- A small black child picks up a phone and calls the FBI's
Terrorist Tip Line.
- "Spare me the surprised indignation Huey. You know
we've been tapping your phones for years. Whatcha got?" the voice
on the other end demanded.
- "I'm very serious. I know several Americans who
have helped train and finance Osama bin Laden ..."the kid says.
- "Okay, give me some names."
- "All right, let's see. The first one is REAGAN.
R-E-A-G ... Hello?"
- The comic strip ends.
- The boy was Huey Freeman, the creation of comic strip
writer Aaron Magruder, a young black activist with a degree in African-American
studies from the University of Maryland who has been inking his social
satire of black Americans trying to adjust to life in the white suburbs
since his days in College Park Diamondback (back when your humble correspondent
used to go to school there -- 1995/96-ish). Since he finished his degree
in 1998 his career had spiraled -- he was picked up by the Source, a major
black culture magazine in the United States -- and went into national syndication
in most major daily newspapers a few months later.
- But readers of those same major dailies, most of them
owned by corrupt Zionist publishers who have been baring their fangs since
the 9-11 bombings demanding war for Israel, didn't get a chance to see
the comic strip we mention above. Nor did they get to see the strip where
Magruder's character explains that George Bush funded the Taliban. Or the
one in which the young avatar of "black male rage" compares Bush
and bin Laden, sarcastically stating how glad he is not to live in a country
run by the privileged son of an oil baron who thinks it his duty to go
hurling bombs at foreign countries. Something Magruder was saying didn't
match the agenda of America's shadow elite, and so Magruder got the boot.
- The first to reject him, the one to do so most publicly,
was Mortimer Zuckerman, head of the Conference of President's of Major
Jewish Organizations, a conglomerate body of 55 Jewish organizations who
come together in a yearly meeting to decide on a single policy line on
Israel to which the entire organized Jewish community in the United States
is expected to adhere. Zuckerman, who owns the New York Daily News and
US News and World Report magazine, made it a point to yank Magruder's strip,
saying it doesn't belong being published in New York -- shadow government-speak
for "opposition to war is contrary to the interests of America's Zionist-Jewish
community." And it also wasn't surprising that the largest media organization
to step up in Magruder's defense -- though a number of secondary papers,
like Entertainment Weekly, did run relatively unbiased articles - was TheBlackWorldToday.com,
a website that has come under attack in the past few weeks by groups like
the ADL and the Wiesenthal Center -- self-proclaimed "defense"
organizations who have insisted the black publication's denunciations of
imperialism are in fact cloaked manifestations of anti-Semitism and borderline
illegal pro-terrorist dissent.
- But Magruder isn't the only one seeing that in the post-9-11
world all levels of American government and its ruling class feel free
to trample on the promise of Constitutional liberty. One only has to witness
two recent incidents in Philadelphia, each ostensibly independent of the
"war on terrorism", where both left and right wing activists
have seen themselves stepped on.
- On December 8, 2001, nearly 600 people from a variety
of radical left-wing and communist organizations dedicated to the liberation
of Pennsylvania state prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal marched from a rally at
Philadelphia City Hall to the city's Ethical Cultural Center for a second
round of speeches. While leaving the corner of 13th and Locust Street,
and approaching the second gathering spot, a police officer lost his balance
and fell off his bicycle. Someone in the crowd shouted an obscene remark,
mocking his clumsiness. The officer responded by drawing his baton and
wading into the crowd. Soon a fight broke out. By the end of it, two young
women, including a small Asian woman who couldn't weigh 120 lbs, were hospitalized
with serious broken bones, a third woman had been stripped naked and beaten
by the cops, and five others had been detained -- eight overall.
- Six of them were later charged. The small Asian-American
woman, identified by the International Action Center as Hai Au Huynh, had
her tailbone broken after the large policemen, in one photo at least three
of them, all over six feet tall, beat her mercilessly in the street with
their billy clubs. To cover their own tailbones, the police then charged
her with felony incitement to riot and felony assault -- in their police
report, the officers claim they were so afraid of being physically injured
by a small women less than half their size that they were forced to break
her spine in order to put her down.
- Such reasoning had to be expected from a police department
that in 1985 used helicopters to drop firebombs on a townhouse that was
being used as a base for a black militant organization called MOVE. The
resulting fire, which destroyed several blocks of Philadelphia's working
class neighborhoods, and which killed at least eleven people, mostly women
and children, never resulted in any prosecutions or arrests. The Mayor
was lauded for burning down dozens of homes in the name of "fighting
crime", and unlike even the survivors of Waco, no documentary on the
destruction ever made it into neighborhood video stores. Knowledge of the
event, even today, is largely confined to the politically aware fringes
of the left-wing and black-racialist movements.
- So it should also be of no surprise that a young woman
who had her jaw broken by a police billy club was jailed on an $80,000
bond -- again, the armed male police officers described the "fear"
they felt when this small young woman "attacked" them -- and
that the men who tried to assist them, and who were eventually overpowered
by police, were similarly charged and held as if they were the ones who
had initiated the melee.
