how he felt an inexplicable bone-chilling cold sensation. Finally, the teens returned home and did not want to go back to take a second look at the creature. These testimonies were taken separately from the teenagers, and yet, both accounts concurred entirely.
Jaime Ferrer R. Calama UFO Center
Note: The last names of the eyewitnesses are not being revealed in order to protect their privacy.
On another note, we just received word that some of Jaime Ferrer's work is mentioned in the book "Mothman and Other Curious Encounters" by criptozoologist Loren Coleman.

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