- Some claimed it was poetic justice. The young right-wing
woman from my earlier article, "Raw Power"(http://english.pravda.ru/main/2001/11/29/22445.html),
laughed when she heard the story -- many of the activists involved in this
demo were members of Philadelphia ARA -- and in her mind were being paid
back for attacking and beating her outside a punk rock show in DC several
months before. But in a sense the situation was sad, for this same right-wing
organizer was involved in fighting her own battle to free two right-wing
political prisoners captured by the Philadelphia police during a different
kind of protest.
- Plastering stickers on city sign posts is a common activity
for political dissidents, left and right. Before the anti-globalization
protests in Washington, DC, last year, organizers sent out teams of youths
with water-soluble and bio-degradable organic paste and reams of fliers
to cover the metropolis' light posts and utility boxes, as well as the
walls of abandoned buildings (which abound in a city which 1/6th of its
population has deserted in the past decade). For the National Alliance,
currently the largest and most active National Socialist and white supremacist
organization in the United States, plastering downtown city streets with
bumperstickers is an almost daily activity. Local newspapers in the United
States record nearly two to three instances of it a week.
- So when Dale Smith, 18, and Keith Carney, 20, both out-of-towners
visiting the the Pennsylvania capital for an impromptu rendezvous with
their neo-Nazi comrades, posted stickers on signposts by the town's Korean
and Vietnam war memorials advising white women not to have sex with blacks
because of the significant difference in AIDS infection rates between white
and black males, they didn't expect to have the book thrown at them. Though
they may be technically infringing some city law, to hit them with a felony
would be like charging a man who tossed a crumpled sheet of paper from
his car window under the city's criminal trash-dumping laws -- laws designed
to stop people from leaving bags of raw garbage strewn on city streets.
A common response from a police officer would be to ask them to tear the
sticker down and move on. But not in the post 9-11 world.
- According to a Pravda contact in the FBI's Hate Crimes
unit, the federal government urged city prosecutor's to make an example
of the two National Alliance youths. Each one was arrested and charged
with a variety of nonsensical crimes -- "destruction of institutionalized
property", "desecration of a veteranized object" and "ethnic
intimidation" -- all felonies carrying cumulatively a minimum five
years in prison. The one youth, Smith, was originally jailed on a $15,000
bond despite having never had a criminal record. The other, who had a prior
conviction for a petty assault, was jailed on a $10,000 bond. The bonds
were paid that night and the two were released. But the case got stickier
when they showed up for arraignment.
- In violation of the Constitutional edict prohibiting
the setting of excessive bail, a Philadelphia judge, acting under the special
provisions of the laws of the Commonwealth (Pennsylvania being, like Virginia
and Massachusetts, technically a Commonwealth rather than a state), let
their initial bail stand but set a second bail -- this time for $50,000
each -- and the two were then immediately jailed again.
- Such actions are very unusual in American courts, and
are regarded as underhanded if not un-Constitutional. Only in a society
where Constitutional law has broken down and been replaced by the political
law of vested ruling class interests could such a judicial action be allowed
to stand.
- The National Alliance is fighting the charges. It's leader,
William Pierce, has pledged money not only to bail out the two youths,
but has hired an attorney who is challenging the Constitutionality of both
the vandalism and ethnic intimidation statutes. A National Alliance source
told Pravda yesterday that they expect this trial to be "precedent
setting" and hope to take it to the State Supreme, if not the US Supreme,
court. With their recent growth in membership and the success of their
business ventures, it appears the Alliance will be able to fund their case
all the way as well.
- But why are they having to? Why is a young girl with
a broken jaw being held on $80,000 bond in one Philadelphia jail cell,
while a young skinhead with no means of his own is held on $50,000 bond
in a cell down the street? Neither one of these young activists had committed
a real crime, yet both were targeted by law enforcement authorities as
political dissidents, and in one case physically beaten in front of witnesses,
while in the second case jailed on felony charges for the act of attaching
a bumpersticker to a sign. One was lucky enough to have a financially secure
organization to defend him; the other still languishes as comrades attempt
to raise the money for her freedom. Neither, in the end, will get justice,
as at the very minimum the system will have extorted from them thousands,
if not tens of thousands, of dollars, and their recourse against the police
authorities who have committed these crimes against them -- aggravated
assault in one case, wrongful imprisonment in another -- are virtually
- But neither of these abuses are the worst that have occurred
in America this week, as we witness the tragic revival of forced labor
in the supposedly "liberal" state of New Jersey.
- Monmouth County Superior Court Judge Clarkson S. Fisher
decided he was a strike-breaker. Following in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan,
when Reagan ordered the air-traffic controllers back to work in 1984, Fisher
issued a court order he felt would break the Monmouth County teacher's
union. The teacher's union, in solidarity with the public school's secretarial
and administrative staff, had walked out and were refusing to return to
class over disagreements with the local school board over the cost of their
health care coverage. Currently, the teachers pay $250 per year. The board
wants them to pay $800 per year. It is a typical labor-management dispute.
- Typical until Fisher stepped in, and made this ruling:
Any school employee who refused to work was to be jailed until they changed
their mind. The implications of that were horrible. It was literally a
re-instatement of slavery. Under Fisher's ruling, the teachers were not
able to quit their jobs, or to refuse their work, or even to be fired for
refusing to come to the classroom. They had lost their freedom to choose
their occupation, and were ordered jailed if they did not work for the
state -- they were to be forced to labor at a wage set by the government
and imprisoned for not doing so.
- To those who think "Oh, he can't mean it",
as of December 7, 2001, two hundred teachers, taken in alphabetical order,
had been led in handcuffs to the local jail. Another 800 workers, to start
with, had been ordered to appear in court to be imprisoned. And these were
not criminals. As one woman, Katie Connelly, told the World Socialist Web
Site, "I'm a soccer mom, I drive a van and I have a dog." Not
a criminal type at all.
- But don't they know there's a war on? And when the government,
without the support of the people, declares war on any enemy the puppet
masters pull out at random, even a small time judge in a small time county
gains the authority to enforce slavery, in violation of the Constitution's
13th Amendment, which clearly states:
- "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except
as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,
shall exist within the United States"
- What crime had they been convicted of? Contempt of court?
But what was the court order they had shown contempt for? It was an order
to work against their own volition. So why wasn't the court order for involuntary
servitude found un-Constitutional? Because Constitutional law itself no
longer exists within the United States.
- At first these seem like disparate cases -- Left-wing
extremists, right-wing extremists, middle-of-the-road soccer moms. What
could these people have in common? What they have in common is that they
are all victims of the same state apparatus. Stripped of their Constitutional
right by a monster they, with their petty rivalries and silly gang warfare,
with their party-line hatred and their irrational belief that it is each
other, and not the power structure, which is their prime enemies, have
brought into creation in the belief it will help their side in their war
of all against all, these people now reap the consequences -- vicious beatings,
summary arrests, forced labor -- of challenging the golden idol they have
raised above them.
- "Be friendly unto me, for I am the servant of the
savior of those that you have put upon the highest." So Aleister Crowley
was said to have prayed (at least that one Ministry song quotes him that
way ;-D ). So the government is the savior of those men we have allowed
to take power over us, and then we see the works of their servants -- the
police and the courts who now only consider the interest of the king, and
not the law of the land, in handing out their decisions.
- With the mechanisms of the demagogue -- the mass media,
the newspapers, and the television -- firmly in the hands of the American
people's chief enemies, and with a government that sees little use for
its citizens except as economic units of labor designed to reap profits,
the situation for the American worker seems bleak. Despite what events
ultimately reverse the situation, the immediate future seems to offer nothing
but a declining standard of living and a decline in those freedoms and
liberty that make life worth living. How long is it before entire towns
-- and not such entire professions of entire towns -- are ordered into
prisons by the capricious whim of an out-of-control magistrate?
- The only light of hope is the fact that these kinds of
injustices -- the banning of political commentary, the targeted beating
of defenseless women, the summary arrest of political activists, the forced
labor of thousands of "civil servants" -- are fueling a rise
in anti-government activity, not among the mainstream of militantly mediocre
protest groups, but on the revolutionary fringes of the left and right.
America's armed right wing and it's leftist anti-globalist both draw their
strength from the same acts of oppression, and from the same desire to
change the nature of a system that mechanically destroys the nation's working
people. Though they differ on their vision of a future, they share a common
vision of the present, and they struggle for the same goals -- justice
in the courts, access to the political system, protection against extra-judicial
beatings and extra-legal arrests -- even as they struggle against each
other and allow the all-present voice of the television and the media to
drive them into confrontation.
- No system like that of the present day United States
-- lawless and chaotic, with justice being nothing more than what a gang
can get away with -- whether that gang is a private club or a part of the
police -- the United States power structure will eventually fall when people
realize that the aliens that rule them have no more power than the people
are willing to give. As an unnamed US official recently told the Washington
- "The lesson being drawn from the Afghan experience
is this: ... When you threaten [a] tyranny and when it looks like it can't
stand, then what happens is those who may be aligned with it for practical
reasons, for survival reasons, start to abandon it."
- So when someone figures out how to weaken the US control
mechanisms enough that the public is without their television and daily
newspapers for as little as two or three weeks -- when someone manages
to create a situation of panic as occurred in the United States on the
day of 9-11 attacks -- the US tyranny, with its lawless government and
its capricious exercises of power, will likewise collapse.
- Government must be rooted in the nature of the people
it governs. Without that root, it loses legitimacy, becomes alien, and
collapses. In America, the Constitution is legitimacy, and the only question
for a government that doesn't recognize it is how long until that government
- http://english.pravda.ru/main/2001/12/13/23556.html